MAIL1.TXT - Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists, Part I

Path: piraya!kullmar!seunet!sunic!mcsun!uunet!usc!!!sugar!taronga!arielle
From: (Stephanie da Silva)
Newsgroups: news.lists,news.announce.newusers,news.answers
Subject: Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists, Part I
Summary: 364 mailing lists in three postings
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1992 17:50:34 GMT
Expires: 18 September 1992 17:45:00 GMT
Followup-To: poster
Organization: Taronga Park BBS
Lines: 1192

Archive-name: mailing-lists/part1
Original-author: chuq@apple.COM (Chuq Von Ruspach)
Last-change: 18 July 92 by (Stephanie da Silva)

[This is the first of three articles on mailing lists.]

Quick Summary of Changes
  Added since last list:
    Amazons International   AR-News                 AR-Talk                 
    Aviator                 bugs-386bsd             Counterev-L             
    Decision Power          dire-straits            Epoch Users Forum       
    info-honda              isdn                    navnews                 
    SDAnet                  SFRaves                 Star Fleet Battles      
    toad                    toyota                  uk-hockey               

  Deleted since last list:
    ecuador                 honda

  Changed since last list:
    flamingo                framers                 Progress
    Talon-Eclipse-Laser     vampire                 Z-cars

This is a list of mailing lists available primarily through the
Internet and the UUCP network. A mailing list is different from a
newsgroup because you do not receive anything unless you specifically
request it. To be added to a mailing list, please mail a note to the
contact for that list, listed below.

The list does not include any of the many hundreds of lists that are
available through various Bitnet ListServ sites.  

Some of the lists mentioned may be available as limited-distribution
newsgroups.  Contact the administrator for exact details.

Please note the following caveats: publication of a list here does not
guarantee that you will be allowed to join as a member.  That is up to
the moderator and readers, and they have the right to restrict access
to their list as they see fit. Mailing lists use MUCH less system
overhead on a world-wide basis but do tend to increase loading on the
moderators' machines so the number of people that can be added to a list
may be limited by machine resources as well.

In your request to join a list, please include a signature or some
other copy of your mailing address. DO NOT RELY on your "From:" mail
header arriving unmangled or even vaguely representing what you think
your prefered address is.

Steven Bjork at the Network Information Systems Center maintains a
list of mailing lists that exist primarily on the Internet.  That list
overlaps this one in a few places, but the lists are largely distinct.
A copy of that list may be obtained by anonymous ftp from the site ( in the file "netinfo/interest-groups".
To add or delete an entry to that list, mail to

If you have a list that you want added to this posting or are interested in
starting a list but don't know how, drop me a note at

