1950s movies marathon – part 38

The Conquest of Everest (1953, UK, Lowe)

A new queen for Britain, and the top of Mount Everest, all in one day.  Top of the world, ma!  Top of the world.  This documentary presents Edmund Hillary’s conquest of Everest as the supreme human achievement of his age, a small-scale moonlanding.  The climbers are gentlemen heroes, whose conquest of nature depends equal parts on science and stiff upper lips.   Watched it all.

From Here to Eternity (1953, USA)

America’s pre-war soldiers lounge about at Pearl Harbor and OMG they’ll all be bombed in the end!  Watched it all before, but mostly out of respect for its Oscars, and I don’t see the point this time either.  Might be better if it had a Moroder soundtrack.

Fort Ti (1953, USA)

50s 3D sometimes offers the viewer something vaguely 3D’ish, (if you focus .. just .. right), but more often just a blur and a nagging sense that you’re supposed to be seeing something here.  And you get just as nauseus whether it works or not.  Watched: 7 minutes.

Sins of Jezebel (1953, USA)

Introduced by a brimstone preacher whose background history of the world starts with Genesis and ends with Israel’s descent into idolatry at the hands of that .. that .. that woman Jezebel, I propose this as a candidate for the worst Bible epic of all time.  Watched: 10 minutes.

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  1. Pingback: 1950s movies marathon – Best of 1953 « Bjørn Stærk's Max 256 Blog

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