
What can you generally find in a city?

From: U23910@UICVM.bitnet Subject: Fantasy Cities

Awhile back someone asked for detailed info on cities. Well, I have a
listing of everything every encounted in a city by myself and the groups I
have gamed with. This could get long.....

FOOD & LODGING                          MERCANTILE
  Eatery/Resturaunt                       Market (General)
  Tavern                                  Livestock market
  Club                                    Slave market
  Hostel                                  Bazaar
  Inn                                     Auction block

  Rare woods              Imported goods              Trinkets/curios
  Ink                     Dice                        Sweets/candy
  Maps                    Books                       Toys
  Furs                    Magic items/Charms          Hardware/Tools
  Spices                  Firewood                    Soap
  Herbs                   Glass                       Perfumes
  Paper                   Leather goods               Pets/Familiars
  Ceramics                Jewlery                     Brooms
  Charcoal                Musical Instruments         Cloth
  Rope                    Wool                        Cosmetics
  Linen                   Mirrors                     Games
  Pipes/Tobacco           Gifts                       Wigs
  Whips                   Furniture                   Saddles
  Rugs/Tapestries         Nets                        Flowers
  Artworks                Sundials                    Costumes
  Potions                 Livestock                   Slaves
  Religious items         Novelties                   Antiques
  Miniatures/Figurines    Coins                       Candles
  Bait & tackle           Ships supplies              Apothocary

  Cutler                  Weaver                      Furniture carver
  Tinker                  Limner/Painter              Haberdasher/Hatter
  Alchemist               Clothier                    Cobbler/Shoemaker
  Metal worker            Carpenter                   Distiller
  Mason                   Potter                      Leather worker
  Goldsmith               Whitesmith                  Silversmith
  Blacksmith              Dyer                        Herbalist
  Seal maker              Roofer                      Exterminator
  Lauderer                Artificer/Mechanician       Taxidermist
  Artist                  Sculptor                    Fuller
  Wheelwright             Butcher                     Cooper
  Locksmith               Thacther                    Woodcarver
  Bonecarver              Gemcutter                   Chandler
  Cartwright              Tanner                      Shipwright
  Wainwright              Bookbinder                  Porcilinist
  Fine metal worker       Glassblower                 Farrier

  Teamster                Sage                        Marshall
  Realtor                 Lawyer                      Dentist
  Hunter                  Healer                      Astrologer
  Undertaker              Surgeon                     Animal trainer
  Astronomer              Scribe                      Nusremaid
  Trapper                 Teacher                     Tatooer
  Spelunker               Mountianeer                 Navigator
  Miner                   Messenger                   Massage
  Hypnotist               Guide                       Fortune teller
  Concubines              Forester                    Fence
  Surveyor                Recriuter                   Hawkmaster
  Copier                  Translator                  Mystic
  Arbiter                 Cartographer

  Wine                    Meats/Butchery              Foodstuffs
  Bakery                  Fish                        Dairy goods
  Brewery                 Smokehouse                  Ale
  General food & drink    Fine food & drink           Grain
  Liquor                  Cheese                      Beer
  Fresh food

  Warehouse               Stable                      Kennel
  Mews                    Silo

  Theater                 Museum                      Stadium
  Ampitheater             Circus                      Gynasium
  Fairground              Tourement field

  Pawnshop                Foundry                     Trader/General store
  Lumber                  Construction company        Brothel
  Rentals                 Zoo                         Greenhouse
  Laundry                 Casino                      Bank
  Nursery                 Mill                        Moneylender
  Smelters                Training school

  Censor                  Baths                       Clinic
  Hospital                Mayor's home                Town hall
  Mint                    Library                     Sherrif
  Watch tower             Meeting hall                Guard headquarters
  Jail                    Prison                      Asylum
  Treasury                School                      University
  Archives                Park                        Cavalry stable
  Civil court             Criminal court              Bureaucrat
  Tax collector           Toll collector              Palace
  Punishment square       Barracks                    Customs

  Rangers                 Sailors                     Merchants
  Fighters                Alchemists                  Entertainers
  Wizards                 Fishermen                   Caravaners
  Metalworkers            Mercinaries                 Slavers
  Artists                 (Smugglers)                 Astrologers
  Carpenters              Jewellers                   Tailors
  (Thieves)               (Assassins)                 Wainwrights
  Shipwrights             Apothecaries                Physicians
  Stonemasons             Moneylenders/-changers      Barristers
  Artificers              Steersmen & navigators      Messengers/Heralds
  Blacksmiths             Armorers & weaponsmakers    Coutesans

HOUSING                 RELIGIOUS                   MISCELLANY
  Boarding house          Temple                      Lighthouse
  Home                    Monastary                   Monument/Monolith
  Estate                  Shrine                      Citadel
  Apartments              Abbey                       Icehouse
  Flophouse/shelter                                   Embassy

  Armor                   Wizard
  Sheilds                 Witch
  Bowyer                  Ambassador
  Fine weapons
  Armor repair

     And this is not a complete list, either! I can now think of several
things that have been left off, but these are all things that we have
encounted while adventuring in urban settings. I'm sure you can think of
several more.

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