Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

               HCO BULLETIN OF 23 SEPTEMBER 1978
                          ISSUE II
Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

                   _NED for OTs Series 19_

                  _C O N F I D E N T I A L_

                  _TA AND NEEDLE BEHAVIOR_

     A reason why "Ned for OTs" is an audited action, rather than Solo
is because two electrodes (one can in each hand) gives a greater depth
of read than a one hand Solo can. A Pre-OT can run out of reads on a
Solo can to a point where the needle just F/Ns, but on 2 cans reads
will show. This is because you are dealing with dormant BTs and
clusters, that are dead - even below unconsciousness and out of PT.
They have to be activated, by Pre-OT's attention.

     During the Rundown the sensitivity may have to be raised as there
is getting to be less and less there to impinge and read on the meter.
This does not reflect the Pre-OT's case state, just the amount left to
run. F/Ns will become more and more frequent.

     During a sessoin the TA works up into a higher range and pumps
back down to lower range again (the usual ending point for a session);
e.g. TA at start of session = 2.5. During session TA works up to 3.7,
then pumps back down to 2.5 and the session is ended off. Continuing
past this point results in over-restimulation of remaining BTs and

     The TA moves with a "pumping" action, BDing on blows. The BD on
a blow is not the impulse of the BT or cluster leaving, it's the
sudden decrease of resistance as the mass blows. The size of BD is
relative to the size of mass of the BT or cluster. When you put
attention on them and start waking them up, there's a sudden increase
of mass. When they blow, there's a sudden decrease of mass. This is
what registers on TA and makes the TA pump up and down.

                            - 1 -

HCOB 23.9.78 II

     The TA is an indicator of progress through the rundown - you will
start getting a floating TA, at some point, which will become more
frequent. Do _not_ continue a session past a sudden _large_ BD to F/Ning
TA, just end off the session.

     Sometimes the Pre-OT will experience a continuous blow or
continuous flow phenomena. This happens after the Pre-OT has blown a
BT or cluster who was holding others in, then the rest will blow
easily, often in a continuous blow. This shows on the meter as
continuous fall or slowly BDing TA. Later it will show as a "BDing
F/N" - the needle F/Ns while the TA falls, and this may go into an
F/Ning TA and that is the EP for that session.

     A later prediction factor which shows progress through the RD, is
a change of needle pattern. The LFBD on a blow gets much faster, than
before. This is not a bigger BD it is a faster fall and BD. The
rises are faster too, so you have a needle moving at about two or
three times the speed it was moving previously, and this speeding up
of the needle can happen quite suddenly in the session, and is very

                                               L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard


           Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

               HCO BULLETIN OF 28 SEPTEMBER 1978

Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

                   _NED for OTs Series 20_

                  _C O N F I D E N T I A L_

                  _HOW YOU OPERATE A METER_

     On NED for OTs you have a situation where the F/Ns are getting
wider and wider and often going into an F/Ning TA.

     You also have less and less mass or charge left on the case the
further through the Rundown you go.

     Therefore the auditor must be an expert at handling the TA,
Sensitivity knob and keeping the needle on the dial when asking a
question or assessing. Initial reads are often small (due to small
amount of charge remaining), and the Sensitivity has to be cranked way
up to catch these reads. The way you do this is by handling the TA
with index and second finger, and the Sensitivity knob with the thumb.

                            - 1 -

HCOB 28.9.78

     Drill operating the TA and Sensitivity knob with E-Meter Drill
#11 "Superlative TA handling", until you have mastered it.

     The total amount of TA action per session at this level is low.
Usually around 1.0 - 2.0 divisions, rarely as high as 6.0 divisions.

     It does not compare with TA action at lower levels at all.

     An F/Ning TA is often the signal to end the session so how do you
handle an F/Ning TA? You get expert in the two finger and thumb TA

                                               L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard


           Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

               HCO BULLETIN OF 26 SEPTEMBER 1978
                          ISSUE III
Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

                   _NED for OTs Series 21_

                  _C O N F I D E N T I A L_


     During NED for OTs research I discovered that beings do not just
reviv in time. _They_also_reviv_in_location_ . You can have a guy
totally reviv'd in time, he's stuck down the track in an incident
which is PT for him. Anything which he views, is viewed from this
point in time. It is _when_ he is.