		    Groups listed in this posting

    12step                  30something             386users
    3d                      ABC                     act-up
    adoption                aeronautics             agenda-users
    aids                    AIDS-stat               algeria-net
    alife                   Alspa                   alternates
    Amazons International   anneal                  apc-open                
    argentina               artist-users            AR-News                 
    AR-Talk                 att-pc+                 autox                   
    Aviator                 backstreets             bagpipe                 
    bahai-faith             balloon                 ballroom                
    bbones                  bears                   BETA                    
    Between-the-lines       big-DB                  biosym                  
    blackbird               BMW                     brasil                  
    brass                   bread                   british-cars            
    bugs-386bsd             bx-talk                 C-IBM-370               
    ca-firearms             cabot                   camelot                 
    Cards                   Catholic                Catholic-action         
    cavers                  cdforum                 chalkhills              
    chem-eng                chem-talk               chessnews               
    christian               cisco                   clu                     
    CoCo                    comix                   commune                 
    compress                Counterev-L             Croatian-News
    Cro-News/SCYU-Digest    cryonics                Cthulu                  
    ctree                   CUSSNET                 cyberpunkRPG            
    CZ                      dark-shadows            datsun-roadsters        
    dead-runners            Decision Power          decstation-managers     
    derby                   DGRD                    dire-straits            
    dirt-users              disney-afternoon        Donosy                  
    DragonQuest             drwho-spoilers          DSA-LGB                 
    Dual-personalities      DVI-List                eastender               
    echoes                  ECTL                    edge                    
    elements                empire-list             emtex-user              
    Episcopal               Epoch Users Forum       esperanto               
    ethology                euro-moto               exotic-cars             
    Extropians              f-body                  f-mac                   
    femail                  feminism-digest         ferrets                 
    Fiction-Writers         filmmakers              firearms                
    flamingo                flashlife               Flat-Fields             
    folk-dancing            FoxPro                  framers                 
    fsuucp                  funky-music             glove-list              
    godlygraphics           gnu-manual              GRASS                   
    gug-sysadmins           Gunk'l'dunk             GURPS                   
    handicap                hang-gliding            Harleys                 
    health-ed               hey-joe                 homebrew                
    home-ed                 horse                   hotrod                  
    huskers                 hypeami                 hyperbole               
    IBDlist                 iclinfo                 IDOL                    
    il-info                 immune                  impulse                 
    info-aids               info-altos              info-ccc                
    info-encore             info-fortune            info-futures            
    info-gnu                info-high-audio         info-honda              
    info-ingres             info-prime              info-solbourne          
    info-stratus            info-tahoe              info-vm                 
    info-vw                 informix-list           interest-groups         
    Int'l Trade & Commerce  InterText               ipsc-managers           
    irchat                  isdn                    italian-cars            
    iti151                  jewish                  jump-in-the-river       
    khoros                  killifish               kites                   
    Kuharske Bukve          lang-lucid              lasnet                  
    lds                     liberal-judaism         libernet                
    LickVista               Linda                   Linux-Activists         
    Llajta                  Logo                    lojban                  
    lute                    MachTen                 macgyver                
    mac-security            magic                   manchester              
    martial-arts            Masonic Digest          MasPar                  
    Matlab                  mazda-list              MC68HC11                
    medphys                 Melissa Etheridge       men                     
    miata                   military                miniatures              
    mr2-interest            MST3K                   mtxinu-users            
    MUD                     Music-Research          musicals                
    mustangs                mystery                 NA-Net                  
    NativeNet               navnews                 Ncube                   
    netblazer-users         Network-audio-bits      neuron                  
    newlists                NewsCom                 nordic-skiing           
    nqthm-users             ntp                     nucmed                  
    numeric-interest        nwu-sports              objc                    
    objectivism             objectivism-philosophy  ODA                     
    offroad                 Oglasna Deska           oh-motss                
    on-this-day             on-u                    operlist                
    oracle                  orienteering            origami                 
    pagan                   Papa                    pc532                   
    pcgeos-list             pdp8-lovers             People of the South Wind
    Peru                    pharm                   physics                 
    picasso-users           pipes                   Pisma Bralcev           
    POP                     porschephiles           posix-ada               
    posix-testing           prion                   PRL                     
    Prog-Pubs               Progress                pubnet                  
    qn                      Quanta                  quattro                 
    Queen                   race                    recipes                 
    recovery                REM                     RokPress                
    RoleMaster              rune-quest              rush                    
    S-news                  sappho                  sca                     
    scoann                  scogen                  scoodt                  
    scribe                  SDAnet                  Secular Humanist Group  
    security                SFER-l                  SFRaves                 
    SkillsBank              smail3-users            smail3-wizards          
    smiths-fans             sonify                  sports-cards            
    SQL-sybase              stagecraft              stardent-users          
    Star Fleet Battles      stormbringer            stormcock               
    sun-386i                sun-managers            sun-nets                
    supercomputers          svr4-admin              sysops                  
    t3                      tadream                 Talon-Eclipse-Laser     
    tandy4k                 tartan-c                tcad                    
    tcp-group               tekumel                 Testing-Archive         
    Testing-Research        theatre                 thicva                  
    think-c                 thunderbird             tinymush-programmers    
    toad                    toaster-list            TolkLang                
    torg                    towers                  toyota                  
    transputer              traveller               tx-firearms             
    uk-hockey               uk-motss                ultralite-list          
    Unisys                  UPS-alumni              uruguay                 
    usml                    UUG-dist                vampire                 
    vanguard                venezuela               vettes                  
    VMEbus                  volvo                   Vreme News Digest       
    wais-discussion         wais-talk               walkers-in-darkness     
    wargames                warhammer               weights                 
    whitewater              wildnet                 windsurfing             
    Word-Mac                wxsat                   x-ada                   
    XGKS                    xopen-testing           XVT                     
    yello                   Yes/ABWH                Yiddish                 
    YSN                     Z-cars                  zeppelin                

		    Specific Information on Groups

    Contact:  (Maurice Suhre)

    Purpose: To discuss/share experiences about 12 step programs
    such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Alanon,
    ACA, etc.  Questions will also be answered.  Please include a
    phone number in case of trouble establishing an e-mail path.

    Contact: (Marc Rouleau)

    Purpose:  Discussion of the TV show by the same name, including
    actors, episodes, plots, characters, etc.

    Contact: (William Davidsen, Jr.)

    Purpose:  Topics are 80386 based computers, and all hardware and
    software which is either 386-specific or which has special interest
    on the 386.

    Contact: (Tom Neff)

    Purpose: Discussion of 3-D (stereo) photography. General info,
    hints, experiences, equipment, techniques, and stereo
    "happenings."  Anyone interested is welcome to join.

    Contact: (Steven Pemberton)

    Purpose: Discussion of the ABC Programming Language and its
    implementations. Information on ABC is available in "The ABC
    Programmer's Handbook", Leo Geurts, Prentice Hall 1990; "An
    Alternative Simple Language and Environment for PCs", Steven
    Pemberton, IEEE Software, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 56-64.;
    by ftp from, file
    programming/languages/abc/abc.intro; and by mail-server from send two-line message: "request
    programming/languages/abc" "topic abc.intro".

    Contact: (Lenard Diggins)

    Purpose: act-up was set up for the discussion of the work being
    done by the various act-up chapters worldwide, to announce events,
    to exchange ideas related to aids activism, and, more broadly, to
    discuss the politics of AIDS and health care.


    Purpose: The list's charter to is to discuss anything and
    everything connected with adoption


    Purpose: The "aeronautics" mailing list will be a moderated
    version of the sci.aeronautics newsgroup, and as such will deal
    with various technical aspects of aviation, such as human factors,
    airliner operations, avionics, and aerodynamics.  It will be a
    one-way feed (sci.aeronautics -> mailing list), unless sufficient
    demand requires that it go in the opposite direction.


