40′s movies marathon – part 2

Pinocchio (1940, USA) – Little boys who don’t obey their parents will be seduced by foreign girls and kidnapped by gypsies and pedophiles. The subtexts of Pinocchio are rather disturbing, and should not be explored too closely, but this is fine anime. Watched it all.

The Westerner (1940, USA) – Some phony judge hangs people for the slighest offense, which is very wrong of him, and then Gary Cooper comes along. A western comedy where the humor is so quiet you can hear the crickets chirping. Watched: 21 minutes.

The Great McGinty (1940, USA) – Hobo makes big in politics, then ends up in run-down bar in a “banana republic”, (so says the intro text). Watched: 19 minutes.

Night train to Munich (1940, UK) – Spy thriller about some stupid Czech super weapon that mustn’t fall into Nazi hands. The daughter of the weapon’s inventor is sent to a concentration camp, a tiresome little place where the guards talk sternly to you, and from which she easily escapes with the help of a fellow inmate. Or is it all .. a trick?!! Interesting use of miniatures for architectural special effects. Watched: 17 minutes.

Waterloo Bridge (1940, USA) – Love story set in the shadow of World War I, as remembered at the outbreak of World War II. I predict an unexpected reunion at the end, before the now middle-aged officer once again leaves tragically for war. Watched: 17 minutes.