Written by Comrade Medvedsilnyn. I do not have a mail address, but you can reach me through my evil twin brother Bj�rn St�rk at Language color codes:
2004: 05 | 03 | 02 | 01
Oh company of al-Ba'th, you pride of lions, Oh pinnacle of pride and of inherited glory, Advance, bringing terror, to a certain victory And resurrect the time of al-Rashid in our land! We are a generation who give all and toil to the utmost. - Shafiq Abdul Jabar Al-Kamali, Iraqi poet |
Five reasons why Bush is like Hitler
Whenever anyone brings up the dark historical antecedents for the behavior of George W. Bush, such as the similarities between neo-conservatism and nazism, imperialism and zionism, the pro-American thought police strikes back with intricate shock and awe campaigns. The intent is to confuse the public and frighten critics back in line, a tactic otherwise known as FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. The more clever ones invoke something called "Godwin's law", which says that the moment you compare someone to Hitler in a debate, the debate is over. The motive is obvious, to stifle debate and criticism, and the method eerily reminiscent of Orwell's 1984. It works because what most people know about history is no more than what Hollywood taught them - and we all know who controls Hollywood.
1. Both orchestrated attacks on high-profile targets and put the blame on scary "others". Hitler burned down the Reichstag and blamed it on the Communists. Bush ordered Mossad to crash into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and blamed it on the Muslims. (Possibly he also intended to destroy the Congress building, in an eery parallell to the Reichstag fire.) The result: A terrified population rallies behind their leader, eagerly applauding any new measure he sees fit to introduce against his new "enemy". 2. Both interned their political enemies in concentration camps. Hitler's Dachau was the first of many. So, no doubt, is Bush's Camp X-Ray on Guantanamo. It's difficult to look at the images of Afghan civilians in orange uniforms walk around with bags over their heads, on what is no doubt illegally occupied Cuban soil, and not be reminded of the horrible scenes we all remember from Treblinka and Auschwitz. (It is true that these were extermination camps, not concentration camps, but how much do we really know of what goes on behind the walls in Camp X-Ray?) 3. Both launched unilateral, aggressive and supposedly "preemptive" wars against weaker countries. Ignoring the protests of all civilized European powers, Hitler and his henchman Mussolini invaded most of Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Northern Africa. Bush and his henchman Blair are similarly off to a good start with Afghanistan and Iraq, again ignoring the protests of all civilized European powers. 4. Both massacred civilians by the millions. We all know that Hitler killed several million Jews, Gypsies and other "inferior" peoples. Surely Bush hasn't gone that far yet? But as Noam Chomsky pointed out in October 2001, the Afghan war was nothing less than a silent genocide: Western civilization is anticipating the slaughter of, well do the arithmetic, 3-4 million people or something like that. .. Looks like what?s happening is some sort of silent genocide. .. Plans are being made and programs implemented on the assumption that they may lead to the death of several million people in the next couple of weeks... very casually with no comment, no particular thought about it, that?s just kind of normal, here and in a good part of Europe. It can't be said much clearer than that. I don't think the figures are in yet about the number of victims of the war in Afghanistan, but this can only be a reflection of the amount of work it is to count 3-4 million corpses. And considering that this was Bush's first war, while Hitler's genocide didn't get started for a few more years, we can be sure that the pupil will overdo the master in no time.
But to be fair there are also several ways in which Bush is not like Hitler: 1. Hitler was elected. 2. Hitler rebuilt the German economy. 3. Hitler was an artist. (Bush doesn't even write his own bad poems.) 4. Hitler was not an alcoholic. 5. Hitler was a gifted speaker.
