     Date: 05-08-95    Time: 01:29a     Number: 38     
     From: KJETIL MYHRE                  Refer: 35      
       To: BJOERN STAERK              Board ID: ROLVSOY         Recvd: Yes
  Subject: ASM - putpixel                   86: Programmerin   Status: Public 
BS> Ja, det hadde vært fint. Det er jo som oftest ikke de
BS> korteste rutinene som er de raskeste...

Her kommer'n.

----------------------- 8< ------------------------------------------
const VideoSeg : Word = $A000;
      BytesPerLine : Word = 80;  { 640 / 8 }

      SC_INDEX         =  $3c4;  { Sequence Controller Index register }
      MAP_MASK         =  $2;    { index of Map Mask register }

      GC_INDEX         =  $03ce; { Graphics Controller Index reg }
      SET_RESET        =  $0;    { index of Set/Reset reg }
      ENABLE_SET_RESET =  $1;    { index of Enable Set/Reset reg }
      DATA_ROTATE      =  $3;    { index of Data Rotate }
      READ_MAP_SELECT  =  $4;    { index of Read Map Select }
      MODE             =  $5;    { index of Graphics Mode reg }
      BIT_MASK         =  $8;    { index of Bit Mask reg }

procedure Plot ( X_Coor, Y_Coor : Integer; Color : Byte );assembler;
   { set write mode  2 }
   mov   dx,GC_INDEX
   mov   ax,(2 shl 8)+MODE { lest's use mode 2 }
   out   dx,ax
   mov   dx,GC_INDEX
   mov   al,DATA_ROTATE
   mov   ah,000b           { 0000 - Store; 1000 - And; 10000 - Or; 110}
   out   dx,ax

   { calculate the offset }
   mov   ax,Y_Coor
   mov   cx,BytesPerLine
   mul   cx
   mov   di,ax            { di := Y * BytesPerLine }
   mov   bx,X_Coor
   mov   cx,bx
   shr   bx,3             { bx := X div 8 }
   add   di,bx            { di:= Y*80 + X div 8 }
   mov   ch,80h           { 10000000 }
   and   cl,07h
   shr   ch,cl            { 10000000 >> (X_Coor and 7) }
   mov   dx,GC_INDEX
   mov   al,BIT_MASK
   mov   ah,ch
   out   dx,ax
   mov   bl,Color
   mov   es,VideoSeg      { es <- video segment }
   mov   bh,byte ptr es:[di]            { load the latch }
   mov   byte ptr es:[di],bl
   { you can try to change this on xchg  byte ptr es:[di], bl
     reading memory is very important since you want to save
     the background }

   oldMode :  Byte;
   f : Word;
        mov   ax,0f00h
        int   10h
        mov   oldMode,al
        mov   ax,0012h
        int   10h

     for f := 0 to 450 do

     for f := 0 to 639 do

        mov   al,oldMode
        xor   ah,ah
        int   10h

------------------------- 8< ----------------------------------------

Du får se om den er brukbar.... :))

-= Kjetil =-

 ■ RM 1.3 01431 ■ Bad ideas never die, they just get adopted as goverment poli