    Purpose: A new mailing list for users of the Microwriter Agenda
    handheld computer.

    Contact: (Daniel R. Greening)

    Purpose: A distribution list for people who can't read  Covers predominately medical issues of AIDS.  Some
    discussion of political and social issues.  Postings to AIDSNEWS
    and Health InfoCom News mailing lists are also carried.

    Unlike info-aids, postings to are
    NON-confidential.  The average number of postings to aids is about
    2 per day.  The average size of articles is very large
    (statistics, news summaries, etc.) and are moderated. (see also "info-aids" mailing

    Contact: (David Dodell)

    Purpose: AIDS-STAT is a moderated mailing list whose sole purpose
    is for the distribution of AIDS statistics from various agencies.
    The prime information being distributed will be the Center for
    Disease Control's monthly AIDS Surveillance Report.

    Contact:  (Nasr Belkheir)

    Purpose:  a forum for discussion about political, cultural aspects
    of Algerian society.

    Purpose: The alife mailing list is for communications regarding
    artificial life, a formative interdisciplinary field involving
    computer science, the natural sciences, mathematics, medicine and
    others.  The recent book _Artificial Life_, Christopher Langton, ed.,
    Addison Wesley, 1989 introduces the scope of artificial life as a field
    of study.  Alife was chartered in February 1990 at the Second Artificial
    Life Workshop, held in Santa Fe & organized by the Center for Nonlinear
    Studies at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Santa Fe
    Institute.  The list is intended primarily for low-volume, high-content
    scientific correspondence and as a publically accessible forum for the
    interested members of the public.  Membership as of July 1990 includes
    over 1,200 addresses on four continents.  There is an FTP-accessible
    archives/repository of past traffic, software and papers.  The list
    is maintained by the Artificial Life Research Group, Computer Science
    Department, Lindley Hall 101, Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405.
    There are conditions on redistribution of the list in order to minimize
    any misunderstanding or exaggeration concerning this new area of study.

    Contact:  (Brad Allen)

    Purpose:  Discussion by owners/users of the CP/M machines
    made by (now defunct) Alspa Computer, Inc.


    Purpose: Mail.alternates is a mail list for people who advocate,
    and/or practice an open sexual lifestyle. Its members are
    primarily bisexual men and women, and their SO's. Mail.alternates
    is intended as a forum, and support group for adult men and women
    who espouse their freedom of choice and imagination in human
    sexual relations, no matter what their orientaion. Those who are
    offended by frank, and uninhibited discussions relating to sexual
    issues should not subscribe.


Amazons International
    Contact: (Thomas Gramstad)

    Purpose: Amazons International is an electronic digest newsletter
    for and about Amazons (physically and psychologically strong 
    assertive women who are not afraid to break free from traditional
    ideas about gender roles, femininity and the female physique) and
    their friends and lovers.  Amazons International is dedicated to
    the image of the female hero in fiction and in fact, as it is
    expressed in art and literature, in the physiques and feats of
    female athletes, in sexual values and practices, and provides
    information, discussion and a supportive environment for these
    values and issues.  Gender role traditionalists and others who are
    opposed to Amazon ideals should not subscribe.

    Contact: (Daniel R. Greening)

    Purpose: Discussion of simulated annealing techniques and
    analysis, as well as other related issues (stochastic
    optimization, Boltzmann machines, metricity of NP-complete move
    spaces, etc).
    Membership is restricted to those doing active research in
    simulated annealing or related areas.  Current membership is
    international, and about half of the members are published
    authors.  The list itself is unmoderated.

    Contact: (Fred Rump) -or-

    Purpose: to interchange information relevant to SCO Advanced
    Product Centers. Membership restricted to APC OPEN members or
    those specifically invited.

    Contact: (Carlos G. Mendioroz)

    Purpose:  Mailing list for general discussion and information.
    By joining you can learn about how to make those patties (empanadas)
    that you miss so much, you can discuss on how to 'cebar un buen mate',
    and of course, on how to solve Argentina's most outstanding problems.
    We don't have a regular news service yet, but some members send every
    now and then a briefing. To join send name, e-mail, phone number,
    address, and topics of interest.  List contents are primarily in

    Contact: (Jeff Putsch)

    Purpose: Discussion group for users and potential users of the Analog
    Artist software from Cadence Design Systems. This can be used to:
	* Discuss current problems & their solutions/workarounds.
	* Discuss usage of the product.
	* Discuss enhancements/product improvements.
	* Anything else regarding this product as an analog circuit
	  design environment.
    All users or potential users of Analog Artist are encouraged to join.

    Contact: AR-News-Request@Think.Com (David Taylor)
                                       (Chip Roberson)

    Purpose: A public news wire for items relating to Animal Rights
    and Welfare.

    Appropriate postings to AR-News include: posting a news item,
    requesting information on some event, or responding to a request
    for information.  Discussions on AR-News will NOT be allowed and
    we ask that any commentary either be taken to AR-Talk or to
    private E-mail.

    Currently, no resources are available for archiving this list.