dallas | 2004-01-22 20:35 |
this is not kewl usa | 2004-02-03 09:46 | Link bush is more of a puppet than a hitler anyhow alabama | 2004-02-06 05:36 | Link 1. "against his new "enemy"." - Clinton declared Usama a terrorist enemy, not Bush. 2. F.D.R., Socialist Democrat President, interred Asian-American and German-American citizens. How much do we know about these camps? 3. Korea? Vietnam? 4. 300,000 estimated dead found in mass graves in Iraq. I don't think the US is quite on par with the former Iraqi regime just yet. 5. Government leaders cannot be true Christians, because their decisions are based on man's best interest -- not God's desire. Bush has acknowledged that he prays for forgiveness regularly for the decisions he must make. This act is much different than claiming God backs your every decision. texas | 2004-02-16 03:32 | Link hitler didn't win popular vote, this is what Hitler's historian Alan Bullock said, "Hitler came to office in 1933 as the result, not of any irresistible revolutionary or national movement sweeping him into power, nor even of a popular victory at the polls, but as part of a shoddy political deal with the 'Old Gang' whom he had been attacking for months� Hitler did not seize power; he was jobbed into office by a backstairs intrigue. Voice of reason | 2004-02-20 20:03 | Link Please give yourself a reality check before posting garbage articles such as these. Thank you and good-night. Illinois | 2004-02-23 02:02 | Link RIGHT on brotha | 2004-02-25 03:57 | Link The twenty lies of George W. Bush Monday night�s 15-minute speech by President Bush, setting a 48-hour deadline for war against Iraq, went beyond the usual distortions, half-truths, and appeals to fear and backwardness to include a remarkable number of barefaced, easily refuted lies. The enormous scale of the lying suggests two political conclusions: the Bush administration is going to war against Iraq with utter contempt for democracy and public opinion, and its war propaganda counts heavily on the support of the American media, which not only fails to challenge the lies, but repeats and reinforces them endlessly. Without attempting to be exhaustive, it is worthwhile listing some of the most important lies and contrasting Bush�s assertions with the public record. All of the false statements listed below are directly quoted from the verbatim transcript of Bush�s remarks published on the Internet. Lie No. 1: �My fellow citizens, events in Iraq have now reached the final days of decision.� The decision for war with Iraq was made long ago, the intervening time having been spent in an attempt to create the political climate in which US troops could be deployed for an attack. According to press reports, most recently March 16 in the Baltimore Sun, at one of the first National Security Council meetings of his presidency, months before the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Bush expressed his determination to overthrow Saddam Hussein and his willingness to commit US ground troops to an attack on Iraq for that purpose. All that was required was the appropriate pretext�supplied by September 11, 2001.... Jamie Buckingham | 2004-03-21 01:24 | Link Take a look at the truly amazing "U.S. Public Warms To Idea Of Concentration Camps', dealing with official plans to put dissenting American citizens in gulag-like 'Dentention Centers'. It's at http://www.survivalistskills.com/CONCAMP.HTM. It's lengthy and invaluable reading, but if you don't have lots of time, scroll down to the bottom of that page: it gives the locations of concentration camps in America, official quotes on them. construction tenders for them - and even full-colour photographs of an existing concentration camp in a northern state just waiting to receive its American civilian detainees! There's an excellent selection of other articles from the 'New World Order Intelligence Update' (http://www.nwointelligence.com) archived at http://www.rarehistorybooks.com/NWOLINKS.HTM and also mirrored at http://www.torontochristianbooks.com/NWOGOV.HTM. historian | 2004-04-01 15:38 | Link Actually, Hitler was Jewish. Lefty McLefty | 2004-04-01 19:06 | Link ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This site is the best April F00ls joke I've ever seen. Millwaukee | 2004-04-06 18:04 | Link Now while all you people are saying Bush is like Hitler all you people know Hitlers worst so unless your in a consentration camp now or have ever been in one I suggest you shut the hell up. north