Cornerstone Ministries
P.O. Box 2183
Poquoson, Va  23662-0183
(804) 868-0793

Copyright 1993 by Cornerstone Ministries.  Permission Granted
Upon Notification To Reproduce For Non-commercial Purposes.


Food package labels identify contents and allow shoppers
to make sound decisions.  Wouldn t it be nice if religions
had such labels?  Unfortunately, they do not, and you
can't be sure that the well-dressed missionary at your
door is being honest about his beliefs.  This booklet is
intended as a  contents label  for two cults (Mormonism
and Jehovah's Witnesses), and two religions (Freemasonry
and New Age).  Many join such groups wrongly believing
them to be Christian, or at least Biblical; Snow White ate
the apple only because she did not know its true nature.

     This booklet is written from the perspective that the
Bible is the authoritative word of God.  Therefore, if any
group's stated beliefs, as derived from their own
literature, are not consistent with the clear doctrines of
the Bible, then they did not derive their authority from
God.  Such a departure from Biblical truth is sufficient
to brand them as cults or false religions.  In discussing
the above groups, we have addressed their history, basic
theological beliefs and specific teachings.  Comments are
included to note Scriptural deviations.  Bible quotations
are taken from the New International Version (NIV).

     This booklet is not written to attack, ridicule or
insult; rather, it shows how the beliefs of selected
religious groups conflict with Biblical Christianity.  The
facts will speak for themselves, and the reader can form
his own conclusions from those facts.


Some common terms should be defined before we begin. 
Webster defines religion as  belief in a divine or super
human power... to be obeyed and worshipped as the
Creator...and expressing this belief in conduct and
ritual.   A cult is defined as  any group that embraces,
teaches or practices religious doctrine contrary to the
accepted and established truth of Biblical Christianity .
A cult usually meets the definition of a religion;
however, they have other characteristics:  1) they tend to
be closed minded and intolerant of any other belief ( I am
right, you are wrong!); 2) they refer to a different
 bible  and a different  Jesus  for their doctrine and
authority; 3) their leadership restricts independent
thought and has final say on salvation; 4) they do not
like Christians and redefine Christian symbols (e.g.,
cross, Bible, etc) to comply with their own doctrine.
     The term  church  is often misunderstood, and many
wonder why there are so many of them (Baptist, Methodist,
Catholic, etc.) when there is only one God.  It certainly
is true that Christian denominations differ, though
usually on the means of worship or in areas where the
Bible is vague; however, they have almost total agreement
on the major doctrines of the Bible.  More importantly, it
must be understood that the Biblical  Christian Church  is
the Body of Christ, which is made up of those who have
acknowledged that they are sinners and have placed their
total trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation.  For God
does not see Baptists, Catholics, Mormons, Buddhists, or
atheists; he sees only saved Christians or lost sinners. 
So there is really only one Church, regardless of where
its members actually worship.
     Many also wonder why there are so many versions of
the Bible available.  Well, this is because the Old
Testament was originally written in Hebrew, and the New
Testament in Greek, languages not widely taught in our
schools.  Translating the Scriptures into English is a
complex task, given the different structures and word
forms of the languages involved; thus, each version may
use different words in the translation process.  The King
James Bible, written in 1611, is the most popular English
version, and formed the basis for more modern versions
such as the Revised, the American Standard, Revised
Standard, the New American Standard and the New King
James.  The NIV used in this booklet is a recent
translation based on the best of the Hebrew and Greek
texts available, and is in doctrinal agreement with other
versions.  Catholics use the Douay or the Jerusalem
Bibles, which contain more books than do other English
translations.  Protestants do not recognize these
additional books as Scripture due to their historical,
geographical and doctrinal inaccuracies.
     A good example of why bibles vary can be seen in the
King James translation of the Greek word  baptidzo .  Its
Greek meaning is  immerse , but the translators did not
wish to anger those who did not accept total immersion, so
they used the Greek word as an English one.  Thus, people
of various beliefs could  baptize  in whatever way they
felt was appropriate.  Was this an accurate translation of
the Scriptures?  No.  Was it a major alteration?  Not
     One often hears the questions:  Doesn't the Bible
contradict itself?  Isn't it filled with errors?  Well,
no.  The Christian believes that the Bible is both
inspired and inerrant; that is, the writers were guided in
what they wrote by the Spirit of God, and that the
original texts were devoid of error.  With the many
translations available, it is safe to say that minor
errors were introduced during translation or outright
additions by copyists; however, comparison of modern
translations with the earliest Scripture manuscripts show
us that few errors exist.  For example, the Dead Sea
Scrolls contained a complete copy of the book of Isaiah
dating from at least 150BC.  When compared with today's
Bible, only a few differences in wording were encountered,
and no differences with respect to doctrine were found. 
As well, facts of history and geography as stated in the
Bible have been backed up by archaeological research. 
Based on the facts, the Bible makes a valid claim to be
the authoritative word of God.

We use the phrase  Biblical Christianity  because the
Bible clearly defines it, and its definition leaves no
room for inclusion of, or partnership with, other
religions.  As the authoritative word of God, the Bible is
the authority for defining Christianity.  This is
critical, for Christianity is not what the Christian,
individually or collectively, thinks it is; it is what the
Bible says it is.  In this day of cults and false
religions, it becomes dangerous to blindly accept someone
else's interpretation of the Bible.  Each of us must read
and study it ourselves, trusting in God to lead us to the
truth.  Those who do so will find that the Bible has this
to say about God, Jesus and salvation:
     God is a Spirit, who, through Jesus Christ, created
the universe and all it contains.  He is the only God;
none came before Him and none will come after Him (Isaiah
43:10-11).  God is tripersonal in nature and involves the
distinctions of the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy
Spirit; these three are co-equal, co-eternal and of the
same substance; each part of the one God.  He is a loving,
personal God who cares about all living things, and
understands our innermost thoughts and feelings.
     We humans live under condemnation by our inherently
sinful nature.  If we do nothing, the result is eternal
punishment in hell.  Some find this hard to accept and ask
how a loving God could condemn people to hell.  The
answer, quite simply, is that it is not God who does the
condemning; rather, we condemn ourselves by rejecting His
Word.  For God has given us the way out in the Person of
Jesus Christ (God the Son), who came to earth as a
sacrifice for the sins of mankind.  One accepts this way
out by believing in Jesus and asking Him into his or her
heart; He will do the rest.  Though it seems an easy step,
many are reluctant to take it, as it means giving up a
"lifestyle" that is based on the pleasures of this world. 
Unfortunately, such "lifestyles" lead only to death and
eternal punishment, while the lifestyle that God offers us
leads to eternal life.
     Have you ever seen the phrase  John 3:16  on TV
sports events?  Have you ever wondered what it has to do
with you?  It is the summation of God s commitment to each
of us:

     For God so loved the world that he gave his one and
     only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not
     perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send
     his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to
     save the world through Him.  Whoever believes in Him
     is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands
     condemned already because he has not believed...

Notice that this commitment is one of love, not hatred or
condemnation.  Jesus came to save, and He made the
sacrifice for you and me so that our sins would not
separate us from God.
     Finally, one may ask:  "Why was this booklet written?  Who
are you to attack anyone's beliefs?  After all, isn't the
Mason honestly concerned with community service, the
Mormon with family matters?  Doesn't the Bible tell us to
"judge not"?"  Yes, all this is true.  But salvation is
not a matter of earthly things; it is a matter of our
relationship with God.  When cults and false religions
lead people away from God and His truth, the Christian
must speak out.  That is the reason for this booklet.


Better known as Mormons, this cult successfully
masquerades as a Christian sect while holding beliefs far
removed from Christianity.  Mormons are seen as clean-cut,
well-educated, family-oriented citizens, though a bit
strange in their religious outlook.  This wholesome image
has been carefully developed by the Mormon leadership and
serves to hide the sordid side of their history and
theological development from the general public and from
most Mormons.