     A being can also be in a reviv in place or location. That is
_where_ he is. Everything he views is viewed from that location, that
viewpoint in space. They're "buttered all over the universe". A BT
can think of himself as up there, looking down at himself. A total
wrong viewpoint. He's in a reviv and everything he does is from a
stuck viewpoint, so he's operating with a stuck spacial point of view.
Say the guy is reviv'd in Flanders, everything he does is from the
viewpoint in Flanders - even tries to look at himself (now) from
Flanders. He's operating in PT from some place down the track.

                  _THOUGHT DISASSOCIATION_

     Thought disassociation follows a point of view pattern. In a
reviv, they're talking to you from an altered point of view, so you
get disassociated thought. Say he's in a reviv of lcoation, in a
radar station in space. You ask him "Where are the books?" - he looks
at a radar screen and says "They're going away".

     I know a case who had an accident. She thought she left the body
and went to a between lives implant and returned to the body. But
there has been no between lives implant in that place for eons! What

                            - 1 -

HCOB 26.9.78 III

happened is, she was reviv'd in a between lives implant. She had the
accident and went exterior, she thought she went to this between lives
implant because that's the location she was reviv'd in.

     This is a matter of old fixed viewpoints in spacial locations.
You can often cure a case with the process "Where would you be safe?"
He might go through a heavy reviv on the process and he might "do a
bunk" - going back to his last point of view, location-wise. That
point of view is still out there. That's why D/L works. You blow
that point on Locate step. It's when and where they are, as they're
not in PT.

     That is where he is "safe", that's Thought Disassociation, and
that's small pictures - because he's in a picture, looking at a

     These are the mechanics of the Bright Think Rundown
(Disassociation process) which can be run on anybody. Running it is
not part of NED for OTs as it is a separate RD.

                      _OBJECTIVE DUB-IN_

     This is a different phenomenon from Thought Disassociation and
spacial reviv.

     He looks at that wall, and because it's not safe to look at the
wall, he makes a picture of the wall and brings the picture back to
him and looks at the picture of the wall. He's so far south he can't
confront anything that's in front of him. You tell him to look at the
window, he sort of reaches out to the window with a beam or something,
makes a picture of it, and pulls the picture back up to him, looks at
it and tells you the window has bars on it. This case requires
objectives until it's safe to look at something and perceive it.

                                               L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard


           Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

               HCO BULLETIN OF 26 SEPTEMBER 1978
                          ISSUE IV
Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

                   _NED for OTs Series 22_

                  _C O N F I D E N T I A L_


     When a dormant BT wakes up it acquires mass. He's "not there",
and then when attention is put on him he acquires mass. He's in some
artificial valence (which produces mass). When some recognition is
granted him, he goes in valence and blows. There's a ridge when a
thetan feels under attack, or maybe unacked - first reaction is to
stop, so he mocks up mass.

     A BT sitting around or on a nerve channel, who is awakened and
suddenly mocks up mass or a ridge, will shut down the nerve and knock
the guy anaten - knocks the body anaten - not the pc. In the head
especially, when a cluster suddenly mocks up mass, it shuts off nerve

     Some people who are deaf or blind might simply have a cluster
sitting on a nerve, and it's gone on so many years the nerve
atrophies. Catatonics may be suffering from this sort of knockout.
This explains why a tactile process works - you run tactile on the
bed, etc, after an accident and the guy comes out of it.

     Another source of anaten is a being exuding anaten - he can be a
piece of anaten - and he also exudes anaten, and beings around him go
anaten. It is a feeling - an unconsciousness feeling.

     Cluster A going into anaten, then influences cluster B, and then
cluster B comes up tone into unconsciousness, and you get anaten.
These clusters exist as solidities way below unconsciousness, and on
III don't respond at all. Both phenomena above produce anaten.

                            - 1 -

HCOB 26.9.78 IV

                _"SOMETHING THAT ISN'T THERE"_

     It's also possible to run into a BT thinking he is "negative
mass" and cutting off perception or sensation in an area.

     Occasionally you may run into some BTs hanging together in a
mocked up vacuum.

     Some BTs have a "something that isn't there". They were
withdrawing from something, but there was nothing there. It's either
suppressed out of existence or it happened once and they stuck in the
pattern of withdrawing; they can even justify and think ther's
something they're withdrawing from. They put something there to
withdraw from - a negative mockup. Or they think another BT is
putting something there, that isn't there.


     Sometimes they blow and a somatic turns on - two beings crunched
together and at the point of "crunch", they get a somatic.

