MW2.TXT - Mech Warrier Two cheats

     Date: 11-06-95    Time: 01:09p     Number: 1275   
     From: Kamil Rewo                    Refer: 966     
       To: Roger Braden               Board ID: FIX             Reply: 
  Subject: MWII                            135: fido.en.gami   Status: Public 
 > Does anyone know the Cheats for Mech Warrior Two ?

Mechwarrior 2:  31st Centry Combat Cheats!

Cheat Codes

 Hold CTRL+ALT+SHFT while typing

 blorb         - makes you invincible
 cia           - Unlimited ammo
 coldmiser     - Heat tracking off
 dei           - No idea what this does...  "F E I F"
 dorcs         - Meet the DORCS!
 enolagay      - Nuke, one time use during simulation and you'll probablydie.
 flygirl       - Jump Jets!
 front         - turns rearview camera to frontview camera
 fuck          - Nothing, but you're reprimanded!
 gankem        - destroys your targeted object
 hangaround    - Something about a blimp.  I think you hangaround in the
                 simulation even the time ended until you press these
                 code again.
 icanthackit   - End mission
 idkfa         - Different means as icanthackit, but same result.
 lairdo        - Something about a blimp.  No Idea.
 meepmeep      - Time compression key enabled
 michelin      - See the bounding spheres on debris and mech parts
 mightymouse   - Unlimited jumpjets
 shit          - Same thing.
 tinkerbell    - Free-floating external cameras, press "C" to Disable
                 Cool to stick at nav points
 tlofront      - Rear view camera becomes a front camera
 unmeepmeep    - Time Compression Off,
 xray          - X-Ray vision. Same as Enhance Imaging but you can
                 see through walls/mountains, press "w" ones to disable
                 it and reamain in Enhance Imaging Mode.
 zmak          - Time expansion enabled, I think these time ones let
                 you go past the time allowed in a mission

                             The Brothers of Mercy


                      MechWarrior II: 31st Century Combat

                             play any level howto


It's very easy to patch MechWarrior II so that you can play any level you
want. In your MW2-directory, there's a file called MW2REG.CFG, make a backup
copy of the file and edit it with come kind of HEX-editor. What you're looking
for is the name of your character. Go to the name and set the cursor under
the first letter in the name. From there back up 28 bytes. You should now be
positioned on a byte with a hex-value between 00 and 0F. To play any mission
simply change this byte to 0F.

When the missiondisk is released the max-value of the byte will probably
increase depending on the amount of added missions.


--- FMail/386 1.02
 * Origin: Fast, multitasking OS with GUI ? It sure isn't Win95 ! (2:201/215)