The Mormon church was founded in 1830 by their Prophet,
Joseph Smith, who claimed to have been told by an angel to
recover golden plates describing the experiences of two
peoples who came to the Americas from the Middle East in
2250BC and 600BC.  From these plates came the Book of
Mormon (their  bible ).  As Prophet, Smith claimed to
speak with Divine authority, though what he said often
conflicted with his prior statements or actions.  The
Mormons did not live well with their neighbors and were
forced to move several times, the last coming after the
Prophet s murder by a mob in 1844.  Brigham Young assumed
the mantle of Prophet and led most Mormons west to the
great Salt Lake, where the cult settled.  Mormons still
did not take kindly to outsiders; 130 unarmed immigrants
were massacred in 1857 under orders from Young.  Today,
Utah is the closest thing America has to a theocracy, with
the church having great influence in the state.

The Mormon church is directed by its General Authorities,
which is headed by the First Presidency, consisting of the
latest Prophet and two counselors.  The Prophet is thought
to be in direct communication with God, and his formal
statements are treated as coming from The Man Himself. 
Not surprisingly, members are taught to obey church
direction, and are assured that the leadership has already
done their thinking for them.  The church is
administratively divided into territories made up of
 wards  and  stakes .  Each ward is presided over by a
bishop, and the wards consolidated into stakes, each
controlled by a Stake President.  Most males over the age
of twelve belong to one of two priesthoods (Aaronic or
Melchizedek).  The Mormon missionary program is legendary,
with young people 19-21 years old spending two years in
mission work, mostly at their family s expense.  Almost
everyone has a place in the church, which fosters a strong
sense of belonging.

Though Mormons pride themselves on education, they blindly
accept some of the strangest beliefs that ever came from
the dark side of the human brain (i.e., Smith s). 
Mormonism teaches that every person born on earth was
first born in heaven of spirit parents.  Jesus (Jehovah)
was the first of these spirit children, and is therefore
our spiritual brother.  His father (Elohim) called a
council to inform us of his plan to send us to earth to be
tested and eventually earn the right to become gods
ourselves.  Elohim recognized a savior would be necessary
for Earth, so both Jesus and his brother Lucifer presented
a plan of salvation.  Jesus  was accepted, and Lucifer,
enraged, rebelled and was subsequently thrown out of
heaven with one-third of the spirit children who supported
him.  They became Satan and his demons.  Those who fought
against him became the white race; those who were neutral
became the black race.
     Adam (also called Michael the Archangel) and Eve were
chosen to become mankind s parents on this earth, which
was created by Jesus under Elohim s direction.  Their
descendents (we all descended from Adam and Eve) provided
the mortal bodies for the heavenly spirit children.  We
spirit children bear no memory of our preexistence, and we
are on this earth to prove ourselves worthy for godhood. 
If we prove worthy, we (man and wife/wives) will get our
own planet to populate, and we will be gods.
     About 2000 years ago, Jesus came to Earth to
implement his plan.  After his crucifixion, He also
appeared in the flesh to spread the gospel to the Hebrews
who had earlier migrated to the Americas.  Unfortunately,
the church he established in both places fell away, and
was only reinstated when Joseph Smith appeared on the
scene to restore the gospel.  Thus, the Mormon church is
now the only true church and all others are
 abominations , and teach false doctrine.
     To the Mormon, the above is factual.  Questions, such
as why Jesus would allow the church He created to be
overcome by Satan, are not pursued by good Saints. 
Mormons accept four books as Scripture:  The Book of
Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price
and the Bible.  The first three were written by Smith, who
also wrote an inspired bible which proved to be such an
embarrassment that it was suppressed by the church. 
Though called  scripture , the Bible is only accepted  as
far as it is correctly translated .  Few Mormons can
identify which parts are  correctly translated , but it is
clear that parts conflicting with Mormon theology fall
under that category.  Also considered Scripture are the
words of the current Prophet, who speaks with God s
authority; thus, he may create doctrine, even if it
contradicts earlier Prophets or the Bible itself.

Mormon teachings range from the ridiculous to the
profound, with Smith teaching most of the former.  The
church spends much time and effort hiding or denying
former practices which are now embarrassments.  Beliefs
     * God was once a man of flesh and bones, who by his
personal improvement became a god with an exalted body. 
Brigham Young taught that Adam was God, and therefore
Jesus  physical father, but this teaching was later
dropped by the church.  (Note: Jesus said that  God is a
Spirit  (John 4:24) and God denies being a man (Hosea
11:9).  The church denies Young s Adam-God teaching while
still maintaining his Prophet status.  The Bible says a
prophet from God will be correct all the time (Deuteronomy
18:20-22).  If Young was wrong about Adam-God, what does
that make him?)
     * The Trinity is the first Christian heresy.  God,
Jesus and the Holy Spirit are distinct persons and
separate gods.  (Note:  Mormons give common Christian
terms, such as  trinity , entirely different meanings. 
The Trinity concept is well founded in the Bible; see John
1:1 for the clear link between Jesus and God.  See below
discussion on Book of Mormon teachings which do not
support current church doctrine on this subject.)
     * Jesus and Lucifer were spirit brothers.  In his
earthly form, Jesus was the result of sexual union between
a physical God and Mary.  Jesus later had at least three
wives.  (Note: Needless to say, none of this is Biblical.)
     * Jehovah (Jesus) and Elohim (God) are separate
personages.  (Note:  The Bible says both names to refer to
the one God.  Jehovah (or Yahweh) is God s  true name ,
and He identifies Himself as such to Moses in Exodus 3:14. 
Elohim is a generic name for any god, but under specific
circumstances refers only to God himself (Elohim is used
in the Creation story (Genesis ch 1)).  Sometimes both
names are used together (i.e., Jehovah Elohim) to refer to
     * The Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods give
Mormons the authority to act for the Lord and to do his
work on the earth.  The Aaronic priesthood was conferred
by John the Baptist, and the Melchizedek restored by
Peter, James and John.  (Note:  As the authority to spread
the gospel, the priesthood is essential to Mormonism. 
This is critical, because there is no Biblical foundation
for modern usage of either priesthood.  The Aaronic
priesthood was limited to descendents of Aaron, of the
tribe of Levi, and was changed, or done away with, by
Jesus' sacrifice (Hebrews 7:12).  As to the Melchizedek,
Hebrews 5:6 and 7:24 say that Jesus holds that priesthood,
and that it is permanent, and not transferable.  Thus,
God's revelation denies this Mormon practice.  Worse, the
Mormon "priesthood" conceals the real meaning of Jesus'
sacrifice.  Matthew 27:51 tells us that the veil of the
Temple in Jerusalem was torn in two from the top to the
bottom when Christ died.  This veil had stood for the
separating wall between God and man that was bridged but
once a year by the high priest when he offered the
sacrifice of atonement for the people.  The meaning of the
torn veil is clear:  Christ's death was the ultimate
sacrifice, and it opened the way permanently for all who
would come to God by Him.  With His sacrifice, the
priesthood was fulfilled, it's purpose was done, finished,
completed.  Mankind no longer needed an earthly "priest"
to intercede with God, for he has Jesus Christ as his
mediator, and it is that great fact that the Mormonism
tries to hide from its members.)
     * There are three heavens, with the top having three
levels, the highest of which is for Mormons who have
reached godhood.  The other heavens are for less-worthy
Mormons and  men of good will .  Hell, as a place of
everlasting torment, has no place in Mormon theology. 
(Note: Nowhere does the Bible speak of a hierarchy of
heavens.  Hell, as an eternal place of torment, is clearly
described, such as in the the parable of Lazarus and the
rich man in Luke 16:19.  Cults downplay or deny the
existence of hell, for their own reasons.)
     * While Christ made salvation open to all,
 exaltation  (or godhood) is available only through the
Mormon church by:  accepting the gospel, having the
Melchizedek Priesthood, receiving the endowment (describes
how godhood is obtained), and being married in the temple
(thus making it eternal).  (Note: Exaltation once required
having multiple wives (polygamy); however, the church
 officially  abolished this practice in 1890 under
pressure from the Federal Government.  Smith s
 revelation  about this "requirement" was not retracted
and heavenly polygamy is still taught.  The Bible says
there is no marriage in heaven (Matthew 22:30) and faith
in Jesus is the only requirement for eternal life.)
     * After death, the  worthy  Mormon cannot merely walk
into God s presence.  He must know the secret signs,
passwords and handshakes that the angels guarding heaven s
gates will demand of him.  These are learned during the
temple endowment ceremony.  (Note: Though not Biblical,
this has its roots in another religion:  Freemasonry.  The
endowment ceremony was instituted two months after Smith
became a Master Mason and is clearly patterned after the
first three Masonic degrees.  Also borrowed was the  magic
underwear , similar to the Mason s lambskin apron, which
Mormons wear for spiritual protection.)
     * A Mormon cannot enter a temple unless he is
approved by local church leadership and issued a  temple
recommend .  To get the recommend, one must:  tithe 10%,
live a moral life, avoid certain food, drink and tobacco,
be free of drugs and legal entanglements, support the
dictates of the General Authorities and fully accept the
teachings of the church.  Mormons without the recommend
worship in  stake  houses.  (Note: Restricting temple
admission serves to limit promulgation of Mormonism s true
beliefs to those who really want to belong to the church. 
Merely having literature that questions Mormon theology is
enough to strip a Mormon of his recommend.)
     * God levied the curse of a black skin on those who
did not  strive valiantly  against Lucifer in the spirit
world.  Thus, blacks were not allowed to hold the
priesthood until 1978, when another  revelation  was
received.  (Note: As with polygamy, this  revelation 
coincided with government pressure and is a second example
of the church s willingness to sacrifice their god s
decrees for political and economic survival.)
     * The Book of Mormon (BOM) mainly describes a group
of Jews who came to the Americas from Jerusalem around
600BC.  They split into two groups, the Nephites and
Lamanites, with the latter being given a darker skin as a
sign of God s displeasure.  Jesus visited the Nephites
after His crucifixion to preach the gospel.  In the 7th
century, the Lamanites (ancestors of the American Indian)
destroyed the Nephites, with the last Nephite hiding the
plates containing the BOM in upstate New York.  (Note:
Consider these facts about about the BOM:
     * Though described as the unalterable word of God, it
     has been subject to almost 4000 changes since 1830. 
     Many of these were to correct the ungrammatical
     wording used by Smith (identified as the book s
      author ), but others were to add doctrine or change
     embarrassing errors.  Not yet corrected by Mormon
     scribes is the prediction that Jesus will be born in
     Jerusalem (Alma 7:9).  The church regularly changes
     history by editing historical and doctrinal works to
     reflect current practices.