east ohio | 2004-04-30 17:39 | Link i'm glad that i'm not the only one that thinks bush is like hitler :)....fuck bush Indiana | 2004-05-04 01:19 | Link Americans wake up and smell the truth. It's the bad smell of Bush. mounds view, minn | 2004-05-04 04:27 | Link bush and hitler are more complex than they are made out to be here. for the german people, hitler was a good deal until he got delusional[for a variety of reasons] but bush started out delusional, has done no good for the american people, and has in fact caused harm s that will take years to reverse. vote Kerry soon and often. Chicago, Il | 2004-05-08 21:57 | Link "bush and hitler are more complex than they are made out to be here. for the german people, hitler was a good deal until he got delusional[for a variety of reasons] but bush started out delusional, has done no good for the american people, and has in fact caused harm s that will take years to reverse. vote Kerry soon and often." The difference is- there is a theory that Hitler's condition might have been deteriorating from Parkinson's disease. An example of this is the fact that early in his career as a dictator, he talked with his hands often. In the end in pictures he was always holding his arm and there is a video showing palsy of said arm. Bush is the poster boy of what "compensating for a small penis" can really do to a penis. I bet he gets an erection riding around in those Humvee's looking at all his big rockets. Thom | 2004-05-10 00:50 | Link North East Ohio, Bush in 2004 and I guess NEO will have to eat grass for another 4. :-) Tennessee | 2004-05-12 00:00 | Link Unlike Bush,Hitler would get the Mexicans out of the U.S. What's wrong with you? | 2004-05-16 07:48 | Link This is the nuttiest blog I've seen. The Chompsky quote is obviously out of context and being manipulated to serve the authors purpose. Comparing Hitler and Bush might be a fun party game, but it's hardly reasonable. I fear Bush, and those who are behind him, but his ideology is radically different from Nazism. | 2004-05-18 03:59 | Link I'm attempenting to read Mein Kampt, it is very As for the rest of the resemblance it can be Best hope for all and pray we make New Jersey | 2004-05-19 03:04 | Link You must be the most ignorant person on the planet. It's people like you and the rest of the radical Left that are destroying this country. First of all you are obviously bitter that Bush won fairly by a system of electoral votes set up by the founders of this country. Got a problem with it? Take it up with them. Furthermore, I must congratulate you for being the only person in this world who has proof that 9/11 was Bush's plan. Who knew that the author of a third-rate website held all the answers?? Also, bringing up the issue of religion not only proves your stupidity but your obvious fear of God and knowing that a higher power rules this world and that YOU are not the center of the universe (despite what you may think). I know nothing of you as a person but I can tell that you were not personally effected by the attacks of 9/11 or the War on Terrorism. If you were, I believe your views on how "evil" President Bush is would be much different. Although not being an "evil" man myself I wish you never to suffer a loss like that. So I bid you farewell and may God (now dont let that word scare you) have mercy on your misguided soul. | 2004-05-21 00:04 | Link RE: New Jersey. hahhahaahahhaaha. i pity you. | 2004-05-22 03:29 | Link The word God does not scare me but Bush's But what really took place is Bush used Consequently Bush is trying to make America The only misguided soul you should be affraid jax,fla. | 2004-06-14 05:14 | Link
| 2004-06-15 03:09 | Link Your not hard to find either. A shinning dumb | 2004-06-15 03:09 | Link Your not hard to find either. A shinning dumb Indianapolis, IN | 2004-07-09 19:00 | Link Lucky for you brainless sheep that you live in the United States of America where you can write and "publish" such garbage, unlike the loss of such rights in Hitler's Germany and many countries of the world today. | 2004-07-18 22:18 | Link Bush tried to exterminete my family. Oh help! I'm being chased by Ashcroft and a bible caravan of uni-bombers with pro-life abortion stickers! They will sell our children to Roman catholic slave masters for the Virgin Mary cult of sexual deification before the Pontiff Master dressed in leather! Yeah Baby YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!! Get me a Stretch Armstong