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                                EVIDENCE #2

Natural selection (the evolution mechanism, along with mutations) is
incapable of advancing an organism to a "higher-order".

It can be noted that natural selection as a driving mechanism for evolution
is totally inadequate. Natural selection (along with mutation) is said to
have caused organisms to evolve from one basic kind (animals which can
reproduce with one another) into another basic kind. This is prohibited
genetically since all of the information for the development of an organism
has already been encoded in the DNA of its parent. Variation to organisms
must remain within its basic kind. For example, genetically, a wide variety
of dogs can come to exist, but a dog can never become anything other than a
dog. It remains in its kind. It does not have the genetic ability to become
anything more. Admitting this, evolutionists have tried to explain that
natural selection happened in conjunction with mutations to the genetic
code. This could not produce evolution, however, since mutations do not
create new genetic potential, they just alter what is already there.
Furthermore, mutations are small, random, and harmful alterations to the
genetic code. This also makes evolution from mutations impossible. For
example, a working wristwatch does not improve but is harmed when its
inside parts are randomly altered. Natural selection also contradicts the
second law of thermodynamics which states that, left to themselves, all
things tend to deteriorate rather than develop, while evolution wants to go
in the opposite direction. "Survival of the fittest" demonstrates only how
an organism has survived, not how it has evolved.