     * Over 25,000 words are quoted directly from the King
     James Bible, which is odd, as the BOM was supposedly
     compiled by the 7th century AD and the King James
     Bible written almost 1000 years later.  In academic
     circles, this is called plagiarism.  Mormons have
     fantastic explanations about this coincidence;
     plagiarism, of course, is not one of them.

     * It is genetically impossible for the Lamanites to
     be related to the American Indian as the BOM states. 
     Had the Lamanites existed (which they did not), they
     would have been of Semitic makeup; Indians are
     Mongoloid in genetic extraction.  One can change his
     hair color, but not his genes.  Mormons used to
     believe that Indians converting to Mormonism would be
     rewarded by their skin turning white.

     * No trace of the great civilizations described in
     the book have ever been found by non-Mormon
     archaeologists.  The Smithsonian Institution is on
     record as seeing no connection between the BOM and
     New World archaeology.

     * It is a total fabrication by an imaginative Joseph
     Smith, and not the only one.  Smith also published
     the Book of Abraham, supposedly translated from an
     Egyptian papyrus containing a handwritten account by
     the prophet Abraham.  This papyrus later came to
     light and turned out to be a common Egyptian funeral
     document, having no relationship to the contents
     described by Smith.  Smith felt he could get away
     with such fictional translations because Egyptian
     writing was thought to be undecipherable in his day. 
     Despite knowing the truth, the church cannot
     repudiate the Book of Abraham without repudiating

     * The BOM contains few of the doctrines used by the
     church today, and is at odds with some of their most
     important ones.  For example, polygamy was once
     necessary for salvation, but the BOM states that each
     man shall have but one wife in Jacob 2:26-28.  The
     Trinity is taught in 2 Nephi 31:21 and Alma 11:44;
     one God is taught in Alma 11:25-29; God is described
     as spirit in Alma 18:24-28.

     * The Hebrews coming to the American continent
     supposedly came to an uninhabited land (2 Nephi 1:9-
     11).  When they arrived, there were already present
     domesticated animals, such as cows, horses and oxen
     (which is a neutered bull).  So how did the bull
     become an oxen?)
Mormonism hides behind a facade of Christianity, while
teaching polytheisism and a gospel whose emphasis is on
obeying church doctrine.  Choosing to accept the "modern
revelation" of Joseph Smith as their authority, they
reject the Bible and the doctrines it contains.  They
exchange a Spirit-led life for legalism.
Mormon authorities admit that Mormonism stands or falls on
the credibility of Joseph Smith.  The truth about his lack
of integrity, unethical behavior and unBiblical theology
puts the church on shaky ground indeed.  Unfortunately, a
Mormon will rarely consider seriously the evidence against
his church.  He is officially discouraged, and, in some
cases, punished, for discussing Mormon history or theology
outside the church, and therefore learns nothing except
via approved propaganda.  As well, he expects to be
attacked, and therefore classifies these unpleasant facts
as  Mormon-bashing .  Should doubts begin to appear, the
Mormon believes that if he only has enough faith in his
leaders, all will be okay.  Such a faith can remain intact
until he is judged, when Jesus' own words, which he has
ignored, will condemn him (John 12:48).  Instead of
professing faith in Jesus, the Mormon brings this
statement to your door:

     "I bear you my testimony that I know beyond a shadow
     of a doubt that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of
     God and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
     Saints is the only true church on the earth today."

By this profession, he trades eternal life for an empty
testimony of faith in Smith and the men who lead his
     For those well versed in the Bible, the many errors
in Mormon theology are easy to see.  There is also this
warning to consider:

     But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach
     a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let
     him be eternally condemned.             (Galatians

Smith said an angel appeared and told him where to find
the golden plates, which started the development of Mormon
theology.  Compared with Biblical theology, it is clear
the Mormon "gospel" is indeed different, and the judgement
noted above certainly applicable.  However, many never
realize that Mormonism is not a Christian faith, and fall
prey to its image of a strong, family oriented belief
structure which says that salvation is achieved by one s
personal efforts.  Unfortunately, the Mormon can strive
mightily to prove his worth by good works, but he remains
no better than the worst sinner, as neither knows the
power of Jesus Christ to change lives.

* Where in the BOM are multiple gods described?  or the
Temple ceremony?  or eternal marriage?

* Why does the Book of Moses (Ch 2) speak of one God
creating the world while the Book of Abraham (Ch 4) speaks
of multiple Gods?

* Pray about the BOM? Why should I pray about anything
since I have God's word (the Bible) as a guide to what I
should or should not accept?

* If the Bible, BOM, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of
Great Price are all God's revelations, why are they
different?  Does God change?  