Je-HE-HE-HE-ZuSSSSSSSS!!!! ACK!!!! BJ Lewis | 2004-08-06 07:50 | Link I was Googling for that Chomsky quote and found your page that way. You almost snagged me, but, I remembered that I'd been here once previously. Hilarious! Good work. And it's a poor reflection on the human race that your humor appears too subtle for most. FL | 2004-08-17 07:34 | Link WAKE UP, AMERICA. BUSH IS FUCKING YOU UP THE ASS! | 2004-08-17 16:24 | Link Bush is nothing more than imperialist trash. And we're just sheep for the shearing. | 2004-08-25 18:43 | Link We need to raise our own consciousness to help raise everyone elses. Bush represents different things to different people. We co-created this guy, as strange as that might seem to some. It pains me to see Bush and his administration do so much damage to all of us, not any one country. Some are blind to this, but I believe this is why we created him. This world needs a wake up call. Read the facts on this guy's doings. He will get worse, or someone else will come along much worse. How much does it need to take to wake us all up. We are, as a whole, destroying our healthy planet and every one and thing on it. American's have been too comfortable to do anything about it. Other countries are in fear of us and justly so. We all have a voice and we need to do something about how we allow a power such as Bush and his gang to bully the world in the name of America and Freedom. Open your eyes. Republicans against Democrats..... It isn't a game of competition. Me against you. We need a win-win solution. We are all united in spirit with God. So, how about we all begin acting like it. So, conscious ones, please spread your light, we need all the help you can muster up, and we need it fast. signed, a fellow being | 2004-08-28 15:27 | Link "Hitler burned down the Reichstag and blamed it on the Communists. Bush ordered Mossad to crash into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and blamed it on the Muslims." Hey, I have my suspicions too. I have always felt this may be the case. But is there any solid proof for that such an order? I don't mean circumstantial evidence. I don't mean one too many coincidences. I mean SOLID proof: transcripts, audio... you know, that cliched "smoking gun." Otherwise the statement just gives ammunition to the enemy. Otherwise one is acting just like they do, like, for example, Bob Dornan when he claimed, in public, that Bill Clinton was doing his daughter. (When asked if he had any proof... "No, I just KNOW it's true.") I think being as mean as they are, or nastier, is probably a necessity. But if we aren't able to back up statements like that the public will dismiss both sides more than they already do. That's bad news: they have the power and taking it away is going to be enough of a bitch as it is.
GA | 2004-09-15 02:57 | Link What I just read is SO stupid, it's funny. Your five reasons SUCK ! I mean, who do you think you are believing crap like this? Do you even know what you are talking about? "Bush ordered Mossad to crash into the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and blamed it on the Muslims." Are you kidding me?????? "It works because what most people know about history is no more than what Hollywood taught them - and we all know who controls Hollywood." You think on September 11, 2001, Hollywood was behind the LIVE television every American was watching? Da Souf | 2004-09-15 18:53 | Link You Scandanavian Fuck, I think im like hitler cause I would kill all of the Scandanavian people because you guys are dumbasses. Maybe you should visit us sometime cause down here in the south we will make you squeal like a lil piggy Washington | 2004-09-15 22:18 | Link If conservatives love America, then why are they sending all of our jobs over seas? Oh yes...I remember now. The greed, the cheap labor and the profit. That's what America is about. BARF. Just remember that there's a terrorist behind every Bush. And I wish someday the murderer of 3,000 people of ours will be brought to justice. I bet that next month, in October, Bush will find Osama. Washington | 2004-09-15 22:19 | Link If conservatives love America, then why are they sending all of our jobs over seas? Oh yes...I remember now. The greed, the cheap labor and the profit. That's what America is about. BARF. Just remember that there's a terrorist behind every Bush. And I wish someday the murderer of 3,000 people of ours will be brought to justice. I bet that next month, in October, Bush will find