Written by Comrade Medvedsilnyn. I do not have a mail address, but you can reach me through my evil twin brother Bjørn Stærk at Language color codes:
2004: 05 | 03 | 02 | 01
Oh company of al-Ba'th, you pride of lions, Oh pinnacle of pride and of inherited glory, Advance, bringing terror, to a certain victory And resurrect the time of al-Rashid in our land! We are a generation who give all and toil to the utmost. - Shafiq Abdul Jabar Al-Kamali, Iraqi poet |
Tear down the walls!
Another American puppet regime in the Middle East has decided to build a racist wall to intimidate its neighbours: Kuwait's cabinet has approved the building of a new security barrier on its 217-kilometre land border with Iraq to prevent infiltrators from entering the country al-Siyassa newspaper reported on Monday. What is it about neo-(nazi)-cons and wanting to be encircled by huge concrete walls? Is it some kind of Freudian cry for help, like the way they compensate for their (reportedly) small penises with big guns and third world invasions? Perhaps if someone had invested in a psychoanalyst for Bush and the rest of the cabal four years ago, "9/11" and the whole disastrous aftermath could have been avoided. "Now, George, we've been over this before. Your irrational fear of bearded Arabs stems back to your failure to get attention from your mother when you were three. Here, have some prozac and stop drooling over my globe." Unfortunately noone were that farsighted. As a result we now have to "protect" ourselves from illusory enemies by erecting walls between one another - cultural walls, legal walls and physical walls. How petty, how shortsighted. I still remember a dream about a world without borders, without walls, where we will no longer be ruled by paranoia and fear. A world of peace, love and mutual understanding. What Kuwait is doing goes in the other direction, towards war, hatred and mutual distrust. At a time when the world needs a little less suspicion, and a little more hugging, the Americans and their puppet regimes now actively embrace their paranoia, and elevate hatred to a cardinal virtue. The motive is obvious. In a world without fear, paranoia and hatred, people would see through the lies of Bush and Blair, and say no to their evil schemes. People across the world would go out in the streets and talk to each other, talk to people of other races and cultures, and they would see for themselves that we are different only on the outside. On the inside we're all the same. In such a world there would be no need for arms races and oil wars. And Bush and his client regimes in Israel, Kuwait and other countries can not allow that to happen. So where others aspire towards a better future, they look towards the past for inspiration, towards the darkest chapters of modern history. To separate and frighten us they build miles upon miles of concrete walls, modelled after the original wall of shame, the Berlin wall. To get our support for their imperialist wars they tell wicked lies about evil "others", who hate all good, and are bent on our destruction. And to justify it all they've revived the racist ideology of apartheid. They say there are now two classes of humans, "citizens" and "foreigners". The former have all the rights and privileges. The latter almost none at all. Sound familiar? This is It's time to flush away these old hatreds and bigotries, and send out a new message. Let it be shouted from every church, every mosque, every synagogue, newspaper and parliament: Tear down the walls! And hug a foreigner while you're at it.
Konstantin Maskirovka, Australia | 2004-01-22 02:54 |
Comrade Medvedsilnyn, as usual I find I have nothing to add to your posts but my applause. (applauds) This is the Party Line in it's purest form. (dutifully cheers party line) Comrade Medvedsilnyn | 2004-01-23 17:18 | Link Comrade Konstantin: Your enthusiastic applause has been noted. kedse | 2006-03-13 14:29 | Link http://www.wytryski-filmy.gee.polkowice.pl || http://www.mokre-szparki-brunetek.gee.polkowice.pl || http://www.private-avi.gee.polkowice.pl || http://www.ostre-pornos.h0t.pl || http://www.naga-ostre-polskie.h0t.pl || http://www.sexszenie-dupa-gals.h0t.pl || http://www.sexszenie-nagie-gif.o.ostrowiec.pl || http://www.laski-za-darmoche.o.ostrowiec.pl || http://www.ruchanie-kurwy-clips.o.ostrowiec.pl || http://www.oral-na-obozie-masturbacja.mrrau.pl || http://www.ciasna-szparka-mlodej-murzynki.mrrau.pl || http://www.ruchanie-w-toalecie-filmiki.mrrau.pl || http://www.wysane-cipy-filmiki.cyc.zachpomor.pl || http://www.bigzisze-dziurka-sprosne-galerie.cyc.zachpomor.pl || http://www.delikatne-szpary-sex-zdjecie.cyc.zachpomor.pl || http://www.sexo-en-la-banera-mamas-grandes-gratuito.quieroputa.com || http://www.erotico-en-la-banera-mamas-grandes-gratuito.quieroputa.com || http://www.jodase-en-la-banera-mamas-grandes-gratuito.quieroputa.com || ringtones free | 2006-06-05 06:41 | Link Thanks!!! http://www.ringtones-dir.com/get/ ringtones site. [URL=http://www.ringtones-dir.com]ringtones download[/URL]: Free nokia ringtones here, Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones. Also [url=http://www.ringtones-dir.com]samsung ringtones[/url] From website . ringtones free | 2006-06-05 06:41 | Link Hi! http://www.ringtones-dir.com/get/ ringtones site. Free nokia ringtones here, Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones. From website . nerazzurri | 2006-06-05 10:49 | Link http://www.young-squirters-clips.squirting-chicks.net @x@ http://www.teen-squirting-pussy-mpeg.squirting-chicks.net @x@ http://www.foto-ejaculation-female-groups-msn-com-site.squirting-chicks.net @x@ http://www.anonse-dziwek.zg.suwalki.pl @x@ http://www.analtv-ruchanie.zg.suwalki.pl @x@ http://www.dupa-trans.zg.suwalki.pl @x@ http://www.kurwy-pizdeczka.un.wodzislaw.pl @x@ http://www.porno-opowiadania.un.wodzislaw.pl @x@ http://www.cyce-dvd.un.wodzislaw.pl @x@ http://www.doda-zdiacia.sd.lubin.pl @x@ http://www.owlosione-cipki.sd.lubin.pl @x@ http://www.byao-nie-minaao.sd.lubin.pl @x@ http://www.randki-z-puszystymi.we.jelenia-gora.pl @x@ http://www.erotyka-rozdziewiczana-nastka.we.jelenia-gora.pl @x@ http://www.nastolatki-i-amatorki-co-robio-sex.we.jelenia-gora.pl @x@ http://www.thumbnail-busty-blonde.xxl-boobies.com @x@ http://www.thumbnails-busty-blonde.xxl-boobies.com @x@ http://www.thumbs-busty-blonde.xxl-boobies.com @x@ http://www.pornole-cycuszki-kurwy.ty.zgorzelec.pl @x@ http://www.pornosy-pornochat-sexkamerki.ty.zgorzelec.pl @x@ http://www.robienie-paly.ty.zgorzelec.pl @x@ Trackback
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