    Contact: AR-Talk-Request@Think.COM (David Taylor)
                                       (Chip Roberson)

    Purpose: An unmoderated list for the discussion of Animal Rights.
    Peter Singer's book "Animal Liberation" proposes a "New Ethics for
    our Treatment of Animals" and many activist groups, such as PETA
    (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), regard this as the 
    "Bible of the Animal Rights movement."  Consumers and researchers
    alike are facing new questions concerning the human animals'
    treatment of the rest of the animal kingdom.  The purpose of this
    list is to provide students, researchers, and activists a forum for
    discussing issues like: Animal Rights, Animal Liberation, Consumer
    Product Testing, Cruelty-free products, Vivasection/Dissection,
    Medical Testing, Animals in Laboratories, Research using Animals,
    Hunting/Trapping/Fishing, Animals in Entertainment, Factory Farming,
    Fur, Ecology, Evnironmental Protection, Vegetarianism, Vegan
    lifestyles, Christian Perspectives, Other Perspectives.

    Currently, no resources are available for archiving this list. 

    Contact:  --or--
	      ...!{att,,sun!daver}!ssbn!bill  (Bill Kennedy)

    Purpose: For people interested in the AT&T PC 63xx series of
    systems.  Sub-lists are maintained for MS-DOS-only and Simul-Task
    mailings as well as the full list for items of general interest.
    Membership must be requested and mail path verification is
    required before membership is granted.


    Purpose: Discussion of autocrossing, SCCA Solo events.  Also
    available as a digest.
    Many of the list's members are SCCA(Sports Car Club of America).

    Contact: aviator-request@ICDwest.Teradyne.COM (Jim Hickstein)

    Purpose: A mailing list of, by, and for user of Aviator (tm),
    the flight simulation program from Artificial Horizons, Inc.
    Aviator runs on Sun workstations with the GX graphics accelerator 
    option.  The list is unmoderated at present, and is unaffiliated 
    with AHI.

    Its charter is simply to facilitate communication among users of
    Aviator.  Note that it is *not* intended to communicate with the
    *providers* of Aviator.  All mail received at the submission address 
    will be reflected to all the subscribers of the list.

    Contact:	(Marc Rouleau)

    Purpose: Our purpose is to discuss any and all issues likely to be
    of interest to people who enjoy Bruce Springsteen's music.


    Purpose: Any topic related to bagpipes, most generally defined as
    any instrument where air is forced manually from a bellows or bag
    through drones and/or over reeds.  All manner of Scottish, Irish,
    English, and other instruments are discussed.  Anyone with an
    interest is welcome. 

    Contact: (Charles W. Cooper II)

    Purpose: a non-threatening forum for discussing and sharing 
    information about the tenets, history, and texts of the Baha'i
    Faith.  This mailing list is gatewayed into the Usenet newsgroup

    Contact: (Phil Herbert)

    Purpose: This is a list for balloonists of any sort, be they hot
    air or gas, commercial or sport. Currently the number of
    subscribers is low. Discussion topics include just about anything
    related to ballooning.

    Contact:  (Shahrukh Merchant
                                               c/o MIT Ballroom Dance Club)

    Purpose: Discussion of any aspect of Ballroom dancing.  For
    instance: Places to dance, announcement of special events (e.g.,
    inter- university competitions), exchange of information about
    clubs, ballroom dance music, discussion of dances, steps, etc.

    Anyone may join; please send ALL of the following information: (1)
    Full name (2) Internet-compatible e-mail address (3) Affiliation,
    if any, with any ballroom dance organization or group (4) ZIP or
    postal code, and country if other than U.S.  (5) Whether you have
    access to Netnews (Yes/No/Don't know/Yes but don't use).


    Purpose: A list discussing the construction of mail backbones for
    organizations and campuses.  Created as a followup to a discussion 
    to the 1992 spring Inetrop hosted by Einger Stefferud.

    Contact: bears-request@spdcc.COM (Steve Dyer & Brian Gollum)

    Purpose: Mail.bears is a mailing list in digest format for gay
    and bisexual men who are bears themselves and for those who enjoy
    the company of bears.  The exact definition of a "bear" seems to
    be a personal one, but it encompasses men who are variously cuddly,
    furry, perhaps stocky, or bearded.  Mail.bears is designed to be a
    forum to bring together folks with similar interests for conversation,
    friendship and sharing of experiences.  The tone of mail.bears
    will be determined by its members, but people uncomfortable with
    discussing sexually explicit topics via electronic mail should
    not subscribe.

    Contact: (Elmer Soerensen Sandvad)

    Purpose: A discussion forum for BETA users.  BETA is a modern
    object-oriented programming language with: Powerful abstraction
    mechanisms including class, subclass, virtual class, class
    variable, procedure, subprocedure, virtual procedure, procedure
    variable, coroutine, subcoroutine, virtual coroutine, coroutine
    variable, and many more, all unified to the ultimate abstraction
    mechanism: the pattern.  Other features include general block
    structure, coroutines, concurrency, strong typing, part objects,
    separate objects, and class-less objects.

    Contact: (Matthew Jung)   
         or (Myra Wong)

    Purpose: Debbie Gibson fans & discussion.

    Contact: big-DB@midway.uchicago.EDU		(Fareed Asad-Harooni)

    Purpose: Discussions pertaining to large data bases (generally
    greater than 1 million records) and large data base management
    systems such as IMS, DB2, and CCA's Model/204. Anyone having
    interests in large data base issues is welcome.