Osama. Washington | 2004-09-18 04:48 | Link You are all a bunch of whacko, left-wing lunatic conspiracy-theorists. Go vote for Ralph Nader or LaRouche, and then go back home, sit in a corner, and rock back and forth whimpering for the next four years because GW Bush is going to be re-elected quite handily. What a bunch of saps. Get a life. IXLNXS | 2004-09-25 02:44 | Link While I hosted quite a few Bush as Hitler photos on my site I feel he doesn't have the basic charisma Hitler had, even with the huge propaganda machine at his disposal. But I would find it most Ironic if the next reich was heralded in not by Germans or Neo Nazis but instead by the Jews. Richard | 2004-10-04 03:50 | Link Hilarious, Bjorn. Absolutely wonderful. ic, chicago | 2004-10-07 10:10 | Link Comrade Medvedsilnyn, I come to your site via your evil twin brother's. Your readers are really serious. What are they going to do when Bushitler won? Those imperialistic, simple minded, loud mouth Americans surely deserve what they got. Virginia | 2004-10-10 21:16 | Link Bush is tite okay you cant do anything to make me change what i am saying!! Everyone makes mistakes no one is perfect except for GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you Bolivia | 2004-10-10 21:19 | Link Bush is better than the president here. He makes us vote if we want WATER! That crazy! He only cares about himself. Bush is good~ better than Clinton~ REgan! oshkosh,Wi | 2004-10-11 14:35 | Link Hitler like Bush, impossible. Hitler was a decorated War Hero,and earned the Iron Cross | 2004-10-20 00:01 | Link OMFG YOU IDOIT GEORGE BUSH WAS ELECTED YOU FUCKTARD WHAT DO YOU THINK HE DID TAKE THE WHITEHOUSE BY FORCE? AND IMAGINE IF AL GORE WAS THE PRESIDENT INSTEAD HE THOUGH HE INVENTED THE INTERNET! GEORGE BUSH >IS< IN FATCA GOOD PRESIDENT YOU LITTLE FUCKTARDS ARE JUST TO RETARTED TO KNOW | 2004-10-21 03:31 | Link How can someone who wasn't elected to an office, run for re-election. And if he weasled in the second time, he still wouldn't be president because he didn't win the first time. Oklahoma | 2004-10-25 14:41 | Link I don't know if Bush is just like Hitler. But I know that this nation is more divided than ever. Red and Blue, Rep. and Dem., White and Black, and so on. We are shifting away from a democractic nation that is supposed to be working together to try and resolve our problems. Presently, if your Democratic - your a crazy liberal with no morals and so forth. If your a Republican - your a rich, racist hick, that doesn't care for the indigent or working class people. People are suffering and struggling in America today and it doesn't seem like things are getting better. We need to make America stronger internally in every aspect possible from discrimation to the environment. And if you feel like these things are not getting done, then go and vote! Stop the hate and the animosity towards people who are on either side of the spectrum. Find common ground and work together....What is with people today...it's all about hate. another oklahoman | 2004-11-05 05:18 | Link I haven't seen the intire site, but after reading this, and the "Racisim behind the LOTR - The Two Towers" article; im convinced that this whole site is one big fucking joke. The author of this blog's logic is so conspicuously flawed that it just has to be some kind of "inside joke". this site's creator and his buddies must be cracking up over all your reactions. What's just sad, is that some of you dumbasses actually think that bush is the 21st century's hitler. I wonder how many of you morons actually finished high-school. The idea that Bush is a racist and planned 9/11 as an excuse to ethnically clense the middle east is just retarded. what a bunch of left-wing, crackpot, conspiracy theory spouting dip-shits. you guys compare bush to hitler just so you can further justify your views. it's extremists like you that give democrats and liberals a bad name. you make me fucking sick. locust grove oklahoma | 2004-11-09 02:34 | Link Busch may or may not be like hitler. But either way we lose with him back in office. Thank you "Busch fans" for putting a republican back in office. Here comes another 4 years of depression like times. No jobs, Low wages, etc. locust grove oklahoma | 2004-11-09 02:41 | Link Kerry was the lesser of the 2 evils.This bush topic has got me so upset, I cant even spell, oh yeah, I am a democrat , but I'm in college too, not left winged, or anything of that nature, I just like the democrats point of