40′s movies marathon – part 32

Münchhausen (1943, Germany) – Don’t let it be said that Nazi Germany couldn’t be frivolous, when Goebbels commanded them to. An immortal playboy has adventures all over Europe, some of which violate the laws of physics. Holds up well to the Hollywood swashbucklers of the time, except that it’s a bit unfocused. Ferdinand Marian, the evil Jew from Jud Süss, here plays an evil magician who loves power and wants to invade Poland. Huh. This is mostly pure fantasy, though. Watched it all.

The North Star (1943, USA) – A happy family lives in a happy Ukrainian village. It’s just like any American town, and there’s been no genocide or anything. But all is not well: the Nazis, inbetween stealing the blood of Polish children, are gathering forces near the Soviet border. Written by Lillian Hellman, a Stalin apologist, during that brief period in history when this was a big plus in Hollywood. Watched: 8 minutes.

Five Graves to Cairo (1943, USA) – The battle for Africa as a light adventure. A British soldier finds himself behind enemy lines, and pretends to be a German spy. He must discover Rommel’s secret plan for the conquest of Egypt. This is perfect. I love the opening scene: A tank is driving alone across the sand dunes, its crew lying dead against the controls. Watched it all.

One thought on “40′s movies marathon – part 32

  1. Konrad

    Apropos Jud Suss regisert av Veit Harlan: Harlan var onkel til Christiane Harlan, senere gift Kubrick. Stanley Kubrick var såvidt jeg har forstått av jødisk bakgrunn.

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