Jehovah s Witnesses (JW) have a reserved, if faintly
fanatic image.  One generally sees Witnesses only at the
front door or when their religious views make the news. 
After talking to them, many feel that once is enough, as
they can often leave you disturbed and unsure of your own
     A half truth is worse than a lie, and the Witnesses
have perfected the use of half truths to gain and keep
converts.  JW literature is full of  facts  that seem to
deny the prime tenets of Christianity, and they can flip
through the Bible to show verses that  prove  those
 facts  (but not those that disagree with their beliefs). 
This is no accident:  JW literature is written to mislead,
and these visitors are highly trained to present their
beliefs and make you doubt yours.  They are also very
motivated, as their salvation depends upon door-to-door
preaching and gaining converts.  Sadly, the individual JW
is honestly trying to do what he is told God wants him to
do, not realizing that he is living a lie.

Jehovah s Witnesses were founded by Charles T. Russell in
1879 in Pittsburgh, Pa.  Russell began with the premise
that Christianity had been perverted, and wrote a series
of books which, in his mind, replaced the Bible.  Russell
supported his teachings by redefining the meanings of
Greek and Hebrew terms in the Scripture, while having no
training in (or knowledge of) either language.  Even
today, many JW s can discuss Greek terminology, not
knowing that they are parroting the Society s
misinterpretations.  After Russell s death, the leadership
retained the centralized control of JW affairs which mark
the group as a cult today.  Succeeding Presidents
consolidated this control into a committee, which speaks
with authority on all doctrinal and disciplinary matters.
Watchtower leaders have a history of making prophesies
that do not come true, though lately their predictions
have not been dated, thus saving themselves further
embarrassment.  Among their prophesies were:
     - Jesus Christ appeared invisibly in 1874 (later
     changed to 1914.)
     - Armageddon (the end of the world) would occur in
     - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would be earthly
     resurrected in 1925.   Beth Sarim  mansion built in
     1930 in San Diego for the  soon-to-be resurrected
     prophets; however, they never appeared and Rutherford
     lived there until his death.
     - Armageddon  likely  to occur in 1975.
     - Armageddon to occur  soon .
The Old Testament says that a prophet of God is correct
100% of the time.  These failures indicate that they were
not spoken by the power of God; thus, the leadership does
not speak with authority.  Unfortunately, a membership
trained in blind obedience does not question its leaders 

The JW organization is closely run by its leadership in
Brooklyn, NY.  This control extends down to the local
congregations, where officials are appointed by the
Brooklyn office, vice being locally elected.  As Jesus 
own organization, the Witness leadership acts as His
 faithful and discreet slave  in establishing, and
enforcing adherence to, doctrine.  This leadership, not
the Bible, is the final authority for all theological
matters.  Witnesses march in lock-step conformity and
boast of their total obedience to the Society s rule. 
They avoid independent thinking, refuse non-Witness
religious material, never criticize JW leaders and do not
listen to criticism of JW beliefs and practices. 
Education beyond high school is discouraged:  if Jehovah
will soon destroy the world, what education is necessary? 
As a result of this rigid control, JW s are very clannish
and do not have close contact with non-Witnesses.  The JW
who disobeys church doctrine quickly finds himself hauled
before a judicial committee of elders and, if he doesn t
admit his  sin ,  disfellowshiped , or banned from the
Kingdom Hall and shunned by former friends and relatives.

JW s believe that the Battle of Armageddon, in which
Jehovah will destroy all non-Witnesses, is almost upon us. 
They fear that they could be destroyed as well, unless
they actively engage in door-to-door preaching.  This fear
for his own salvation is why an individual JW can be so
diligent in his mission program.  The JW s further believe
that Jesus returned to earth in spiritual form in 1914 and
rules as King on earth through the Society.  Thus,
salvation outside the Watchtower is impossible, and
depends on full obedience to the Watchtower Society and
vigorous participation in its works programs.  JW s also
believe that heavenly salvation is no longer possible. 
Instead, believers will live in an earthly paradise after
Armageddon.  The JW s support their arguments with their
own version of the Bible, the New World Translation, which
alters the Scriptures to reflect JW beliefs, as opposed to
accurately translating them to reflect the truth.

Their beliefs are based on the following Watchtower
     * There is one solitary being from all eternity,
Jehovah God, the Creator and Preserver of the Universe. 
(Note: Except for the word  solitary , which JW's use to
deny the Trinity, this is a fair description of the God of
the Bible, who in some translations is referred to as
 Jehovah .  Few object to this name, which is one of the
many spellings of the Hebrew  Yahweh  (the divine name of
God).   See Isaiah, chapters 43-45, for a description of
the God of the Bible.)
     * True believers must call Him by the name Jehovah;
He does not hear those calling Him by any other name. 
(Note: The Bible does not support that view.  Indeed,
Jesus taught us to pray to Father .)
     * Jehovah s first creation was Jesus, also known as
Michael the archangel.  On earth, Jesus was a
manifestation of Michael in human form.  (Note: The Bible
is clear on who Jesus was:

     In the beginning was the Word (i.e., Jesus), and the
     Word was with God, and the Word was God . (John 1:1)