view. When the democrats are in office , there's not as much turmoil in the U.S another oklahoman | 2004-11-19 06:53 | Link locust grove oklahoma | 2004-11-09 02:41 | Link ::Quote:: Ever heard of a little war called.....oh what was it again?...oh yeah, VIETNAM? The conflict began to escalate into a war under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. It wasn't until Nixon came into office that the U.S. began withdrawing troops. Nixon also changed the older draft system that was embraced by the democrats, and favored the rich! The old system excluded students and people in the upper class. In order to avoid the draft, thousands upon thousands of people enrolled for classes, but there were only so many seats available. Who so you suppose got enrolled?...the rich...donation anyone? Nixon's new system made FAR fewer exclusions. you're rich? you're a student? too bad, suit up, you're going to fulfill your obligation to your country just like everyone else. Let me make a few things absolutely clear, I think that Johnson and Kennedy were great presidents. Both of them helped the civil rights movement win great victories for racial and social reform. I also think that Nixon was a scum bag; the Watergate scandal was a testament to his abuse of authority, and his foreign policies were more than questionable. ::Quote:: It's funny how Democrats think that they do a better job of running the economy. So again I'll come back to Kennedy and Johnson. The problems with inflation as well as the terrible economic problems that ravaged the 70's into the mid 80's were direct results of the Kennedy and Johnson administration's heavy spending. The U.S. domestic policies of the 60's caused stagflation (a term used by economists, look it up) in the 70's. Kennedy and Johnson spent shit loads of money on economic and social programs, and on top of that accumulated huge war debts; this fucked the economy up for years to come. So I guess I'll come back to the point of the long ramble... don't label political parties. I'd also like to say that i'm not trying to pick on locust grove specifically. it's just that I hear staments like his ALL THE TIME. his criticism was pretty mild, this post was intended for fervent liberals. somewhere in Georgia | 2004-12-02 23:34 | Link How come the people wanted to impeach clinton for cheating on hilarly but they can't impeach this guy for lying, KILLING, and betraying the american people. Canada | 2005-01-04 05:05 | Link Ok i think bush is fag, i also think hilter is a fag..i also think all u ppl saying that bush isnt a retard are retards...so maybe the guy who made this is a little misguided with what he said..but BUSH IS STILL A ASSHOLE..you stupid americans...i like your ski resorts tho lol hope for humanity, california | 2005-02-01 05:42 | Link please take notice how every single bush lover begins his or her argument by talking mad shit about liberal wackos, only a few then have enough knowledge to make some sort of educated retort; but for the most part none of them can do much but shit talk, it is the defense of the weak, and your proving just how much you guys really know with that empty whiteness following Please give a little better argument, stick up for your intelligence! good job oklahoman, but all your 'facts' are still just opinions, in fact thats the problem with today's online political discourse-- you need a large article or book to even bring in enough facts to support a point such as Nixon ended Vietnam that obviously not the whole truth, but more of an entertaining thought. thanks. hope for humanity | 2005-02-01 05:48 | Link To me it seems as the biggest distinction between the right and left, at least in young people, is the right is solely concerned with what happens to America, while the left is more concerned with the future of humanity. Unfortunately, these too ideologies contradict massivly, making either side look very dumb to the other becase it seems in each other's eyes that the other is acting without regard to their own self interests (either America's interests or humanity's). This divide and bitter hatred, and therefore stagnation of both these movements will continue until we find a way to bridge this gap, all the long while the leaders of this country (whether republican or democrat) take advantage of this factto further their own personal agendas. Please wake up America!! please! | 2005-02-11 00:50 | Link fuck all the iraqy's vcrule the nation Dr. Kevorkian | 2005-02-26 18:33 | Link Dude, really, start taking your meds again. You won't regret it. houston"by god"texas | 2005-03-11 11:36 | Link WAKE UP PEOPLE,CANT YOU SEE IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES?ITS TOO DAMN PERFECT,OVER 50% OF THE COUNTRY WAS CALLING FOR BUSHES HEAD,THEN BAMM.THE TOWERS FELL,AND THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN ALL OF THE SHEEPLE WERE WAVING THEIR FLAGS AND KISSING HIS DUMB ASS!WE WERE ATTACKED ALRIGHT AND THE CIA MADE DAMN SURE IT HAPPENED!HOW COME JUST ABOUT EVERYONE WHO HAS COME ON ART BELLS COAST TO COAST RADIO PROGRAM AND HAS TRIED TO TELL THE TRUTH HAS ENDED UP DEAD!THIS IS NO BULLSHIT, WAKE UP SHEEPLE,THE CRIMINALS HAVE HIJACKED THE WHITEHOUSE AND ARE WE JUST GOING TO STAND THERE WITH OUR FINGERS UP OUR ASSES AND LET THEM?ITS PAST TIME TO RISE UP AND BE HEARD!DEMOCRATES AGAINST REPUBLICANS BE DAMN,LETS ALL GET TOGETHER AND BE HEARD!IF WE DONT, THEN,THATS JUST WHAT THE RETARDED SHRUB IS PLANNING ON,LETS SUCKER PUNCH THE SIMPLETON AND SHOW HIM WHAT AMERICANS ARE MADE OF AND KICK DICKS ASS OUT OF WASHINGTON TOO,BECAUSE HE HAS TO BE THE BRAINS OF THE CRIMINAL ORGINAZATION!SIGNED THE LAST TEXAS DEMOCRATE | 2005-03-25 02:59 | Link Well bush is the worst president I have seen in my life. Idaho | 2005-04-08 21:44 | Link WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD TODAY? WHEN THE WORLD BEGINS TO COMPARE GEORGE W BUSH TO ADOLF HITLER, THERE IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM....I BELIEVE THAT SOME OF THESE POINTS ARE THE SAME BETWEEN THE TWO MEN BUT WERE DONE FOR DIFFERENT REASONS AND HANDLED VERY DIFFERENTLY! ADOLF HITLER WAS NOTHING MORE THEN A POWER HUNGRY DICTATING MURDERER, HE KILLED NOT THOUSANDS OF INOCENT PEOPLE BUT MILLIONS. HE CURUPTED MANY PEOPLE AND HAD FOLLOWERS BECAUSE HE SHOWED RESULTS ABOUT WHAT HE PREACHED,HE KILLED PEOPLE BECAUSE OF THEIR RELIGON AND WHAT THEY LOOKED LIKE..... BUSH ISN'T ANY BETTER THEN HITLER BECAUSE IF BUSH HAD STEPPED UP THE FIRST TIME, WHEN IRAQIES GOT PAST OUR BOARDERS,THREATEND US WITH WEPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTOION, AND BEGAN TO EFFECT OUR EVERYDAY WAY OF LIFE, WE NEVER WOULD TO GO TO WAR!!!! AT THE SAME TIME THE DISCRIMINATION STILL GOES ON TODAY! IT DIDNT CHANGE AT ALL!!!! SO SCREWM THIS WHOLE THING MELISSA PLOURDE | 2005-05-09 23:52 | Link WHAT HAS THE FUCKING WORLD DONE TO BUSH HE IS SCREWING US UP AND THE NEXT THING YOYU'LL KNOW IS WERE ALL THE FUCKING SLAVES FOR IRAN AND WE STILL DONT GET ANY OIL -URVASHI BHAGAT ADITI BHAGATS SISTER | 2005-05-10 00:01 | Link WHAT HAS THE FUCKING WORLD DONE TO BUSH HE IS SCREWING US UP AND THE NEXT THING YOU'LL KNOW IS WERE ALL THE FUCKING SLAVES FOR IRAN AND WE STILL DONT GET ANY OIL -URVASHI BHAGAT ADITI BHAGATS SISTER BORN IN CALIFORNIA AND RIGHT NOW LIVES IN MISSOURI WITH MY GRANNEY AND MY PARENTS MY SISTER LIVES IN ILLINOIS THATS TIGHT I KNOW I THINK SHE IS LOUD PS IF U ARE READING THIS PLEASE DONT HURT ME AND IF U DO ILL TELL EVERYBODY ON THIS SITE AGAIN AND AGAIN PS BUSH IS A MOTHETR FUCK ASS WHOREY SLUT AND A HORNY ONE TOO I WISH I HAD A TURTLE nat | 2005-05-16 09:45 | Link maybe we just have 2 much time on our hands but i dont think bushy is that bad...anyone who has read mein kampf should realise that...when bush publishes 'my struggle (to exterminate everyone but my fellow americans'), than i will accept ur bullshit. a possible differce is that once bush is dead no1 will give a fuk | 2005-06-04 06:19 | Link read the bible daniel chapter 8 what do you think babylon was iraq and what do you think medas is iran this country is fucked according to the bible its the head of days just prey to jesus thats all we have left. VIVA LAS VEGAS | 2005-06-11 04:47 | Link I have a question, did anyone compare Clinton to Hitler? The answer is NO, does that say anything? Also, do you really believe a former male cheerleader is going to be against gay rights? Why don't all the REPUBLICAN'Ts move to Iraq and Afghanistan, they will be happy there. It has all the laws that they want, mandatory prayer in school, if your not a member of their religon you can die, illegal abortion, women don't have rights,no music or movies that don't agree with their views (thank GOD,no more of that fat ass Michael Moore, you will say to yourselves) lots and lots of oil, Iraq only pays 5 cents a gallon(when you can get gas),and a military regime. They should also denounce Christianity and become Muslim, Jesus isn't called the PRINCE OF PEACE for nothing(JESUS is a