     It takes a multiple mass to create a somatic. Whether it's a
number of BTs or clusters, the somatic mechanism is mass versus mass,
not cluster versus body, but cluster vs. cluster, or BT vs. BT, or BTs
and clusters vs. BTs and clusters, or cluster vs. cluster with a BT
squashed in the middle. The cluster vs. cluster somatic is more
severe than a somatic in a picture (incident) - unless he were totally
revivified in the incident. You can also postulate a somatic, but
that's different

                                               L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard


           Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

               HCO BULLETIN OF 27 SEPTEMBER 1978
                          ISSUE I
Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

                   _NED for OTs Series 24_

                  _C O N F I D E N T I A L_

                 _NED FOR OTs - REPAIR LIST_

     This list is to be assessed Method 3 and handled by the auditor
if he runs into a bog in session. Don't continue this list past the
point where the BPC has been repaired as it is a _repair_ list.

     Any line reading on this list could be wrong with many BTs or
clusters. That is why it must be done Method 3, and each reading line
must be fully handled before proceeding on down the list. (E.g. on Q1
"BT or cluster with Out-Int?" - there may be one or many, and each
would have to be handled.) When the line being handled doesn't read,
continue the list.


     (a)  OUT INT?                                         __________

     (b)  A WRONG ITEM?                                    __________

     (c)  AN OUT-LIST?                                     __________

     (d)  A WRONG INDICATION?                              __________

     (e)  AN OVERRUN?                                      __________

                            - 1 -

HCOB 27.9.78 I

           FOR THE REST?                                   __________

2.  RESTIMULATED MORE THAN WERE BLOWN?                     __________

3.  OVER-RESTIMULATION?                                    __________

4.  COPY?                                                  __________

5.  AUDITED WHILE HUNGRY?                                  __________

6.  AUDITED WHILE TIRED?                                   __________

7.  AUDITED OVER PT STRESS?                                __________

8.  PTS CONDITION?                                         __________

9.  SESSION WAS TOO LONG?                                  __________

10. AUDITING CONTINUED PAST A MAJOR WIN?                   __________

11. A BT OR CLUSTER HUNG UP IN A PAST SESSION?             __________

12. A BT OR CLUSTER MESSED UP IN AUDITING?                 __________

13. YOU THOUGHT IT WAS YOUR CHARGE?                        __________


    INCOMPLETE?                                            __________

16. TRYING TO DATE A COMPOSITE MASS?                       __________

    ACTIVATING ANOTHER?                                    __________

18. LEFT AN ACTION INCOMPLETE?                             __________

                            - 2 -

HCOB 27.9.78 I

19. A CUMULATIVE CLUSTER LEFT INCOMPLETE?                  __________

20. JAMMED SEVERAL BTs AND CLUSTERS TOGETHER?              __________

21. JUMPED FROM ONE BT OR CLUSTER TO ANOTHER?              __________


23. TOLD SOMETHING READ WHEN IT COULDN'T HAVE?             __________


25. CROSS-COPYING?                                         __________

26. WAS BPC MISOWNED?                                      __________


     AN ARC BREAK?                                         __________

     A PTP?                                                __________

     A W/H?                                                __________

     AN OVERT?                                             __________

    INDIVIDUAL?                                            __________

29.  A SINGLE BT THINKS HE'S A CLUSTER?                    __________

30. A CLUSTER THAT THINKS HE'S A SINGLE BT?                __________

31. A BT AUDITED PAST EXTERIOR?                            __________

32. A BT AUDITED PAST CLEAR?                               __________

                            - 3 -

HCOB 27.9.78 I

33. AN INVALIDATION OF STATE OF CLEAR?                     __________

34. CROSS-RESTIMULATION?                                   __________

35. BTs RESTIMULATED BUT NOT BLOWN?                        __________


37. ONE PRINCIPAL CLUSTER?                                 __________

38. PULLING IN BTs?                                        __________

39. RESTIMULATION BETWEEN SESSIONS?                        __________

40. RESTIMULATION IN SESSION?                              __________

41. RESISTING CHANGE?                                      __________

42. A BT OR CLUSTER ON SUCCUMB?                            __________


44. SOME OTHER MISCONCEPTION?                              __________

                                               L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard


           Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

               HCO BULLETIN OF 29 SEPTEMBER 1978
                          ISSUE II
Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

                   _NED for OTs Series 25_

                  _C O N F I D E N T I A L_

                    _RESISTANCE TO CHANGE_

     Some BTs are stuck; they are resisting change. You're asking
them to change position by trying to blow them. They go more solid
because they resist change. Like a Reactionary. Maybe the only
message they receive comm on is an order to change. Therefore one has
the option of as-ising their resistance to change, by getting "not to
change" off.


