HERETIC.TXT - Heretic cheat codes

     Date: 02-06-96    Time: 03:23a     Number: 11655  
     From: LYLE TAYLOR                   Refer:         
       To: JM GELINAS                 Board ID: FIX             Reply: 
  Subject: HÉRETIC                         199: fido.en.gami   Status: Public 
                        Heretic Cheat codes


GIMME E 9                  magic book = double shot power
GIMME G 9                  hour glass = time bombs
RAMBO                      all weapons


GIMME A 9                  ring of invincibility
GIMME B 9                  shadow of invisibilty
GIMME C 9                  renewed health
GIMME H 9                  egg - turns your enemies into chickens
QUICKEN                    god mode (eyes on skulls light)
PONCE                      renewed health
SHAZAM                     double shot power
MASSACRE                   kills everything, everywhere on the


GIMME F 9                  torch
GIMME I 9                  gold skull with wings - you can fly
KITTY                      walk through walls; toggles
SKEL                       all keys
COCKADOODLEDOO             turns you into a chicken - great for
small places
ENGAGExx                   warp (fails to work)
[Tab], RAVMAP              3 map mode


[ ]                        Shows grabbed items, tabs between them
[Enter], [Enter]           Selects, initiates item to right
screen area
F1 once                    Information screen for registration
F1 twice                   Help screen with lots of info
F1 thrice                  Movement information
F1 four times              Id Software credits
(Orange lighted chain      Graphic representation of health
near skull)                  farther to the right, more health
Blue arrow                 More grabbed items to left, right
                    choose with [ or ]
< >                        Move sideways left, right
[Home], [End]              Looks straight ahead
[Del]                      Looks down
[Page Dn]                  Looks up
[Insert]                   Fly down
[Page Up]                  Fly up

Grabbed items

A. Gold Ring of Invincibilty                 16 MAXIMUM   GIMME A
B. Green mask of Invisibilty                 16 MAXIMUM   GIMME B
C. Bottle of Healing                         16 MAXIMUM   GIMME C
E. Spellbook                                 16 MAXIMUM   GIMME E
F. Torchlight (2 minutes)                    16 MAXIMUM   GIMME F
G. Hour glass bomb (2 second fuse)           16 MAXIMUM   GIMME G
H. Eggs (Morph Ovum) Change enemy to chicken 16 MAXIMUM   GIMME H
I. Skull with Wings (Flight for 1 minute)    16 MAXIMUM   GIMME I

... Klingon tagline: Strike any user when ready.
 * Silver Xpress V4.3P SW12290
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 * Origin: Phantom BBS - Rapid City, SD (1:293/641)