Liberal,peace loving,Tree Hugger, *with respect* Hippie), and if you want to bring religion into politics than you should abide by your beliefs, correct? Best of all,you will live in a mountanis desert all year round, you won't have any of those pesky trees blocking your view of the oil fields, from your mud hutt, and don't worry about contaminating the water, you won't have any! =P Get out of AMERICA! Leave it for the Democrats and Independents! benttrent | 2005-09-07 01:29 | Link Hitler killed to get people out of the way of the "elite" (Billionaires?) Bush is profitting from his investments in the oil business and gas is how much a gallon now??? Bush wants to be one of the elite and doesnt care how many backs he steps on to get there. Is anybody seeing the obvious? Get on your bicycle and stop buying gas for a few days and see how fast people pay attention. To hurt Bush go after his wallet. No need for oil , NO NEED FOR WAR !!! Ringeling | 2005-09-28 19:07 | Link May Bush liberate the world! Welt | 2005-10-21 10:57 | Link I just wonder how come no Arabian names were on the passenger lists of the 4 flights, released after the 11/9 attacks? Somehow the US intelligence forces still managed to dig up an impressive list of terrorists, 6 of which later showed up fully alive and expressing slight dissatisfaction about finding their names there. L@rs | 2005-11-29 13:39 | Link I agree to most of what you said. One thing to think about is, the history of democracy in Europe. Do you know how bloddy that was? All these countries in the world that has a lack of democracy mostly has to go through the same bloddy history, unfortunately. So I guess Bush is "kind" of thinking he is giving democracy to these countries...well and he gets oil and more US control in the worlds. California | 2005-12-07 20:16 | Link Hitler had doubles.When he was assinated and replaced,Germany went into a nosedive.Bush has doubles.Heaven forbid,if anything would happen to him,the us may rise above unworthy policies. Mayo, Florida | 2005-12-12 05:47 | Link bush is so stupid he wouldnt make a good dogcatcher. why did the american people allow him to weasel his way into the whitehouse. and why the hell are we letting him remain there? everyone was on the band wagon to impeach bill clinton because he got a blowjob. the entire population of the USA (GIVE OR TAKE SEVERAL RICH OIL COMPANY OWNERS) has gotten fucked and rather roughly i might add since he slithered into office. him and his entire band of theives need to take a trip to the martha stewart reformatory. she didnt tell near the lies old george has. and i hope he ends up in a cell with bubba, The Anal Destroyer. | 2005-12-26 02:35 | Link bush iz da devil!!!!!!!!! New York | 2005-12-26 02:38 | Link people r 2 dumb 2 c dat bush was the one behind every thing. Without Bush the world wud be more better.And pleazz dont compare hitler cause bush iz wrost. New york | 2005-12-26 02:40 | Link i mean dont compare hitler 2 bush 4 bush iz wrost Chicago | 2006-01-18 03:13 | Link First off, you prima donna losers are whining away with your leftist outdate rhetoric and know about as much about politics as a French poodle knows about France. Comparing Bush to Hilter is the entertainment of base, callow, retarted minds and mocks the real atrocities that Hilter was indeed guilty of initiating. You mental midgets are too damn stupid to even perceive the shallowness of your vacant "thinking." Give it a rest already, you gerbil-brain morons; you're a waste of bandwidth. norhtpole | 2006-03-09 00:14 | Link Hello mailers. | 2006-06-06 03:10 | Link THANK YOU SOO MUCH i praise you. Someone has finaly relized that bish is a fraud. Bush is just a trigger happy redneck who cant tell his right from his left. Obviously 9/11 was an inside job and if u email me i will enlighten you. And the war on terrorism is nothing more then a roose to Pull out the big shiney weapons of the american military witch if i may say so is falling drasticaly. THERE IS NO GOD> IF THERE WAS WAR WOULDNT BE HAPPENING AND PEOPLE LIKE BUSH WOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN BORN> Trackback
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S'naed Dlrow: Take Our Country Back (Rosemary, the QOAE), April 1, 2004 07:30 AM We must defeat Chimpy McBush. He is Evil. He is just like Hitler... Tao of Dowingba: Holy fuck!, April 1, 2004 07:47 AM I've made a horrible mistake! Fuck!... Post a comment
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