     "When did you decide not to change?"

     "What began that?"

     This was you get off the decision not to change, and the earlier
beginning that preceded it.

                                               L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard


           Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

               HCO BULLETIN OF 1 NOVEMBER 1978R
                          ISSUE I
                    REVISED 2 MARCH 1979
                 (Revisions not in Script)
Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

                   _NED for OTs Series 26R_

                  _C O N F I D E N T I A L_


            (Put on left inside cover of folder and
                     keep it up to date.)

--------------------------------   -----------------  ----------------
(Pre-OT's Name)                      (Date Started)       (Org)

     The auditor checks off each step when done. The number after each step
is the relevant NED for OTs HCOB Series number.

Pre-OT is OT III (or above)                                __________

Pre-OT is not in the middle of another major action        __________
Pre-OT is not on a TRs Course                              __________
Pre-OT has security clearance                              __________

D of P interview to get data on Pre-OT's condition.        __________
Remedy any Vit B1 or Calcium deficiency (NOTS 18, 31)      __________
Assess C/S 53 Section A, if valid read on Out-Int do
   End of Endless Int Repair Rundown                       __________
If Pre-OT has had a recent bad session, repair it          __________
If ill or injured handle ith an Assist (NOTs 3)            __________
Handle any life enturbulation with Ruds or 2WC to F/N      __________


     Do not be surprised if these steps go out of order, and dont' force the
Pre-OT to follow this exact order because his case may not be stacked up

                            - 1 -

[missing page]


           Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

               HCO BULLETIN OF 1 NOVEMBER 1978R
                          ISSUE II
Advanced Courses
ACS Auditors

                   _NED for OTs Series 27_

                  _C O N F I D E N T I A L_

                 _"NED FOR OTs" - CHECKLIST_

     The basic biological structure of the body is transparent to a
thetan. The Pre-OT's perception hangs up on BTS and clusters. These
BTs and clusters have the ability to change and control a thetan's
perception whereas Mest won't. BTs and clusters are too close to a
thetan's wavelength and can therefore exert control. A primary target
for NED for OTs is: _things_that_are_not_part_of_the_biological_
_machine_(body),_but_think_they_are_and_get_in_the_way._ This is what
you want to handle. The Pre-OT's sight hangs up on these BT/cluster
masses. The successive steps of the Rundown have to do with the parts
of the body he can see, the phenomena encountered and the processes
you handle these with. The actual criterion the auditor uses is What
is the Pre-OT looking at? What can he see? and Can he blow it?

The ideal scene: _A_transparent_body_which_does_not_interfere_with_the_
_pressures._ The primary error a thetan makes is mistaking these
BT/cluster masses for the body or mistaking another's pictures as his
own. The procedure has a cyclic pattern of getting rid of the obvious
ones, then dead or unresponsive ones, then obvious ones, over and
over. You are liable to run into any of these manifestations at any
time and need to know the processes which handle.


                            - 1 -

HCOB 1.11.78 II

     (Establish this by folder or by D of P interview or
     both. You should also check on what his attention
     is avoiding.)

1A.  Repair using LDN OT IIIRB, if needed.

1B.  Repair of any recent bad session.

1C.  Any needed Assist.

1D.  Remedy of any vitamin or mineral deficiency (especially
     Vitamin B1 or Calcium).

1E.  End of Endless Int Repair, if needed.

     (All the above are optional steps, and depend on the
     current state of the Pre-OT. Mainly determined by the
     question, What is the Pre-OT's attention on? and, What
     is his attention avoiding? - care must be used with the
     later, not to throw the Pre-OT in over his head.)


     This consists of clearing definitions of MisUs in OT III
     materials, clearing definitions of terms used in NED for
     OTs, reading the basic theory issues of NED for OTs, and
     indoctrination in the basic technique of the Rundown.
     It is a mandatory step.


     This is an optional step, done if the Pre-OT's perception
     is not up to perceiving mental masses, an ability nec-
     essary to this Rundown. It could be tested as simply
     as asking the Pre-OT to close his eyes and tell you if
     he can see through the head or the body. It is only
     done in order to get him able to perceive mental masses
     (BTs and clusters), which is the EP of this step.