    Contact: (Peter Shenkin)

    Purpose: For users of Biosym Technologies software.  This includes
    the products InsightII, Discover, Dmol, Homology, Delphi, and
    Polymer.  The list is not run by Biosym.


    Purpose: Discuss Lockheed special project planes, particular the
    Blackbird (A-12, YF-12 and SR-71) and U-2 programs.

    Contact:  (Richard Welty)

    Purpose:  discussion of cars made by BMW.

    Contact: (B. R. Araujo Neto)

    Purpose: Mailing list for general discussion and information.
    To join send name, e-mail, phone number, address, and topics of
    interest.  Portuguese is the main language of discussion.

    Contact:  (Ted Zateslo)

    Purpose: A discussion group for people interested in brass musical
    performance and related topics, especially small musical ensembles
    of all kinds.

    Contact:  (Jeff Beadles)

    Purpose:  Discussion, recipes, and talk about home bread-making

    Contact:   (Mark Bradakis)

    Purpose: Discussion of owning, repairing, racing, cursing and
    loving British cars, predominantly sports cars, some Land Rover
    and sedan stuff.  Also available as a digest. 


    Purpose: For 386bsd bugs, patches and ports.  Requirements to 
    join: interest in actively working on 386bsd to improve the 
    operating system for use by yourself and others.

    Contact: (Darci L. Chapman)

    Purpose: bx-talk has been created for users of Builder Xcessory
    (BX) to discuss problems (and solutions!) and ideas for using BX.

    BX is a graphical user interface builder for Motif applicatons,
    sold by ICS.  Please note that this list is not associated
    with ICS (the authors of BX) in any way.  This list is unmoderated.

    Contact: {spsd,zardoz,felix,elroy}!dhw68k!C-IBM-370-request  (David Wolfskill)

    Purpose: The C on IBM mainframes mailing list is a place to discuss
    aspects of using the C programming language on s/370-architecture
    computers -- especially under IBM's operating systems for that


    Contact: (

    Purpose: Announcement and discussion of California firearms
    legislation and laws.  The list is not moderated and membership is
    open to anyone.

    Contact: (Richard Welty)

    Purpose:  official mailing list of the New York State Institute
    for Sebastian Cabot Studies.

    Contact: (Chris Thornborrow)

    Purpose: A new mailing list on the subject of Arthurian legend and
    Grail Lore. The 'Matter of Britain', as it is known, in all its
    guises and all related subjects will be discussed in an
    unmoderated mailing list.

    Camelot is a forum for discussion of all Arthurian fields of

    Contact: (Keane Arase)

    Purpose: For people interested in collection, speculation and
    investing in baseball, football, basketball, hockey and other
    trading cards and/or memoribilia.  Discussion and want/sell lists
    are welcome.  Open to anyone.

    Contact: (Cindy Smith)
    Purpose: The CATHOLIC mailing list is a forum for Catholics who
    wish to discuss their discipleship to Jesus Christ in terms of
    the Catholic approach to Christianity.  "Catholic" is loosely
    defined as anyone embracing the Catholic approach to Christianity
    whether Roman Catholic, Anglo-Catholic, or Orthodox.  Protestants
    or non-Christians are invited to listen in on discussions, but 
    full-blown debates between Catholics adn Protestants are best carried 
    out in Internet's soc.religion.christian or talk.religion.misc
    newsgrops.  Discussions on ecumenism are encouraged.

    To join the list, send a 1 line mail message consisting of the
    word SUBSCRIBE on the first line of the message.

    Contact: (Richard Freeman)

    Purpose: Catholic-action is a moderated list concerned with
    Catholic evangelism, church revitalization, and preservation of
    Catholic teachings, traditions and values, and the vital effort to
    decapitate modernist heresy.

    Contact:   -or- 
		harvard!m2c!cavers-request (John D. Sutter)

    Purpose: Information resource and forum for all interested in
    exploring caves. To join, send a note to the above address
    including your geographical location as well as e-mail address;
    details of caving experience and locations where you've caved; NSS
    number if you have one; and any other information that might be

    Contact: uunet!samsung!wizvax!cdforum-request  (Stephanie P. Gilgut)

    Purpose: To provide support/discuss/share experiences about gender
    related issues; Crossdressing, Transvestism, Transsexualism, etc.
    This list is in Digest Format.

    Contact: (John M. Relph)

    Purpose: Chalkhills is a mailing list for the discussion of the
    music and records of XTC (the band).  Chalkhills is moderated and
    is distributed in a digest format.

    Contact: (Dr. Martyn Ray)

    Purpose:  An electronic newsletter on chemical engineering.

    Contact: Dr. Manus Monroe, Chemistry Department, Marin Community College

    Purpose: As chemists, dialogue and conversation with other
    scientists are essential to stimulating or provoking new ideas.  As
    teachers and researchers, we can find the demands of our profession
    extensive, which may lead to a reduction in our ability to keep
    abreast of new data and changes in theories.  Sometimes,
    conversation helps to clarify articles, illuminate new perceptions
    of theories, and sustain us through our precarious journey in
    chemistry.  A solution to this problem or concern is the creation
    of efficient communication network using this mailing list.

