WINNIPOO.TXT - Ole Brumm, ja takk begge deler

     Date: 10-23-95    Time: 01:19p     Number: 151    
     From:              Refer: 0       
       To: ALL                        Board ID: ROLVSOY         Reply: 
  Subject: Ny klubb ???                    147: no.general     Status: Public 
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 07:07:00 GMT
From: (Bjorn Hell Larsen)
Organization: Statoil

In <468ehs$>, (ole irgens)

> "Og da Sprett spurte: - Vil du ha honning eller boksemelk til brødet?
> ble Brumm så glad at han svarte: - Begge deler. Men for at han ikke
> skulle virke grådig, tilføyde han: - Tusen takk. Men det er ikke så
> farlig med brødet."

> (A.A. Milne: "Ole Brumm", s. 33, oversatt av Tor Åge Bringsværd og
> Marianne Koch Knudsen)

'and when Rabbit said, "Honey or condensed milk with your bread?" he
was so exited that he said "Both," and then, so as not to seem greedy,
he added, "But don't bother about the bread, please." And for a long
time he said nothing ... until at last, humming to himself in a rather
sticky voice, he got up, shook Rabbit lovingly by the paw, and said
that he must be going on.

"Must you?" said Rabbit politely.

"Well," said Pooh. "I could stay a little longer if it - if you -" and
he tried very hard to look in the direction of the larder.

"As a matter of fact," said Rabbit, "I was going out myself directly."

"Oh well, then, I'll be going on. Good-bye."

"Well, good-bye, if you're sure you won't have any more."

"_Is_ there any more?" asked Pooh quickly.

Rabbit took the covers of the dishes, and said, "No, there wasn't."

"I thought not," said Pooh, nodding to himself. "Well, good-bye, I
must be going on."'

(A.A. Milne: "Winnie the Pooh - The Complete Collection of Stories and
Poems", p. 29)

  Bjorn Hell Larsen,                               Dr. No
  SDATAKIT - Corporate IS/IT Standards, Architecture & Security
  Statoil, Stavanger, Norway                                   I speak for me