  1. "All the `information' for the development of each particular organism
     was already `encoded' in the DNA of its parent. They must reproduce
     `after their kinds'." ([18], p.25)
  2. "There are great numbers of `genes' (or DNA molecules) in each germ
     cell, and these can be arranged in various ways to permit a wide range
     of variation in the individual members of a basic `kind' of plant or
     animal, but the possible range of variation is nevertheless limited to
     the basic genetic framework of that particular `kind'." ([18], p.25)
  3. "The genetic system permits a wide variety of specific features (eye
     color, height, shape of skull, etc.) within the limits of a particular
     kind. These characteristics vary in accordance with the Mendelian laws
     of heredity. Depending on factors such as possible isolation and
     inbreeding, some of these characteristics become fixed and a definite
     `race' established."
  4. "Although the number of varieties or races that may be established
     from an original kind is undoubtedly quite large, it is clear that
     there are definite limits to this or even speciation has no true
     evolutionary significance. New varieties are established, but not new
     kinds." ([18], p.26)
  5. "For example, all the different races of dogs are simply variations
     and changes within the genetic boundaries of the dog kind. Although
     there is ample evidence of changes within kinds such as the various
     races of dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc., there has never been observed
     any changes across kinds, such as, for example, a dog becoming a cat
     or a horse becoming a cow; such changes are not possible since a dog
     does not have the information in its genes to become a cat...It is the
     various distribution and recombination of genes which ultimately
     produce the variations and physiological differences that we find
     within a family unit, race, or natural species." ([22], p.7)
  6. In light of these facts, evolutionists have turned to mutations
     (small, random and almost always harmful changes in the genetic code)
     in the gene pool to explain their theory, "The general picture of how
     evolution works is now clear. The basic raw material is the mutant
     gene. Among these mutations most will be deleterious, but a minority
     will be beneficial. These few will be retained...". James F. Crow, a
     modern leader for evolution. ([19], p.47) Two problems with claiming
     mutations to be the source of positive change are as follows: "an
     accumulation of literally millions of such micro mutations would be
     necessary to change one basic `kind' of plant or animal into another"
     and "an even more serious difficulty is the fact that practically all
     observed mutations are harmful, and usually even fatal, to the
     creature experiencing them. Truly beneficial mutations are so rarely
     observed, and even these are so questionable, as to leave their very
     existence still in doubt. Even evolutionary geneticists readily
     acknowledge that 99.9% of all observed mutations are harmful." ([18],
  7. Mutation are small, random, and harmful or at best neutral to the
     organism, and rare. All four of these characteristics make mutations
     impossible to bringing evolutionary change. Any change that is random,
     because it is done to a highly ordered organism, will be harmful or
     neutral. A random change done to a wristwatch will not improve the
     watch. It will harm it or at very best, be neutral to it. An
     earthquake does not develop a city, it brings destruction to it.
     ([22], p.7 and [18], p.27)
  8. "Living creatures are extremely intricate assemblies of interrelated
     parts, and the parts themselves are also complex. It is impossible to
     imagine how the parts could change in unison as a result of chance
     mutation." ([11], p.32)
  9. "But, let us suppose, for the sake of argument, that a beneficial
     mutation might occur; still the fact remains that for every beneficial
     mutation there will be hundreds of harmful ones so that the net
     effect, or result, over time will be that the harmful mutations always
     win and will ultimately cause the organism, or even species, to
     degenerate or die." ([22], p.8)
 10. "...mutations are incapable of producing evolution because they can
     only alter and effect the existing structure of genes: they cannot
     create new genetic material or new genetic potential."
 11. "...only mutations produced in the genes of reproductive cells, such
     as sperm in the male and ovum (or egg cell) in the female, are passed
     on to offspring. Changes produced in other body cells are not
     transmitted. For example, if a woman were to lose a finger, her baby
     would not, as a result, be born with a missing finger. Similarly, even
     if an ape ever learned to walk upright, it could not pass this
     characteristic on to its descendants. Thus, modern biology has
     disproved the once held theory that acquired characteristics from the
     environment can be transmitted into the genetic code of offspring."
     ([22], p.9)
 12. Survival of the fittest is a given but it only explains how an
     organism survived not how it evolved. Survival of the fittest is
     natural preservation not natural selection (evolution). ([22], p.11)
 13. Put another way, in regard to mutations, we can say, "Species avoid
     genetic deterioration due to natural attrition among the genetically
     unfit. Darwinists claim that the same force of attrition has a
     building effect so powerful that it can begin with a bacterial cell
     and gradually craft its descendants...to produce such wonders as
     trees, flowers, ants, birds, and humans." ([11], p.16)
 14. Breeding reproduces those animals with desired features. It is not
     evolution of the specimens. It is also within kind not crossing kinds,
     and all changes through breeding are lost after just a few
     generations. Breeding also, of course, cannot produce new genetic
     material or the potential for such. Cloning is the artificial
     stimulation of mitosis (cell division). It is not the creation of
     life. ([4], p.37)
 15. Regarding the second law of thermodynamics (universally accepted
     scientific law which states that all things left to themselves will
     tend to run down) or the law of entropy, it is observed, "It would
     hardly be possible to conceive of two more completely opposite
     principles than this principle of entropy increase and the principle
     of evolution. Each is precisely the converse of the other. As (Aldous)
     Huxley defined it, evolution involves a continual increase of order,
     of organization, of size, of complexity. It seems axiomatic that both
     cannot possibly be true. But there is no question whatever that the
     second law of thermodynamics is true." ([19], p.35)
 16. "...an excess inflow of `ordering energy' into the system from outside
     may cause it temporarily to grow and become more highly organized.
     Thus...a child may grow into an adult, or men may build a structure.
     But each of these, and all other illustrations of apparent decrease in
     entropy, are only local and temporary.""Negative entropy (is required)
     for its maintenance." ([18], p.46)
 17. A seed, for example, being genetically complete, provides the negative
     entropy for the growth of a tree.
 18. Regarding the first law of thermodynamics (stating that a constant
     amount of energy is maintained) it is observed, "...all matter in the
     universe is some form of energy...(and) the total amount of energy in
     the universe always remains constant (or the same), and, therefore,
     energy itself is neither destroyed (that is, reduced to nothing) or
     created from nothing by any natural process. ([19], p.32)
 19. These laws state that any natural process would involve conservation
     (1st law) and disintegration (2nd law). Evolution demands "integration
     and development" and is therefore impossible. ([18], p.46)
 20. Regarding the validity of the laws, we note, "These laws are based
     upon more evidence than any other principles in science. They have
     been confirmed by countless thousands of experiments on systems
     ranging in size from the nuclear to the astronomic, and there is no
     known exception to either of them."
 21. It is noted that the `urge' to evolve is not at all found in
     chemistry. ([4], p.357)
 22. In light of all of these scientific objections to natural selection,
     perhaps Darwin would have abandoned his own theory since he asserted,
     "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organism existed which
     could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight
     modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."

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Last revised: Dec 29, 1995

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