The Witnesses claim that this verse should define Jesus as
 a God ; however, the Greek grammar is clear about the
above quote being the proper translation.  Also, the Bible
is very clear that there is only one God (Isaiah 43:10-
11), so this JW explanation cannot be valid.  Michael is
mentioned five times in the Bible, but never is he
identified as Jesus.  Hebrews chapter 1 notes Jesus 
superiority to the angels, making the Witness claim pretty
     * Following his crucifixion, Jesus was resurrected as
a spiritual being. (Note:  Again the Bible disagrees. 
Luke 24:39 quotes Jesus pointing out his physical body;
indeed, He even eats with the disciples.  Throughout the
Bible, "resurrection" always pertains to the physical
body, never the spiritual.)
     * The Holy Spirit is God s  active force , not a
person.  (Note: the Bible reveals the Holy Spirit as
having personal traits such as speaking (Acts 13:2),
bearing witness (John 15:26), saying what it hears (John
16:13) and not liking being lied to (Acts 5:3).  Though
the body is described as a temple for the Holy Spirit (1
Corinthians 6:19), JW s view those having the Spirit as
being demon-possessed.)
     * The Trinity concept is Satan spawned.  The word
 trinity  does not appear in the Bible.  (Note: The JW s
redefined God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to support this
claim.  True,  trinity  isn t in the Bible; however,
neither is  omnipresent , which most would agree describes
an attribute of God.  The Trinity concept dates from the
third century AD and allows us to understand God as He has
revealed Himself through the Scriptures.  It is in total
harmony with the biblical revelation of God, Jesus and the
Spirit.  A good supporting verse of the Trinity is Genesis
19:24, where God (on earth) calls down burning sulfur from
God (in heaven.))
     * Except for a few believers, true Christianity
vanished from the earth after the death of the Apostles,
with Satan taking ecclesiastical authority.  It was not
restored until Russell set up the Watchtower organization. 
When Christ returned in 1914, He began His rule as King on
earth through the Watchtower Society.  (Note:  Why Jesus
allowed the church He established to be subverted by Satan
is not explained by the JW leadership, but it does fly in
the face of reason.  Only the Witnesses saw Jesus  return,
despite His statement that His return would be seen by all
(Matthew 24:27).  The Bible states that Jesus left the
earth in physical form and will return in the same way
(Acts 1:11).  Of interest, both the JW s and the Mormons
teach that Christ s church fell away and was later
restored by a man, though neither is pleased about the
     * Jehovah has a precise timetable for all past and
future events which has been revealed through the
Watchtower Society.  (Note: Using this timetable, the
Society has promulgated a number of specific end-times
prophecies, all of which have failed.  Jesus said no man
would know when the end of times would occur (Matthew
24:36).  God alone knows that date; the Christian only
knows that each day brings it one day closer.  The Witness
leadership taught that those living in 1914 would see this
event.  As most of these are rather old now, if the world
doesn't end shortly, yet another Witness prophecy will be
revealed as false.)
     * Only 144,000 individuals will go to heaven, and
this number was reached by the year 1935.  All other
Witnesses will live on earth in a Garden of Eden paradise
after God destroys everyone else on the planet.  Those not
of the 144,000 may not partake of the annual Lord s
Supper.  (Note: The JW leadership determined the identity
of these 144,000, and one can only guess at the criteria
used.  The number itself is taken out of context from the
7th and 14th chapters of of Revelations.  Of interest,
Revelations 14:4 says that these 144,000 are virgins,
making it unlikely that the JW s interpretation is
correct.  The Bible does not limit the number of people
who may enter heaven, and denying believers communion
directly contradicts Jesus  instructions (Matthew 26:27,
John 6:53).)
     * Accepting a blood transfusion is a serious sin as
it constitutes  eating blood , which is prohibited by the
Bible.  JW's, and their children, must die rather than
accept a transfusion.  (Note: This false interpretation of
Leviticus 7:26 was implemented in 1944.  It takes a great
stretch of the imagination to equate a transfusion with
the Old Testament prohibition.  Since Jesus fulfilled the
Law, that prohibition no longer even applies.  Of note,
from 1967-80, organ transplants were prohibited by the JW
leadership, as were vaccinations from 1931-1952.  Why
Jehovah changed His mind in these cases is not clear.)
     * Celebrating birthdays and national/religious
holidays is forbidden.  As Jehovah s ambassadors, swearing
allegiance to any nation or joining the armed forces is
blasphemy.  (Note: There is no Biblical basis for these
prohibitions.  Many JW practices are designed to force the
Witnesses to be different.  Imagine the impact on a child
who cannot celebrate birthdays in school.  Jesus noted the
place earthly government has ( Render unto Caesar the
things that are Caesar s ) and Romans 13:1-7 is a masterly
discussion of government and the Christian s
responsibility to it.)
     * The human soul cannot be separated from the body;
upon death, the soul remains with the body awaiting
judgement.  Thus, the dead have no conscious existence
until their bodily resurrection, when they either join the
earthly paradise or are totally destroyed.  There is no
hell, or place of eternal punishment.  (Note: See Luke
12:4-5 description of life after death.  See also Matthew
10:28, where Jesus warns of the  One who can destroy both
soul and body in hell .  The Bible defines death as
 separation , either from the body or from God, and never
as  destruction  as believed by the JW s.  From the first
book of the New Testament (Matthew 13:41, 13:49, etc.), a
place of eternal torment for nonbelievers is clearly
     * Wearing the cross is prohibited as a pagan custom. 
Jesus was crucified on an upright pole without a
crossbeam.  (Note:  Jesus warned his followers to be ready
to carry their own cross, which is why many people wear
the cross.  As well, the cross is worn to indicate
Christ s victory over death.  In some places, the Bible
speaks of Jesus being crucified on a  tree , which is
where the idea of a stake comes from.  However, Thomas
said he wanted to see the marks of the nails (plural) in
Jesus  hands (John 20:25).  Why would more than one nail
have been needed if the Witnesses are correct?  Also,
Matthew 27:37 speaks of a written charge placed over
Jesus' head on the cross.  This would not be practical if
his hands were nailed to a stake as the Witnesses claim.)

If Jesus was indeed directing the Watchtower organization,
the Witnesses would fully understand and preach the gospel
of salvation and hope that is found in the Bible. 
Instead, they preach a legalistic doctrine that totally
ignores the sacrifice He made for us.  Jesus spoke of the
JW leadership:

      You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied
     about you:   These people honor me with their lips,
     but their hearts are far from me.  They worship me in
     vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.  "
     (Matthew 15:7-9)

     "you load people down with burdens they can hardly
     carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to
     help them.                              (Luke 11:46)

The Witnesses are the most dangerous of the cults to those
who do not understand the Scriptures, as they present a
cohesive theology seemingly proven by the Bible.  Review
their material closely and you will find the half-truths
upon which it is based and begin to see just how these
half-truths conceal a body in which conformity and
obedience far outweigh the love of God.
     The individual JW can never be sure he is saved, but
must remain on the salvation-by-works treadmill
established by the Watchtower.  They continually seek
God s approval, but deny the Scriptures that state how
this approval is achieved.  They are blind followers of
blind leaders, victims of victims, and people who have cut
themselves off from the saving grace of Jesus.

* What must you do to be saved?  Can you disobey your

* How does Jesus provide leadership to your Brooklyn

* Will the world be destroyed by the year 2000?  Did the
Society predict Armageddon would occur in 1975?

* Who translated the NWT?  What language training did they


Presenting itself as a fraternal brotherhood of believers
in God, Freemasonry is the world's most successful secret
society.  Mason Albert G. Mackey defines it:
     All (Masons) unite in declaring it to be a system of
     morality, by the practice of which its members may
     advance their spiritual interest, and mount by the
     theological ladder from the Lodge on earth to the
     Lodge in heaven. 
                          (Revised Encyclopedia of
Beyond definition, Masonry means different things to
different people; therefore, this chapter focuses on the
question "Can a Christian support Masonry?"  In finding
the answer, one should always keep two points in mind:  1)
What any Mason believes should not be confused with what
Masonry teaches.  Masonic rituals and symbols are open to
interpretation; thus, Christian Masons may choose to see
them in light of their own beliefs, vice what they
actually teach.  2) There is much misinformation on
Masonry, from both Masons and their opponents.
     Objective review of the facts shows that Masonry
denies Biblical  beliefs.  Purporting to convey a mystery,
or hidden  knowledge , it teaches concepts which are alien
to Christianity, and is very much symbolic of the "broad
path that leads to destruction."  The Mason searching for
Masonic "light" must eventually choose between the God of
the Bible and the god of Masonry (a universal god to whom
all men pray, regardless of faith).  Undoubtedly, many
Masons will disagree with this; however, Masonic
authorities bemoan of how little Masons know of the true
teachings of their Craft.  The individual Mason may be
unaware of the religious nature of Masonry, unaware of the
teachings of its higher degrees, and unaware of its true
inner meaning and intent.

Masonry's written history before the 18th century is
colorful, interesting and almost totally fictional. 
Masonry seemingly came out of nowhere on June 24, 1717 in
London, England, and the most thoughtful Masonic writers
admit that almost nothing is known of its roots or its
history before that time.
     Masonry once taught (and many still believe) that the
Craft sprang from the builders of King Solomon s Temple,
with Solomon being the first Grand Master.  Some Masonic
writers date Masonry back to the dawn of creation.  Today,
the main premise is that Masonry developed from medieval
stonemason guilds, though no direct proof is available to
support this.  A more intriguing theory is that
Freemasonry originated in the 14th century, when the
Knights Templar, a Catholic order of warrior monks, were
destroyed by Pope Clement V and King Philip of France. 
The Knights in France were caught by surprise and crushed,
but the English King did not act until three months later,
giving the Knights there time to escape.  Very likely,
most of them went underground in Scotland and eventually
resurfaced as Freemasonry.  Thus, this Catholic order
evolved into a brotherhood professing a universal religion
(see Robinson s outstanding book  Born in Blood  for
discussion of this viewpoint).