    Contact: (Michael Nolan)

    Purpose: The chessnews mailing list is a repeater for the Usenet
    newsgroup  this is a bi-directional repeater.
    Postings originating from Usenet are sent to the list, and those
    originating from the list are sent to

    Contact: ames!elroy!grian!mailjc-request

    Purpose: To provide a non-hostile environment for discussion among
    christians.  Non-christians may join the list and "listen-in", but
    full blown debates between Christians and non-Christians are best
    carried out in talk.religion.misc or soc.religion.christian.

    Contact:	(David Wood)

    Purpose: This list is for discussion of the network products from
    Cisco Systems, Inc; primarily the AGS gateway, but also the ASM
    terminal multiplexor and any other relevant products.  Discussions
    about operation, problems, features, topology, configuration,
    protocols, routing, loading, serving, etc are all encouraged.
    Other topics include vendor relations, new product announcements,
    availability of fixes and new features, and discussion of new
    requirements and desirables.

    Contact:    -or-
             tucos!  (Matti Jokinen)

    Purpose:  Exchange of CLU software and technical discussion of
    related topics.

    Contact:  pecampbe@mtus5.BITNET (Paul E. Campbell)

    Purpose: Discussion related to the Tandy Color Computer (any
    model), OS-9 Operating System, and any other topics relating to the
    "CoCo", as this computer is affectionately known.

    Anyone wishing to be on the list should send me mail.  UUCP users,
    PLEASE NOTE: I need a nearby Internet or BITNET node to get things
    through to you reliably, so please send me a path in the form:

    Contact: (Elizabeth Lear Newman)

    Purpose: Intended for talking about non-mainstream and independent
    comic books.  We generally don't talk about superheroes much, and
    we don't talk about Marvel Mutants at all.

    Contact:  (Dan Bernstein)

    Purpose: To discuss the COMMUNE protocol, a TELNET replacement.
    The list is a mail reflector,

    Contact: {decvax,ucbvax}!vax135!petsd!joe

    Purpose: discussions about file compression, especially Lempel-Ziv

    Contact: (Jovan Weismiller)

    Purpose: This list is under the aegis of l'Alliance Monarchists 
    and is dedicated to promoting the cause of traditional monarchy
    and the Counter Revolution.  We believe in government based on
    natural law principles, decentralization, subsidiarity, an economy 
    based on the principles of distributive justice, and the defense of 
    traditional Western values.

    We believe in a Europe, United, Traditional, and Free from the
    Atlantic to the Urals, but we oppose the centralizing bureaucracy
    of the Maastricht treaty.  While we are based in the US, we are 
    affiliated with L'Alliance pour la maintenance de la France en Europe, 
    and we have members, as well as fraternal relations with the monarchist
    organizations, in most Western European countries.

    We work for the strengthening of existing monarchies, the restoration
    in those countries with a monarchist tradition, and the building up
    of an infrastructure appropriate to the instuaration of monarchy in
    those countries without a living monarchist tradition.

    Contact: Croatian-News-Request@Andrew.CMU.Edu
          or Hrvatski-Vjesnik-Zamolbe@Andrew.CMU.Edu

    Purpose: News from Croatia, Slovenia, and other countries emerging
    from former parts of Yugoslavia are run by volunteers.   These are
    actually two news distributions: one in Croatian (occasionally an
    article can be in some other South Slavic language) and one in English.

    For subscription, please send a message with the following information:
    your name, your email address, state/country where your account is.
    Please put the state/country information in the 'Subject:' line of 
    your letter.  If you would like to receive the news in Croatian as
    well, please indicate that in your message.  If you would prefer to
    receive the news in Croatian ONLY, please send a message to the
    address Hrvatski-Vjesnik-Zamolbe@Andrew.CMU.Edu.

    Contact: (Nino Margetic)

    Purpose: Cro-News: This non-moderated list is the distribution point 
    for the news coming from Croatia.  The list carries articles from 
    Danas, Slobodna Dalmacija, and Vjesnik.  The list carries also 
    occasional news items from the CN/HV lists.  This list was set up 
    to reduce the overseas traffic, so if you are in the USA/Canada, 
    please use the corresponding CN/HV USA address.  This list also 
    carries the SCYU- Digest traffic.  The languages are Croatian, English 
    and occasionally Slovene.  For application, only email address is 
    required.  If you wish to add your name to the CN/HV database, please 
    contact the USA coordinators.

    SCYU-Digest: This moderated mailing list enables people without 
    access to the USENET newsgroup soc.culture.yugoslavia to receive 
    messages published on the s.c.y in a digested form.  The volume of 
    the material depends on the traffic on the mentioned newsgroup, but 
    usually there is at least 700-800 lines of text daily.  The topics 
    cover wide ranging subjects and on occasions one can witness very 
    heated discussions between the participants.  Language is mostly 
    English.  The interaction is possible though the gateway at Berkeley.
    Contact: ...att!whscad1!kqb  -or-   (Kevin Q. Brown)

    Purpose: Cryonic suspension is an experimental procedure whereby
    patients who can no longer be kept alive with today's medical
    abilities are preserved at low temperatures for treatment in the
    future.  This list is a forum for topics related to cryonics,
    which include biochemistry of memory, low temperature biology,
    legal status of cryonics and cryonically suspended people,
    nanotechnology and cell repair machines, philosophy of identity,
    mass media coverage of cryonics, new research and publications,
    conferences, and local cryonics group meetings.


