CRITO.TXT | Crito by Plato |
EUTHY.TXT | Euthypro by Plato |
PL_7LETR.TXT | The Seventh Letter by Plato |
PL_CHARM.TXT | Charmides, or Temperance by Plato |
PL_CRATY.TXT | Cratylus by Plato |
PL_CRITI.TXT | Critias by Plato |
PL_CRITO.TXT | Crito by Plato |
PL_EUTHP.TXT | Euthypro by Plato |
PL_EUTHY.TXT | Euthydemus by Plato |
PL_GORGI.TXT | Gorgias by Plato |
PL_ION.TXT | Ion by Plato |
PL_LACHE.TXT | Laches, or Courage by Plato |
PL_LAWS.TXT | Laws by Plato |
PL_LYSIS.TXT | Lysis, or friendship by Plato |
PL_MENO.TXT | Meno by Plato |
PL_PARME.TXT | Parmenides by Plato |
PL_PHAED.TXT | Phaedo by Plato |
PL_PHAER.TXT | Phaedrus by Plato |
PL_PHILE.TXT | Philebus by Plato |
PL_THEAT.TXT | Theaetetus by Plato |
PL_TIMAE.TXT | Timaeus by Plato |
REPUBLIC.TXT | The Republic by Plato |