Freemasonry s basic element is the Blue Lodge, which
contains the first three degrees (Entered Apprentice,
Fellow Craft and Master Mason).  Membership in the Lodge
is by request, with the candidate required to be a man
(usually with no major handicaps), have good moral
character and express a belief in God (any god).  A
candidate is accepted for initiation into the Lodge by
unanimous consent of its members.  Though every Lodge is
largely independent, and run by an elected Worshipful
Master, each US state has a Grand Lodge, which can grant
and revoke Lodge charters in that state.  Black Masons
gather in Prince Hall lodges and have their own Grand
Lodges; Masonry has yet to achieve internal racial
harmony.  Though doctrinal purity is not enforced, a lodge
can lose its charter if it fails to adhere to certain key
requirements (such as requiring members to express a
belief in Deity).  Finally, Masons can believe as much or
as little of Masonic lessons as they wish; thus, some view
the Lodge as purely a social group, while others see it as
the One True Religion.
     Masons wishing to learn more beyond the Blue Lodge
may earn degrees in the Scottish (so-named, even though it
started in France) and York (or American) Rites.  Though
many feel that these degrees contain the real Masonic
truths, fewer than 20% proceed beyond the Master Mason
degree to these higher degrees.  Those holding the top
earned degree in either Scottish or York Rite can petition
to enter the Shrine.  Unlike other Rites, the Shrine is
formed for fun and fellowship, and it is marked by a
certain level of hilarity.  The Scottish Rite has an
honorary 33rd degree, which is bestowed on the most worthy
Masons.  Other orders include the Eastern Star (for female
relatives) and DeMolay (for boys).  Masonry has also
influenced such groups as Odd Fellows, Moose, Eagle and
Elk orders, the Knights of Pythias, and the Mormons, to
name a few.
     Much ink has been spilled on whether or not Masonry
is a religion.  Publicly, Masons ridicule the idea, but
many privately confirm it:

     Freemasonry is undoubtedly religion; it has a dogma;
     and it practices rites, though the religion is simple
     and creedless and the dogma is mild. 
                   (Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia)

Such writers (Coil, Pike, Mackey, etc) indicate that
Freemasonry embodies the pure religion established at the
beginning of time, with others having only a corrupted
version of that religion.  These views are not publicly
aired, as those who accept Freemasonry as a social group
might not accept it as a religion, especially one whose
teachings on God and salvation conflict with the Bible. 
Masonry's religious nature can be seen in both the Lodge
and in its rituals:
     The Lodge is patterned after King Solomon s Temple,
and is  erected to God and dedicated to Sts John  (John
the Baptist and the Apostle John), who the ritual claims
were "Christian patrons of Masonry".  Inside, symbols of
the Deity abound:  the letter  G  (refers to God and
Geometry), the All-Seeing Eye, the Worshipful Master and
the equilateral triangle.  Part of the lodge is called the
 Holy of Holies , which was reserved for God in Solomon's
     The rituals are permeated with religious trappings. 
During the Entered Apprentice initiation, the candidate is
described as being in darkness and seeking to be brought
into "light" (Masonic truth, or the "true knowledge of
Deity").  God is said to be the source of this light.  He
is further told that entering the Lodge is symbolic of his
eventual death and resurrection.  In his Blue Lodge oaths,
he kneels at the altar and swears "in the presence of
Almighty God" and ends with "so help me God."  He is also
taught by symbolism that self-perfection is the way to
salvation (e.g., apron, all-seeing eye, rough ashlar).  In
the Master Mason s initiation he is symbolically raised
from the dead (and into Masonic life).  Fictional stories
of Old Testament figures presented as fact lend credence
to Masonry's supposed Divine origination.  This pattern of
quasi-religious overtones continues into the Scottish and
York rites, with the clear message being that God, whoever
He is, endorses Masonry and smiles on all "true Masons". 
As a result, many Masons feel that the Lodge is all the
religion they need.

Masons believe in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood
of Man, and the Immortality of the Soul.  Since God is
man s Father, then all men are His spiritual sons in good
standing with Him, regardless of their religious beliefs. 
Masonry also teaches that self-improvement and good works
will secure God s favor and guarantee entry into heaven.
     Though this may sound good, it isn t Biblical.  The
God of the Bible is not mankind s Father; He is his
Creator.  We become children of God (and He our Father)
through faith in Jesus:

     Yet to all who received (Jesus), to those who
     believed in his name, he gave the right to become
     children of God .         (John 1:12)

As to good works, these apply to our life on earth, but
have little to do with salvation.  As the Apostle Paul

     For it is by grace you have been saved, through
     faith...and not by works, so that no one can boast . 
                              (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Good works are only the practical application of this
faith.  No one can make himself or herself  good enough 
for heaven.

Freemasonry teaches that it alone safeguards genuine
religious truth,that all non-Masons are living in
spiritual darkness.  Masonic degrees represent progressive
steps by which the Mason advances to perfection by
mastering these  truths :
     * There are many religions, but they are all part of
one Religion, as all gods are part of one God.  (Note: By
implication, that one Religion is Freemasonry.  Masonic
rituals and symbols reinforce that belief, and discussions
of any other religious beliefs are prohibited during lodge
     * God is an unreachable, uncaring Spirit who cannot
be known, named or approached.  He should not bothered
with petitions.  (Note:  The Bible teaches a mighty,
personal God who is totally at odds with Masonic thought. 
It also makes him unique from the gods of other religions. 
The new Mason is first told that God's name was lost;
however, the York Rite later teaches that His secret name
is  Jahbulon , which is derived from the names Jehovah,
Baal and Osiris.  This joining of the Biblical God with
the pagan gods of Assyria and Egypt is representative of
the Masonic view that all gods are merely reflections of
one God.)
     * Jesus was not God, only a very good man; His name
cannot be used in prayers in many Masonic lodges.  (Note: 
John 1:1 is very clear on who Jesus was.  With any
meaningful Christian influence on Masonry ending in the
18th century, Masonry has denied Christian doctrine to
make itself acceptable to men of all faiths.  Since a
lodge can include Jews, Christians, Druids, Buddhists,
etc, prayers are designed so as to not offend any member. 
 Grand (or Great) Architect of the Universe  is a favorite
expression for God.)
     * The Bible is only a symbol, words on a page that
represent only part of the will of God.  It is no more
true or false than is the Islamic Koran or the Book of
Mormon.  (Note: Despite calling it the  rule and guide of
faith , the Lodge uses the Bible mainly for oath swearing. 
Mason Henry Wilson Coil notes in his Encyclopedia that "no
authority has held that any Freemason must believe the
Bible or any part of it."  Masonry actually teaches that
divine will is revealed in the Volume of Sacred Law, which
includes the Pentateuch, the Bible, the Koran and the Book
of Mormon, among others.  None of these are considered
superior to the others, and the many differences between
these books are ignored.  Christians see the Bible as the
sole compilation of the Word of God.)
     * Heaven is guaranteed to Masons who practice good
works and are morally pure.  The Mason s lambskin apron,
received in the first degree, is the symbol of  that
purity of life and conduct which is essentially necessary 
to gain admittance to heaven.  The All-Seeing Eye (i.e.,
God) is said to  reward us according to our works .  The
Rough/Perfect Ashlar is symbolic of perfection by our own
efforts and "the blessing of God".  (Note: Though
 Immortality of the Soul  is a prime Masonic belief,
little is said about it beyond implying that good works
are key to heaven.  Merely being a Mason is seemingly
enough to be acceptable to God.  Masonic rituals
constantly trumpet the Mason's high moral standards, with
the implication being that Masons are, by definition, the
elect, better men than non-Masons, and the fittest to lead
mankind into a better future.  The Bible says it is faith
in Jesus that saves us, not our works, and notes
specifically that man is a sinful being, who can never
reach perfection by his own efforts.)
     * From the first degree, Masons are taught to seek
 light , or Masonic truth, which makes good men better. 
(Note:  Jesus is referred to as the  light  of the world
(John 8:12),but He is not the "light" of Masonry.  Unlike
Christianity, Masonry does not concern itself with the
welfare of men who are not "good", but  offers hidden
"knowledge", by which "good" men will supposedly become
"better", and thus more suited for the path of
righteousness.  Such a view was once called Gnosticism,
and is as totally at odds with Christianity now as it was
     * Each Mason is expected to become like the grand
Master Mason, Hiram Abiff, chief architect of King
Solomon s Temple who was foully murdered by apprentices. 
Each Mason must complete the spiritual temple in his own
heart, as Abiff was to complete Solomon s Temple.  (Note: 
This legend is very loosely based on the Hiram of the
Bible (1 Kings 7:13), and is a prime example of how
Masonry presents fiction as Biblical history.  In the
Bible, Hiram was a metal worker, not an architect, who
finished his work (1 Kings 7:40) and presumable returned
to his land.  The Bible also tells us that God was the
architect of the Temple (1 Chronicles, chapter 28). 
Despite this, Masons generally believe that the Hiram
Abiff story is factual.  Some Masons equate Hiram with
Jesus Christ, and the legend itself bears resemblance to
the Egyptian legend of the gods Isis and Osiris.  King
Solomon, Hiram, the Temple and other Biblical figures are
used extensively in Masonic degrees, and many a Mason
never does learn that the stories are fictional.)
     * Loyalty to Masonry and other Masons is paramount. 
Masons swear to  always conceal and never reveal  Masonic
secrets and to help each other regardless of right or
wrong.  (Note: There is no harm in swearing to conceal
secrets; however, swearing to always protect fellow Masons
leads to conflicting loyalties.  Having sworn his oath,
would a Mason on jury duty subordinate the requirements of
justice to his loyalty to a brother Mason defendant?  What
kind of morality is that?)
     * Strict oaths bind the candidate, and God will
punish the Mason who violates his oath.  (Note:  The
candidate for the Master Mason degree binds himself: 
 ...under no less penalty than that of having my body
severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to
ashes...So help me God.   The Shriner swears to  Allah,
the God of Mohammad .  What Christian could honestly swear
such oaths without compromising his beliefs?  Jesus warned
against oath-swearing (Matthew 5:37), but more ominously
warned that  by your words will you be condemned  (Matthew
     * Masons prefer that outsiders judge them by what
they do, not by what they teach, and refer extensively to
Masonic charities as proof of their worth.  (Note: 
Charitable works, however good, do not justify Masonry s
unChristian teachings.  Biblically, good works are the
outgrowth of an active faith, and justify a man before men
(James 2:18).  Of interest, for the year 1990, 42% of the
$525 million collected by Masonic charities went to non-
public (i.e., Lodge) purposes.)

