*** The Oxfod Simplified Dictionary
*** Transcribed from 'The brand new Monty Python book' by Dr.Doom
The Oxfod Simplified Dictionary
A Tit
A a
Aard-vark a very difficult word which you don't need to know.
Abacinate another word which is totally useless and you won't ever use, so
don't go fretting over it or looking it up in another dictionary because
honestly it's pointless.
Aback aback
Abacus a very similar word to 'Aback'
Abalone see 'Aard-vark'
Abandon to abandon
Abbey an abbey
Abbot an abbot
Abbreviate to abbreviate
Abdicate to abticate
Abdication ditto (near enough)
Abditory also similar
Abdomen same again except for 5 letters
Abduct almost the same
Aberration an almost totally different word - ignore it
Abettor abdomen
Abeyance see 'Aard-vark'
Knickers ladies' underpants
Abhorrent I wouldn't worry about what this word means
Abide abdicate
Abigail lady's maid
Ability ability
Abject abdicate
Abjure abject (only three letters' difference and they try to pass it off as
a different word! Just shows those mealy-mouthed egg-heads in the universities
haven't got anything better to do than split hairs over tiny details that
don't make a fart of difference to people's lives. Abject/abjure whats the
difference? Who cares anyway?)
Ablative This kind of thing really makes me sick! Does it matter a thinker's
cuss what different endings they used to have in a language nobody speaks
any more.
Ablaze ablaze
Abnegate to abjure! (It really is! Look it up in the O.E.D. if you don't
believe me!)
Abnormal abnormal
Aboard aboard
Abode adbode
Abolish abolish (this is what dictionaries ought to be like)
Abominable abominable
Abortion abortion
Abound abound
About about
Above above
Abracadabra abracadabra
Hey presto! hey presto!
Shazam! shazam!
Oogie-woogie it's a boogie!
Abreast not 'a breast'
Abroad practically the same as 'Aboard' - in fact it's just got one tiny weeny
little letter in a different place and they try to pass it off as a very
different word! Therefore, very definitely, see 'Aboard'
Abrupt abrupt
Abscess a collection of pus or purulent matter formed in a morbid process in a
cavity of the body. Great! It's words like that that make a dictionary real
Absolute absolute
Absolution absolute
Absolutist absolute
Absolutory absolute
Absolve absolute
Absonant absolute
Absorb absolute
Abstract abstract
Absurd absurd
Abuse abuse
Abyss abyss
Acadialte oh piss off.
Buttock buttock
Bum bum
Tit tit
This is the end of the 'Oxfod' Simplified Dictionary. Words beginning with the
letter C onwards are seldom used, and hardly worth including in a genuine
simplified dictionary.
N.B. We do not refund money to clever-dicks who want to look up other words.
So there. Ed.