     (This step is done if "Past Auditing" reads and Pre-OT
     is interested. If not, don't take it up. If not taken

                            - 2 -

HCOB 1.11.78 II

     up at this point be alert for Pre-OT colliding with BTs
     an clusters hung up in past auditing at a later point
     during the Rundown and if there is a bog check for and
     handle past auditing.)

4A.  D/L the point when Pre-OT went Clear, and handle mis-
     ownership of pictures by Pre-OT.

4B.   Handle BTs who went Clear and were audited on engrams,
     mistaking other's pictures as their own and resulting
     in invalidation of their State of Clear.

4C.  BTs who went Exterior and were prevented from blowing
     or audited past Exterior.

4D.  BTs audited past erasure resulting in invalidation of

4E.  Copies of any of the above, including the situation
     where the original BT has blown leaving behind a BT who
     copied the overrun, etc.

4F.  Repair of Past Auditing by Assessment of Names of Auditors,
     including Solo auditing and self-auditing.

4G.  Repair of Wrong Dates, Wrong Locations, including any
     partially or wrongly dated or located cluster. (Note
     that a right date or location for one, will be wrong
     for those remaining.)

     (NB: Do not overdo this step as auditing is late on
     the track, and is not the basic for BTs and clusters.
     Past Auditing has to be repaired to the degree that it
     gets in the way of doing anything else on NED for OTs.
     If you tried to handle all the auditing there had ever
     been on the case you could go on forever. You may run
     into some BT who's been misaudited when doing later
     steps, but Repair of Past Auditing is done to a point
     where Pre-OT is happy with it, and it isn't getting in
     the road of NED for OTs. The danger of handling too
     much past auditing is cross-restimulation.)


     *  Dormant BTs woken up by Dianetic or NED auditing.

     *  A Shell BT.

                            - 3 -

HCOB 1.11.78 II

     *  Body itself being a "magnet" for BTs/clusters due
        to a dietary or mineral or vitamin deficiency.

     *  Misownership of pictures and of incidents.

     *  BTs in valences.

     *  Copying of current or recent stress or shocks,
        between session restimulation.

     *  BTs with Out-Int.

     *  BTs who are stuck ON

     *  BTs/clusters stuck down the track or out of PT.

     *  BTs/clusters jammed together by rough auditing or

     *  BTs/clusters with an intention or goal opposed to

     *  Over-correction, i.e. what is being corrected on
        one is "uncorrecting" on another.

     _Cognitions or EPs encountered on Past Auditing step:_

     *  Realization that pictures are BTs' or clusters' and
        not the Pre-OT's, with a confirmation of Pre-OT's
        State of Clear, and the clearing up of attendant

     *  Relief from BPC and somatics.

     *  Realization like the S/W EP of "I'm not going to
        get any worse".


     (The primary error a Pre-OT makes is in thinking that
     the mass or solidity or sensation he/she experiences is
     the body.)

     The action taken on this step is to have the Pre-OT look
     at his body and spot masses that are not the body and
     blow these either by inspection, or by the various tech-

                            - 4 -

HCOB 1.11.78 II

     _Phenomena You are Likely to Encounter on this step:_

     *  Facsimiles of a body or bodies superimposed over the

     *  An impaction of pictures.

     *  A BT with an overt on other BTs or cluster, e.g.
        having made them into a cluster.

     *  Getting misdirected by the picture or mass the BT
        put up - the Pre-OT needs to be taught to shift
        attention from the picture or mass to the BT or

     *  BTs or clusters stuck on the surface, i.e. BTs who
        WENT ON.

     *  BTs who think they are a body or think they are
        necessary to the running of a body.

     *  Central core of BTs/clusters that other BTs and
        clusters are sticking to.

     _Cognitions or EPs Encountered on "False" Body step:_

     *  Realization that the body is transparent or trans-
        lucent to an OT and that the mass perceived is not
        the body.

     *  Somatic relief and lessening mass.

     *  False exterior perception caused by the Pre-OT's
        attention being pulled out by BTs as they are

     *  Realization that BTs think they are pinned to the
        body, but are actually pinned to other BTs and

     *  Body getting less tense and mass expanding and
        getting less rigid.


