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Threepwood '01 is maintained by Beorn aka Bjørn Stærk,
a norwegian nerd with nothing better to do.
Friendly mail is welcome at Need To Know
Friday, March 09, 2001
The proposed new version of � 135 a, from a report commisioned by the norwegian Department of Justice. The report compares our legislation against racism and nazism to that in Sweden and Germany, and suggests copying some of their anti-nazi measures. In effect, nazi symbols and ideas - as defined by the court, not the law - will be illegal, (more than today, even), and demonstrations suspected of breaking this law may be denied in advance. If this law is passed, (and there are clear indications that it may), it will be a sad day for freedom of speech in Norway. The internet continues to prove every day that political censorship is counter-productive and immoral. I've discussed politics, freedom of speech and the Holocaust with neo-nazis - I know what they believe and why they are wrong. Do you? Posted 13:41 by Beorn
Posted 10:47 by Beorn
What does this mean for You, the Common Loser? Who cares! Posted 09:25 by Beorn
Webmaster Børre Ludvigsen, who has taken most of the photographs, also has a travel log from the April War of 1996, ending with the massacre at Qana. Not beautiful, not funny, only real. Thursday, March 08, 2001
Posted 12:21 by Beorn
Posted 11:21 by Beorn
As for the banners some people will be carrying around:
Skallman on drugs? It's not as serious as it sounds, it's actually quite the opposite. Skallman represents enlightenment and reason in Bamse, (a popular swedish childrens comic I grew up with). Apparently he tries a few psychedelic drugs in the latest issue, decides drugs are evil, and chases away the drug dealer, (all hidden behind a thin layer of euphemisms.) Very sensible and in character, typical of a social democratic comic that never avoided an opportunity to educate (and often moralize). Unfortunately it mentions drugs, which seems to be enough for stores to have started hiding this months issue away, (up in the porn section, I would assume.) Once again I'm confused by the inability of censors and moral guardians to pick their enemies. Just once I would like a group of concerned parents to attack something that actually threatens the wellbeing of their children - these things exists, you know, usually in real life, and right under the noses of parents and teachers. Oh, and could somebody please inform the christians that the energetic rhythms and guitar riffs of rock'n roll has done more harm to their religion than the lyrics of that boring poseur Marilyn Manson? (On second thought, don't.) Wednesday, March 07, 2001
Posted 10:09 by Beorn
Oh, btw: Imagine you have five minutes left before your favourite music download service closes down, what song do you download? Wobbler, by Fluke. If a barricade around this hypothetical company's Silicon Valley office delays the shutdown by 30 minutes, try get OK, Setback, and the rest of Oto as well. Tuesday, March 06, 2001
Posted 22:26 by Beorn
Great scene: Karenina and Vronskij entering
the opera.
Posted 16:18 by Beorn
Posted 12:34 by Beorn
War is brewing. Many seem to think that Napster started a war against the music industry, but I disagree. There were no injuries, - there is no clear proof that people have stopped buying CD's after Napster arrived. In the long run, this might have happened, but so far the only injuries in this war are Napster Inc and millions of music lovers who will gradually find it more and more difficult to explore music this spring. Even if you think all piracy is wrong, Napster has still served a purpose. In my opinion, both artists and music lovers are better off with a more efficient distribution model for music. And without Napster, the music industry wouldn't even be considering alternatives to todays inefficient, over-expensive audio CD's. The real war starts when these legitimate music download sites must compete against services that can't be destroyed with a simple lawsuit. The nature of some of them, (like FreeNet and the data haven Napster mentioned above), is such that the only way to really combat them would be to intrude on everyones privacy, prosecute and severely punish individual kid-next-door pirates, and censor net traffic to piracy-friendly countries. How far are we willing to go? How far do we have to go? In the end, as always, it comes down to human nature. I believe in it, sort of. I believe that if there are two equally good music download sites available, one legal, and one illegal, then enough people will choose the legal alternative to pay the bills of the brilliant people who actually create music. I know I will, if only a legal Napster could pop up or otherwise excellent EMusic would start compressing at more than 128kbps. Some piracy will always exist, this must be accepted, and until I see clear, undeniable proof that music piracy kills the livelihood of artists, (and not just a few corporate dinosaurs), I cannot support a full-out War On Piracy. Monday, March 05, 2001
Posted 18:58 by Beorn
A much more interesting k5 story on journalism is this one on identifying media bias. Posted 15:47 by Beorn
I'm of the opinion that if you can, you should always write english on the web. (Ok, I realize I broke that rule last week, but I forgot myself). This isn't just a practical issue - writing in english increases your potential number of readers by houndreds of millions, and gurantees that your words can be read several centuries from now - it also helps to protect and spread norwegian culture. Culture is not language. Norwegian culture may be hard to define, but whatever it is, there's some of it in everyone who lives here, and when you write in english you are actually doing your part spreading norwegian culture to the rest of the english reading world. And if you happen to believe norwegian culture is dangerous, and should be put to death, (some people do), the best thing you can do is never to write anything but norwegian, (preferably an obscure dialect!) The laws of cultural imperialism will take care of the rest. But please, don't tell the french. Posted 12:13 by Beorn
I was reminded of this when, for once, some news from the north actually managed to sneak by Akersgata editors: Prime minister Jens Stoltenberg was met by angry protestors when he visisted Vads� recently. Apparently Finnmark is having serious problems: people are moving south, the industry is falling apart, and they feel ignored by the government. A commentator in Dagsavisen (of all places!) replied by telling them to stop whining, using Groruddalen in Oslo (where I live myself) as an example of how lucky people in Finnmark are. For once I might be tempted to agree with Dagsavisen, the people of Finnmark have plenty of social and economical benefits, and are disproportionally represented (2:1!) in the parliament. But the feeling of being ignored is propably accurate, and typical of areas far away from centralized power. They should stop whining, but perhaps they also deserve more power over their own affairs. Then they can't blame Oslo when things go wrong. Sunday, March 04, 2001
Posted 17:30 by Beorn
Posted 15:45 by Beorn
Posted 15:43 by Beorn