To repeat, it is not what a Mason believes about Masonry
that matters; it is what its rituals teach.  The Mason who
believes that Masonry is Divinely inspired and begins to
search for Masonic "light" will be led into a non-Biblical
theology.  The more he believes in Masonry, the less he
believes in the Bible.  Three main factors drive this:
     + First is the Masonic view that many sacred books
exist which equally reflect the Will of God.  In this
view, the Bible is no better than the Book of Mormon, a
view any Christian must find offensive, if not ridiculous.
     + Second is the strong Masonic teaching of tolerance,
which says that no man's religious beliefs should be
criticized.  Though tolerance is important in our secular
society, Masonry uses it to equate all religious
viewpoints.  For example, In the Scottish Rite 26th degree
(Prince of Mercy), the emphasis is that Christianity is
not unique, that it shares common doctrines with all other
religions; therefore, it is neither better nor worse than
any other.  Yet the Bible teaches the complete uniqueness
of Christianity, and review of other religions (Mormonism,
Buddhism, Islam, etc) shows their irreconcilable
differences.  How can a Christian be tolerant of
Mormonism, for example, when eternal punishment in hell
awaits the Mormon?
     + Third, the Mason is taught to put Masonry above all
other things.  To exemplify, the prospective Mason must
remove his wedding ring before he can begin the first
degree; thus, his first choice is between the ring that
symbolizes his marriage or Masonry.  The object of this
lesson is clear, and Masonry, with its secrets, remains
something in which the wife can little share.

     Masonry teaches another god and another  gospel ,
which is one of salvation by self-improvement.  In
accepting any Deity, Freemasonry opens its doors to
cultists (e.g., Mormons) and those who practice occult and
pagan mystery religions.  Such practitioners often teach
their beliefs by presenting them as explanations of
Masonic symbols or inner meanings of the degrees.  As a
result, virtually every Christian denomination that has
studied Freemasonry has noted its incompatibility with
Christianity.  This alone should give pause to anyone
involved with, or wishing to join, Freemasonry.  But we
close with the Apostle Paul s admonition to Christians:

     "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  For what
     do righteousness and wickedness have in common?  Or
     what fellowship can light have with darkness?  What
     harmony is there between Christ and (Satan)?  What
     does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  
     (2 Corinthians 6:14-15)

* If Masonic teachings are useful, why reserve them for
Masons only?

* If the Bible and the Koran are equal, why do they
disagree?  The Bible says Jesus was God, the Koran says he

* How can the Mormon, Buddhist, Islamic and Christian
Mason worship the same God when their descriptions of Him
are so different?

* What have you learned in Masonry that has made you a
better man?


Classified as a religion, the New Age movement is worth
addressing due to its popularity.  Some see the movement
as a master plan to take over the world, but in reality it
is made up of dozens of groups operating in a fairly
independent fashion, and using different strategies, to
achieve a common set of goals.  The movement can be
defined as:

     A concerted effort on the part of otherwise
     dissimilar people to abolish God totally as a
     distinct reality and replace Him with humanity.  
     (Rev. Philip H. Lochhaas)

To the New Ager, humanity will one day acquire all the
attributes of God by means of a  quantum evolutionary
leap .

The New Age movement is as old as man himself. 
Biblically, it is first mentioned in Genesis with the
serpent s statement to Eve in the garden of Eden:

     You will not surely die...your eyes will be will be like God...  
                       (Genesis 3:4-6)

The same lie Satan used so long ago to destroy the
relationship between Adam and Eve and God is used even
today to destroy relationships between man and God.  And
Satan is the master liar:

     "(Satan) was a murderer from the beginning, not
     holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. 
     When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he
     is a liar and the father of lies .     (John 8:44)

Historically, rebellious man has tried to devise ways to
make himself God.  His intent has always been to free
himself from God s strict instructions, and therefore
allow himself to follow his own desires.  Satan does all
he can to assist in this, for his own reasons, and has
seen no need to deviate from his original lie as recorded
in Genesis.  It is that lie upon which the New Age
movement is based.

New Age has occult and humanistic aspects.  The occult
version involves reincarnation, crystal power, channeling
spirit guides, UFO S, extraterrestrials, and self-worship. 
Since the occult aspect follows fads, it is often
dismissed as trivial (though not by followers).  The
humanistic side involves developing unlimited human
potential and an ethical system centered in responsibility
only to one s self.  The importance of this reliance on
mankind s perceptions of things cannot be overemphasized,
as it has kept Satan s lie alive since the dawn of
mankind.  It is based on the view that human experience is
the final authority in morality.  Whatever hurts human
life or destroys human happiness is wrong; whatever helps
human life and therefore happiness is right.  Acts by
themselves are neither right nor wrong; their effects make
them one or the other.  Homosexuality, for example, is not
wrong as it supposedly hurts no one.  Murder is right or
wrong depending upon who dies.