    Purpose: A mailing list for discussion about *the* horror frp. CoC.

    Contact:  alberta!oha!ctree-request  (Tony Olekshy)
    Purpose: The C-Tree mailing list provides a forum for the
    discussion of FairCom's C-Tree, R-Tree, and D-Tree products.  This
    mailing list is not associated with FairCom.  We have over three dozen
    members, amd cover virtually all hardware and operating system

CUSSNET (Computer Users in the Social Sciences)

    Purpose: CUSSNET (Computer Users in the Social Sciences) is a
    network of students, faculty, and professionals working in a
    variety of social science/social service settings and who have
    concerns with practice, education, ethics, computerization, and
    career advancement, to name a few.  Many of the participants are
    students of social work, practicing social workers or social work
    educators; however, anyone with an interest in the human
    services/social sciences/social services areas is welcome to
    participate.  Recent topics have included ethics, computerization
    concerns, social work education topics, job announcements, and
    adaptive technology topics.


    Purpose: The cyberpunk mailing list is primarly for the
    discussion of cyberpunk role-playing games.  The discussion is not
    limited to any game system.  Subjects of a peripheral nature are
    welcome as long as they don't get out of hand.  There is one
    rule on this mailing list: the moderator gets to add new rules at

    Contact: (Ted Kim)

    Purpose: The purpose of the "The Convergence Zone" (or CZ for
    short) is to discuss the Harpoon naval wargame series and related
    topics. This includes Harpoon, Captain's Edition Harpoon, Computer
    Harpoon, Harpoon SITREP and various supplements for print and
    computer versions. Naval topics are discussed in so far as they
    are related to the game or provide useful background. Discussion
    is moderated. CZ is packaged in a digest format. Listeners as well
    as contributors are welcome.

    Contact: (Bernie Roehl)

    Purpose: Dark Shadows was a daily soap opera that ran on ABC in
    the late sixties (ending in 1971).  It had a Gothic feel to it,
    and featured storylines involving witchcraft, vampires, werewolves
    and the supernatural.  It was (appropriately enough) "brought back
    from the dead" by NBC for a single season last year. It also
    spawned two feature films, a series of paperback novels, and lots
    more; the series is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.
    There are a number of international fan clubs for the series, but
    so far there has been no newsgroup or (electronic) mailling list
    devoted to it.  Now there is.

    Contact:   (Mark J. Bradakis)

    Purpose: To discuss any and all aspects of owning, showing,
    repairing, driving, etc. Datsun roadsters.

    Contact: (Christopher Mark Conn)

    Purpose: The Dead Runners Society is a mailing list for runners
    who like to talk about the psychological, philosophical, and
    personal aspects of running. We really like to talk about anything
    that has to do with running, but we tend to be more interested in
    how it affects our lives and our brains rather than our 10K times.
    The group is very diverse in experience - there are marathoners
    and there are people who just jog around the block.

Decision Power
    Contact: (Ken Johnson)

    Purpose: Decision Power is a product of ICL Computers Limited
    comprising of a logic programming language Prolog, a constraint
    handling system Chip, a data base interface Seduce (runs on top
    of Ingres), a development environment Kegi (runs on X) and an
    end-user graphical display environment KHS (also runs on X).  It
    is in use for various purposes at a dozen or so sites around the
    United Kingdom and Ireland.


    Purpose:  Fast-turnaround troubleshooting tool for managers of
    RISC DECstations.

    Contact: (John Wilkes)

    Purpose: To discuss various aspects and strategies of Horse
    Racing, primarily dealing with, but not limited to, handicapping.
    Anyone is free to join.

    Contact: (Dave Taylor)

    Purpose: The digital games review digest is devoted to computer
    and video game reviews.  We're interested in just about any games
    that run on computers, including IBM PC, Atari, Amiga, Macintosh,
    Apple II and Unix computers, as well as video games for the
    Nintendo, Sega, NEC, Atari, and so on.  We also cover games for
    the portable market (e.g. the Atari Lynx and Nintendo GameBoy).

    This is a *REVIEWS ONLY* mailing list, with all submissions edited
    to fit into a common and consistent format.  Discussion of the
    relative merits of different gaming computers, technical
    discussion of resolution required to display 3D graphics, and
    general flaming and hostility will be left to the many different
    forums appropriate for that type of discussion.

    Contact: dire-straits-request (Rand P. Hall)
    To subscribe, send the one word, one line message SUBSCRIBE to the
    above address.

    Purpose: Discussion of the band Dire Straits and their side projects.


    Purpose:  Dirt is an X11-based UIMS.

    Contact: (Stephanie da Silva)

    Purpose: Discussion of the Disney Afternoon and other related

    Contact:  (Przemek Klosowski)

    Purpose:  Distribution of a news bulletin from Poland.
    English and Polish versions are both avaialble.

