MS-ILL~1.TXT - Microsoft and the Bavarian Illuminati


     "The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the
     universe, the rules of the game are the laws of nature. The
     player on the other side is hidden from us."
     -- Thomas Henry Huxley

     "In every grain of wheat there lies hidden the soul of a star."
     -- Arthur Machen

     "The Old Ones were, the Old Ones are and the Old Ones will be...
     not in the spaces we know of, but _between_ them ... Yog-Sothoth
     is the Gate."
     -- Abd al-Hazred, _Al Azif_

     "All perception is inferential; all inference uncertain; all
     theory, a combination of perception and inference, is therefore
     educated guessing."
     -- de Selby, _Golden Hours_, I, 93

These days most people have heard of Microsoft Corporation, and its founder
Bill Gates. The majority of computers in use today use Microsoft system
software, and those that do not often run applications from Microsoft.
However, few people know the true story behind the rise of Microsoft and
even fewer suspect the terrible cosmic secrets that are concealed beneath
the facade of a successful software company.

In the Object Linking and Embedding 2.0 Programmer's Reference there is a
very curious term. On page 78, the second paragraph starts with the
sentence, "In the aggregation model, this internal communication is
achieved through coordination with a special instance of IUnknown interface
known as the controlling unknown of the aggregate." The term "controlling
unknown" is a very interesting choice of words. It is not the most
intuitively obvious term for what it is describing (a base class used for
implementing an object-oriented data exchange/embedding system).

A term strikingly similar to "controlling unknown" was the term "unknown
superiors", used by many occult secret societies. These included the Strict
Observance Masonic lodge, whose members were sometimes referred to as
"illuminati", and which had some connection with Adam Weishaupt's order.
"Unknown superiors" is a term that refers to non-corporeal or superhuman
agencies in command of secret societies or mystery cults. Such an agency is
frequently known as the "inner head" of an order of organisation, as
opposed to the outer head, who is human.

Organisations that claimed or were claimed to be commanded by such "unknown
superiors" include the Ordo Templi Orientis of Aleister Crowley and the
Knights Templar, whose Inner Head was apparently a being named Baphomet.

Apart from the term "controlling unknown", another hint at the secrets
behind Microsoft is the fact that Microsoft Windows has a limit of five
window device contexts. Five is a decidedly odd number for such an
application, being neither a power of two nor one less than a power of two,
but let us not forget Adam Weishaupt's discovery of the Law of Fives in the

Few people for sure how many buildings there are in the Microsoft campus in
Redmond, WA. No maps of the entire facility are known to exist. Some
Microsoft employees put the estimate at six or three. An article in an
Australian newspaper has claimed that there are 22 buildings. That is
partly true; however, there is another building, hidden from the public and
even from most Microsoft employees. The twenty-third building, or Building
7, is pentagonal in shape; its exact location is known only to five people
(of whom Bill Gates may be one), however it is believed that the building
is accessible from elsewhere in the Microsoft campus by a secret passage.

What is in the five sided building is not known. However, it is believed
that the contents of Building 7 are of a supernatural nature. Apart from
the Pentagon, there was a similar five-sided building in Nazi Germany. This
has been carefully kept hidden from the public. One hypothesis is that
Building 7 is inhabited by, or used to communicate with, the Inner Head, or
"controlling unknown". The identity of the Outer Head is unknown. Bill
Gates may be the Outer Head, a high initiate of the conspiracy or just a
figurehead whose purpose it is to divert attention.

To fully understand this history, or whatever of it may be understood by
human minds, one must have some knowledge of the history and origins of the
Illuminati. Little is known about the Illuminati, but what is known is that
the Illuminati can be definitely traced back to 1776.

On Walpurgis night 1776, five men met in a cavern deep beneath Ingolstadt,
Bavaria. There they invoked some sort of supernatural beings and made
contact with the Unknown Superiors. The following day, one of these five
men proclaimed the foundation of the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria,
using the name "Adam Weishaupt", which means "the first man to know the

Although the Illuminati were officially disbanded in 1785, they did not
disappear; throughout the past 200 years, they have been observing the
profane world carefully, and occasionally intervening (as they did in
Sarajevo in 1914, St. Petersburg in 1917, Manhattan in 1929 (to divert
attention from a rather unpleasant affair off the coast of New England) and
Dallas in 1963 to name a few cases. Their contacts with the Unknown
Superiors continued in specially constructed buildings, originally in
Germany but later in Washington. During the 1920s and 1930s there occurred
a potential problem; a young writer named Howard Phillips Lovecraft
published many stories which contained allegories to Illuminated history
(for example, Joseph Curwen's invocation of "Yogge-Sothothe" in an
underground complex in the 18th century). It is believed that Lovecraft's
father was a Grand Orient Freemason. The Illuminati, however, persuaded
Lovecraft to join their cause and faked his death in 1937 (Have you ever
wondered why his grave is not marked?) Another incident occurred on October
21, 1967, when occultists attempted to "raise" the Pentagon; they were
given permission to approach it but prevented from completely encircling
it. However, in 1975, a crisis developed that threatened the very
foundation of the Illuminati.

A book, claiming to be a fantasy novel, appeared. This book was mostly
fiction; however, it hinted at the secrets of the Illuminati (even going as
far as using Lovecraft's term "Yog-Sothoth" for the Unknown Superior). To
this day it is not known whether the authors were renegade Illuminati or
whether the information was acquired from informers within the
organisation. The book was called Illuminatus!

Immediately, the Illuminati convened an emergency meeting in Cesme, Turkey.
There they discussed a contingency plan to restructure the organisation and
to move the Pentacle of Invocation to a new location. They decided on
setting up a small computer company in one of the smaller cities of the
United States as a front. That year, Microsoft Corporation was founded.

But why did the Illuminati select a software company and not, say, a
company that manages investments or makes kitchen appliances? The answer
lies in symbolism (Perhaps because of their invlovement in mystick arts
such as the Cabala, the Illuminati have always had an affinity for
symbolism). There is a recurring legend about a device in the form of a
human head which could answer yes/no questions (some link this device to
the Knights Templar and their god Baphomet; others claim that Pope
Sylvester, who lived in the tenth century, brought such an object back from
India, where he met the "Nine Unknown Men"). This device is extremely
suggestive of a computer of some sort, and if it did exist in anything more
than hermetic allegory, it could not have been manufactured by any human
civilisation of the time whose existence is known. Hence, the Illuminati
decided to use a computer company as a front.

It has been already speculated that the name of the founder, Bill Gates, is
a code much as "Adam Weishaupt" was a code. Apart from being the name of a
magician in Aleister Crowley's novel, "Moonchild", Gates is a reference to
the Unknown Superior and the gateway between ordinary reality and the
Invisible World; Lovecraft himself referred to Yog-Sothoth as "the Gateless
Gate". By the same token, IBM can be said to stand not for "International
Business Machines" but rather for "Iacobus Burgundus Molensis", or Jacques
de Molay, the last overt Grand Master of the Knights Templar, whose name
was borrowed by the Bavarian Illuminati for one of their ciphers. One must
also not forget that a Microsoft network administration tool currently
under development is named Hermes, after the god of alchemy, and that a
line in Umberto Eco's novel, _Foucault's Pendulum_ reads, quite clearly,


* Some sources claim that the copy of the Necronomicon which Adam Weishaupt
owned was the von Junzt German translation; this, however, is unlikely, as
von Junzt lived in the nineteenth century. The Necronomicon involved was
probably either Olaus Wormius' Latin edition or the original Arabic, as the
details of the illustrations would attest.