In the New Age movement, mankind can evolve into anything
it chooses.  There are no fixed norms for us; we are
Divine.  There is no right or wrong, good or evil; there
is only our perceptions of these things.  A time is coming
in our spiritual evolution when we will become omnipotent. 
At that time, called the Age of Aquarius, a critical mass
of individuals will achieve  personal transformation ,
which will trigger a universal consciousness shift, and we
will finally enter the New Age, where there will be no
hunger, no war, no racism, no death.
     In New Age thinking, God is impersonal, an  it  or
the  Force  (for you Star Wars fans), and not separate or
distinct from creation.  This  it  continually expands
through human evolution.  Humanity, like all creation,
shares the essential being of God and is Divine, and
therefore under no law and accountable to no one.  All
humanity s problems rise from our ignorance; therefore,
the only need is transformation, or to become aware of our
divinity.  Once aware, we can choose the direction of our
further evolution.
     Transformation can be brought about by any number of
techniques that can be applied to the body, mind and/or
spirit.  The object of this transformation is to dismantle
our old perception of reality and build a new one, based
on the belief that we are our own creator.  Personal
transformation is the basis for a global transformation
that will be characterized by social unity and mass
enlightenment.  Once we realize and act upon our Divinity,
all negative aspects of human behavior will disappear.

Some of the New Age teachings include:
     * Reincarnation, or the method by which mankind lives
many lives, until, by his own actions, he achieves the
state of perfection.  (Note: the Bible does not support
this concept:

     Just as man is destined to die once, and after that
     to face judgement...          (Hebrews 9:27))

     * Karma, the balance of good and evil, is the
controlling agent for each subsequent incarnation.  Those
living evil lives take on negative karma, and will be
punished in their next life.  Large amounts of negative
Karma can be burned off by  choosing  to live a miserable
life, such as being aborted, born handicapped or in
extreme poverty.  The individual can then choose one bad
life to ensure himself of a better incarnation down the
road, and thus a short cut to perfection.  (Note: Where
Karma is a widespread belief, such as in India, concern
over social conditions is nil.  If the poor have chosen
their state to burn off negative karma, why should anyone
     * Channeling spirit guides are beings from the past
or future who currently have no physical existence  in the
human plane .  Often called  ascended masters , they are
perfected beings who have achieved Deity and pass their
wisdom through human  channels .  (Note: the Bible speaks
of two kinds of physical possessions.  The first is
demonic possession, of which several examples are given
(see Luke 11:24-26).  The second is when a person is
filled with the Holy Spirit.  Channeling falls under the
first category.)
     * Extraterrestrials and UFO s from planets and stars
exist throughout the galaxy.  They belong to highly
cultured races who are spiritually and scientifically
millions of years ahead of us.  They share their advanced
knowledge through specially chosen channels.  (Note: the
Bible does not speak of this, except to note that God
created all things in the universe, to include  little
green men , should they one day land on Earth.  New Agers
like the idea of advanced alien races to support their
view of mankind's progression to perfection.)
     * Some New Agers expect the coming of an "enlightened
one" to preach the "way".  Some have identified him as
Lord Maitreya, who is somewhat of a cross between Buddha
and Jesus Christ.  He is a member of the Great White
Brotherhood, the spiritual hierarchy that mediates between
the human and divine realms.  (Note:  Maitreya's return
was predicted for 1982, but he never did show up.  The
idea of a coming world teacher remains a part of New Age
thinking, but has decreased since that failed prediction. 
Every non-Christian religion must account for Jesus, and
this theory is how some New Agers handle the problem. 
Jesus said he would indeed return, but for purposes of
judgement, not to teach a different "way".  The real way
is already clearly specified in the Bible.)
     * Crystals and pyramids are ways of channeling energy
for our uses.  Crystals absorb and store energy,
particularly "universal (or spiritual) energy", that can
be used at a later time for healing or other purposes. 
Pyramids alter the physical, chemical and biological
processes going on inside their space.  For example, meat
will not rot as fast inside a pyramid as outside one. 
(Note:  no scientific evidence exists to support any of
the claims of power derived from either crystals or
pyramids.  Both seem to serve as spiritual crutches for
those refusing to recognize Divine Power and Will.)
     * Humanism is the means of freeing mankind from
guilt.  As he is Divine, he holds his future in his own
hands.  There are no universal standards of morality and
ethics; man perceives what is right and what is wrong. 
(Note: this immediately conflicts with the Bible, which
teaches of man s inherently sinful nature:

     For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of
     God .                         (Romans 3:23))

New Agers should keep this verse in mind:

     In the pride of your heart you say,  I am a god; I
     sit on the throne of a god....   But you are a man
     and not a god, though you think you are as wise as a
     god . (Ezekiel 28:1-2)

Any system of things built on man is built on his faults
and weaknesses as well as his strengths.  To believe that
mankind will evolve into a god is to deny recorded
history.  Have we improved since Paul described us 1900
years ago:

     For although they knew God, they neither glorified
     him as God nor gave thanks to him...Although they
     claimed to be wise, they became fools...They
     exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped
     and served created things rather than the
     Creator...Because of this, God gave them over to
     shameful lusts...Men committed indecent acts with
     other men, and received in themselves the due penalty
     for their perversion...They have become filled with
     every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. 
     They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and
     malice . (Romans 1:21-29)

How can a system of things built on mankind be any better
than man himself?
     To the New Ager, no ethical or moral standards exist
outside those determined by himself.  But to focus on
mankind is to focus on failure.  It is no surprise that
the Bible is rejected and ridiculed by these people, as it
serves witness to the true God, states what He expects
from us and what the penalty will be for rejecting Him. 
But, the New Agers are right about one thing:  personal
transformation is needed; however, it is the
transformation that comes from trust in Jesus that will
bring mankind into a New Age.

* Do you believe you are divine or can achieve divinity? 
If yes, how do you achieve this?

* Who was Jesus and what are his teachings?  Was he God,
or merely  a god  as Jehovah s Witnesses believe?  Or was
he a man who improved himself to godhood as the Mormons

* Describe  right  and  wrong .  Are they absolute terms
or do they depend on circumstances?

* Does Satan exist?  Who is he?  If not, has the Bible
lied about him?


A Bridge to Light, Rex Hutchens (Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,
     Southern Jurisdiction, 1988).
Answering Mormons  Questions, Bill McKeever (Bethany House,
Born in Blood - The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, John J. Robinson
     (M. Evans & Company, 1989).
Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, Henry Wilson Coil (Macoy Publishing,
Freemasonry:  The Invisible Cult In Our Midst, Jack Harris
Gospel Principles, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
     Saints, 1988.
How to Respond to the New Age Movement, Philip H. Lochhaas
     Concordia Publishing House, 1988).
Jehovah s Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse, David A. Reed (Baker
     Book House, 1986).
Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike (L.H. Jenkins, Inc, 1945).
Masonic Ritual and Monitor, Malcolm C. Duncan (Charles T. Powner,
Mormonism - Shadow or Reality?, Jerald and Sandra Tanner (Utah
     Lighthouse Ministry, 1987).
New Age Encyclopedia, J. Gordon Melton (Gale Research Inc, 1990).
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, Watchtower Bible
     and Tract Society, 1984.
No Man Knows My History, Fawn Brodie (Knopf, 1971).
Pilgrimage Through the Watch Tower, Kevin R. Quick (Baker Book
     House, 1989).
Principles of the Gospel, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
     Day Saints, 1986.
Should You Believe in the Trinity?, Watch Tower Bible and Tract
     Society, 1989.
Strengthen Your Brethren, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
     day Saints, 1991.
The Book of Mormon, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
     Saints, 1981.
The God Makers, Ed Decker and Dave Hunt (Harvest House, 1984).
The Kingdom of the Cults, Walter Martin (Bethany House, 1986).
The Maze of Mormonism, Walter Martin (Regal Books, 1978)
The New International Version Study Bible (Zondervan).
The Newly-Made Mason, H.L. Haywood (Macoy Publishing, 1973).
The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge, John Ankerberg and
     John Weldon (Moody Press, 1989).
The Trinity, F. Donald Harris and Ronald A. Harris (Loizeaux
     Brothers, 1971).
The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, Watch Tower Bible and Tract
     Society of Pennsylvania, 1968.