WORDASSO.TXT - Word Association

			*** Word Association ***
*** Transcribed from Monty Python's "Matching Tie and Handkerchief" ***
		 *** by Fulcrum / Amega Industries ***

Tonight's the night I should be talking about a flu; the subject of word
association football.
This is a tecnique out of living much used in the practice makes perfect of
psyco-analysister and brother, and one that has occupied pipe at the majority
rule of my attention squad by the right number one two tree for the last
five years to the memory.
It is quite remarkable, baker Charlie, how much the miller son this so called
while you were out word association immigrants problems influeces the manna
from heaven in which we sleek it car and clamorous beasties all americans
speak, the famous explorer.
And the really well that is surprising partner in crime, is that a lot in
this wife at the lines feeding time, we may be see the E effectivly quite
unaware of the fact or fiction section of the what for public library that
we are even doing it is a far far better thing that I do now then now then
what's going on with Christine Bharler the famous hearted parted the letters
now praise famous mental homes for loonies like me.
So on the bottom my contention causing all the headaches is that unless we
take into ac-Count of Monte Christo in our thin-King, George the fifth, is
phenomen on the other hand, we shall not be able satisfact of fiction
section of the what for public library generally to understand what tension
that I'm talking to and stop laughing about human nature, man's
psycologically make up some story the wife will believe, and hence the very
meaning of life it selfish bastard I'll kick him in the balls upon the road.