    Contact: uunet!media!chado!dqlist-request

    Purpose: The DragonQuest mailing list is an unmoderated,
    undigested list for the discussion of the SPI-developed,
    TSR-owned, fantasy role- playing system. Discussions on all facets
    of the game, including (but not limited to) rules clarifications,
    game supplements, adventures, additional weapons/skills/Colleges
    of Magic, and information for new players/GMs, are welcome. This
    list is not, and will not ever be, archived.

    Contact:  terminus!nyssa  (James Armstrong, Jr.)

    Purpose:  Branched off of rec.arts.drwho is a list for "Spoilers",
    which is intended to distribute news about upcoming seasons and
    discussion on recently released episodes and keep it away from the
    eyes of people who would rather not know until they see the shows
    		*** This group is currently inactive. ***
    DSA-LGB is a mailing list for members of the Lesbian/ Gay/Bisexual
    Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America, and for other
    people interested in discussing connections between sexual
    identity and the democratic socialist movement in the U.S. and
    other nations.  The list is neither archived nor moderated.

    Contact: dual-personalities-request@darwin.uucp

    Purpose: Discussion, maintenance/survival tips, and commercial
    offerings for the System/83 UNIX box made by the now-defunct DUAL
    Systems Corp of Berkeley, as well as similar machines using the
    IEEE-696 bus (such as the CompuPro 8/16E with Root/Unisoft UNIX).

    Contact: (Andrew Patrick)

    Purpose: This mailing list is intended for discussions about Intel's DVI
    (Digital Video Interactive) system.  These discussions cover both
    applications and programming with DVI.

    Purpose: Discussion of the BBC serial "EastEnders" as it is
    broadcast within the US.  UK'ers are invited, but be warned we're
    about two years behind the UK series.

    Contact:  (h.w. neff)

    Purpose: Info and commentary on the musical group Pink Floyd
    as well as other projects members of the group have been 
    involved with.

    Contact: (David Leip)

    Purpose: A List dedicated to Researchers interested in Computer
    Speech Interfaces.

    Contact: (Al Bowers)

    Purpose: A mailing list for enthusiasts of edged weapons.  This
    list is presented to allow a forum of disscussion related to edged
    weapons.  Their uses, constructions and origins.

    Contact: (Gary Morris KK6YB)

    Purpose: The purpose of the Shuttle Elements mailing list is to
    get Keplerian Elements out as quickly as possible during flights.
    We send out pre-launch elements and post launch elements based
    on either Flight Dynamics Office predictions, Shuttle computer state
    vector data, or on NORAD radar tracking data.  Ayone may subscribe
    but prior approval is require before sending submissions to the list.


    Purpose: Discussion of design and implementation issues of BSD
    Empire among authors and interested parties.

    Contact: (Vera Heinau & Heiko Schlichting)
         or: emtex@fub.uucp 

    Conversation language: Changed to English (from German)
    Purpose: Information about emTeX, an implementation of TeX for MS-DOS
    and OS2. Discussions and infos about updates, bugs and sources of supply.

    Contact:   (Cindy Smith)

    Purpose: The purpose of the EPISCOPAL mailing list is to provide a 
    non-hostile environment for discussion among Christians who are members 
    of the Holy Catholic Church in the Anglican Communion or who are simply 
    interested in Episcopal beliefs and practices.  Non-Anglicans and 
    non-Christians may join the list and listen in but full blown debates
    between Anglicans and Protestants/Roman Catholics/non-Christians are
    best carried out in soc.religion.christian and talk.religion.misc
    newsgroups.  It is hoped that the availability of this list will not
    diminish the contributions Christians make there.  Discussions on
    ecumenism are encourage.

    To join the list, send a 1 line mail message consisting of the
    word SUBSCRIBE on the first line of the message.

Epoch Users Group

    Purpose: The Epoch Users Forum mailing list is intended as an ideas
    exchange mechanism for users of Epoch fileservers.  Comments, 
    questions, and feedback are encouraged.

    Contact: (Mike Urban)

    Purpose: This list is a forum for people interested in the neutral
    international language Esperanto.  Discussions about the language
    itself, the Esperanto movement, publications, and news are
    encouraged; of course, discussion *in* the language itself are
    especially encouraged, although English translations may be
    advisable when the material is of interest to beginners or

    Contact:  (Jarmo Saarikko)

    Purpose: An unmoderated mailing list for the discussion of animal
    behaviour and behavioural ecology. Possible topics could be e.g.
    new or controversial theories, new research methods, and equipment.
    Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new software for
    behavioural analysis etc., with possible experiences, are also 

    Contact:  (Al Bowers)
     (Al Bowers)
    Purpose: Topics covering all aspects of European motorcycles, for
    enthusiasts of pavement, dirt, classic, modern, rare or common
    European motorcycles.

    Contact: (Joe Augenbraun)

    Purpose: Discussion about exotic and limited production
    automobiles, including maintenance, driving impressions, artistic
    nits, and any other aspect of the world's rarest and most
    desirable cars.


    Purpose: The unifying characteristic of the list recipients is
    their latest interest in anarchocapitalist politics, techniques
    of life extension (including cryonics), the technological extension
    of human intelligence and perception, nanotechnology, spontaneous
    orders, memetics, and a number of other related ideas.  If these
    topics seem to you to be naturally related and mutually consistent,
    you might already be an Extropian.

    All Extropians (and those who suspect that they are Extropians)
    are invited to join.