Monthly Archives: April 2011

..promptly terminated the lifeblood of the intifada

Five to ten thousand armed Iraqi Shi’ites, organized in small bands and recruited from refugees expelled by the Ba’th during the late 1970′s and 1980′s, entered the country through the marshlands around Basra on the second or third day of the uprising. They were units from the Badr Brigade, organized by the Supreme Islamic Council headed by Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim. [..] The first action of these angry young men pouring in from Iran seems to have been the storming of the Sheraton Hotel and the burning of the bars and casinos of the city of Basra. They then proclaimed the establishment of a Shi’i Islamic Republic in Basra. Surrendering or captured army personnel were executed, occasionally in “trials” presided over by clerics. These judgments were implemented on men who were in the eyes of the rebels “enemies of God”. [..]

Such violence, justified in the name of Islam, but more often than not motivated by the desire for vengeance, promptly terminated the lifeblood of the intifada: the flow of defections from the army. This explains the ability of the regime to regroup its shattered forces and strike back.  In Najaf, as we have seen, attempts were made to check the descent into anarchy by resident notables and ‘ulema‘, learned religious men, acting through the prestige of Ayatollah Khoei. But in Basra and Kerbala, whatever leadership there was came from Iraqis based in Tehran. These are also the cities where some of the worst rebel excesses occured.

- Kanan Makiya, Cruelty and Silence (1993)

1950s movies marathon – part 26

The Outcasts of Poker Flat (1952, USA)

All the people of ill repute and negotiable virtue get run out of Poker Flat, and must fend for themselves out in the wilderness, where the real bad guys roam.  Watched it all.

The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952, USA)

Of all the horrible adaptations of Robin Hood, this may well be among the worst. Just going through the motions, although with a delightfully campy Prince John looking like a cross between Conan O’Brian and Adam Savage.  Watched: 7 minutes.

Zombies of the Stratosphere (1952 serial, USA)

Wait, those funnily dressed bad guys from outer space are supposed to be zombies?  No.  Those are not zombies, not even the old boring kind.  Watched: 4 minutes.

Ivanhoe (1952, USA)

Oh Popcorn & Chain mail, though you haven’t posted anything for years, I imagine your commentary in my mind whenever I watch movies like this.  “Yay! Let’s go oppress the Saxons!!”  Watched: 9 minutes.

Lydia Bailey (1952, USA)

It has the feel of historical bullshit, but at least the opening scene with the Haiti drum messages is pretty awesome.  Watched: 7 minutes.

Gladnytt fra 1975: Endelig fred i Kambodsja

Det hendte 75 - Fred i Kambodsja etter 25 år

Kambodsja gjennomgikk 25 års fødselsveer

Det gamle kongeriket Kambodsja fikk gjennomgå 25 års fødselsveer før den egentlige oppbyggingen av landet i det hele tatt kunne påbegynnes.

1949. Kongedømmet Kambodsja ble en selvstendig stat innenfor den franske unionen.

1953. De pågående kampene mellom franskmenn og vietnamesere spredte seg inn i Kambodsja. Kambodsjansk gerilja begynte å delta i frigjøringskrigen mot franskmennene.

1954. Genève-konferansen satte stopp for krigen i Indo-Kina. Kampene avtok og franskmennene trakk seg tilbake.

1955. Kambodsja ble helt selvstendig. Kong Norodom Sihanouk frasa seg tittelen, men beholdt posten som statssjef. [..]

1969. General Lon Nol ble utnevnt til statsminister med vidtgående fullmakter.

1970. Fyrst Sihanouk ble styrtet ved et militærkupp ledet av Lon Nol. Statsministeren proklamerte republikk og utnevnte seg selv til marskalk. Sihanouk flyktet til Peking. USAs daværende president Richard Nixon tillot amerikanske og sør-vietnamesiske styrker å invadere Kambodsja i sin kamp mot FNL. I Peking dannet Sihanouk eksilregjeringen GRUNK.

1971. Den nasjonal frigjøringsfronten FUNK hadde stor fremgang og kontrollerte snart den største delen av landet.

1973. USAs mest intense bombing av Indo-Kina ble innledet mot FUNK-geriljaen. I august ble bombingen stanset av den amerikanske kongressen. I Kambodsja proklamerte Lon Nol unntakstilstand.

1974. FUNK rykket inn i den tidligere kambodsjanske hovedstaden Gudong. Byen ble imidlertid gjenerobret av regjeringsstyrkene, men da geriljaen innledet en kraftig offensiv ved årsskiftet, ble Lon Nol-regjeringen tvunget til å overgi den ene viktige stillingen etter den andre. USAs president Gerald Ford krevde ytterligere bevilgninger til Lon Nol-regimet, men fikk avslag av kongressen.  Dermed var også geriljaens seier et faktum.

- Det hendte 75

TV roundup: Skins, Camelot, The Cape, How Television Ruined Your Life

Skins (2007-)

There’s no such thing as a real, honest portrayal of teenagers on television. It’s just a setting, a trope, like “crew on a starship flying about in space”, and all that matters is whether it has soul. This does. In fact, it may be the only show that does at the moment. Score another one in the “British show so good the Americans will make a horrible copy of it” category.

Recommended: Yes

Watched: Three seasons and counting

Camelot (2011)

Oh yes we need even more of these good-looking modern-sounding assholes parading around in the ancient past, trying to make it “fresh”.

Recommended: No.

Watched: One episode.

The Cape (2011)

You had me at vigilante teams up with circus freaks and being unashamedly cheesy. You lost me with the horrible horrible horrible writing. Possible there is a connection here, but there oughtn’t to be.

Recommended: No.

Watched: 5 episodes

How Television Ruined Your Life (2011)

Charlie Brooker doesn’t just hate television, (for many good reasons), he also believes that love is futile, and takes half an episode just to explain in tedious detail how even the most promising relationships must eventually break apart. Not the finest example of what life without television does to you, this.

Recommended: Not really, but his rants are entertaining. I miss Adam Curtis, though. He would have done this right.

Watched: All of it, so far.