MOVIE.TXT - IBM PC Users Group in the UK Movie Service

     Date: 01-28-51    Time: 08:33a     Number: 1582   
     From: movie@ibmPCUG.CO.UK           Refer:         
       To: Bjørn Stærk                Board ID: FIX             Reply: 
  Subject: 47:1000/122.1 HELP - Movi         1: netmail        Status: Private
From: movie@ibmPCUG.CO.UK

Request Subject:     47:1000/122.1

   Full help may already have been requested and will be
   sent shortly

   There may be a problem with one of the request lines in
   your message please request HELP if you need some.

   If these lines are your .sig file then use the QUIT
   command to terminate a list of requests in a message.

   Unknown requests follow:

--- BBBS/2 v3.14.95 GT


   Summary help follows:


This summary help file relates to unknown E-mail requests sent to:

Standard Options
DIRCT<director to find details of filmography>
ACTOR<actor/actress to find details of filmography>
COMPO<composer to find details of filmography>
WRITE<writer to find details of filmography>
CINEM<cinematographer to find details of filmography>
TRACE MOVIE   <full list for movie (as title) plus lists of all other
               movies relating to cast and crew.>
HELP          <for full help on the server>
HELP FAQ      <Provides the Frequently Asked Quesion file for the
               Movie Database.>

Please note that the options are generally 5 characters followed by a space
then details of the Actor etc to find.  These options are placed in
the body of the text.  The subject may be blank.

NOTE requests are processed every couple of hours so please be patient.



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