     This step directly addresses BTs or clusters who are

                            - 5 -

HCOB 1.11.78 II

     being body parts such as "a hand", "a foot", etc. The
     Pre-OT should be asked to look at a part of his body and
     see if it is solid and then blow the solidity by
     inspection or by various techniques. Body parts can be
     called off by the auditor and, those that read, handled.

     _Phenomena You are Likely to Encounter on this step:_

     *  BTs and clusters being "a hand", "a brain", etc.

     *  BTs and clusters who think they can't leave as they
        think they are indispensible to the functioning of
        the body.

     *  BTs and clusters being "negative" mass, invisible,
        being "model forms", in the valence of body parts
        (i.e. - terminals) and BTs/clusters being body con-
        ditions (i.e. - unconsciousness, or a "broken leg").

     *  BTs/clusters sitting on a nerve channel and shutting
        off perception or causing anaten, and BTs/clusters
        exuding anaten.

     *  Composite masses that need to be split up by using
        the "thetan hand" technique and then blown piece
        by piece.

     *  BTs/clusters being "a no hand" or "a no leg".

     *  BTs/clusters holding other BTs and clusters in.

     *  Somatics caused by BTs and clusters locked together
        i.e. BT vs BT or cluster vs cluster.

     *  BTs/clusters being in the valence of anything.

     *  BTs/clusters going into the valence of a person in

     *  BTs/clusters holding other BTs/clusters in front as
        a shield.

     *  PTS BTs who have had one SP in common - over several

     *  BTs/clusters transferred from another person to

                            - 6 -

HCOB 1.11.78 II

     Pre_OT's body, e.g. BTs from his grandmother, etc.

     *  BTs/clusters being an illness or aberration or an
        accident (Pneumonia, wound, car wreck, etc. - they
        are also in the valence of a picture of it).

     *  BTs/clusters being significances (tired, a nemesis,

     *  BTs/clusters being ideas or identities that are
        ideas (a Christian Scientist, insanity, "go to
        town", etc.).

     *  Plural identity (an "us").

     *  One that thinks it's many, and many who think they're

     _Cognitions or EPs Encountered on "Body Parts" step:_

     *  Less pressure and restimulation, becoming more
        noticeable at session end and from one session end
        to another.

     *  Blows getting easier and faster.

     *  Looks like the number is infinite and you'll never
        get rid of them as they just keep popping up but
        realizing that it isn't really this way and that
        progress is being made.

     *  A case change of Extroverted Attention, i.e. Pre-OT's
        attention extroverted and on the environment.


     This step is run generally with the Pre-OT finding and
     blowing BTs and clusters as he encounters them. This
     includes BTs and clusters that are on the body, inches
     from the body, feet from the body, yards from the body,
     or way off - all of these in which the auditor is inter-
     ested are connected to and are influencing the body.
     One is not interested in other people's BTs or clusters
     but only those directly influencing the Pre_OT's body.
     Because the Pre-OT's "attention distance" has increased
     by the time you get to this step, this is relatively easy
     to do. The auditor of course is not interested in using

                            - 7 -

HCOB 1.11.78 II

     this one Pre-OT to clear the planet but should not object
     too strenuously if the Pre-OT engages in some side actions
     that do not directly concern him, but realize that this is
     not this step or any other step. Care must be taken to
     ensure that only one mass or area or category is restimu-
     lated and fully handled before activating another. The
     caution from OT III pack about not using too wide an
     attention span applies here.

     _Phenomena You are Likely to Encounter on this step:_

     *  Misidentified BTs and clusters who have copied each
        others' incidents and implants.

     *  BTs/clusters switched in time (misconception).

     *  BTs/clusters switched in location (misconception).

     *  Remote BTs, i.e. stuck on another person or in an-
        other location where Pre-OT's attention is fixed or
        drawn to.

     *  BTs/clusters with "something that isn't there".

     *  Multiple masses creating somatics.

     *  Invisible, Secret, and Hiding BTs and clusters.

     *  Hypnotized BTs and somnolent BTs and clusters.

     *  BTs mocking up things they think they area.

     *  Old between lives areas, remote implant stations
        of the past.

     *  BTs/clusters who, being stuck in the past and look-
        forward, think they are looking at the future.

     _Cognitions or EPs Encountered on this step:_

     *  Body getting lighter, more relaxed and more in con-
        trol. Much less mass around.

     *  Realization that BTs/clusters were causing body
        shape distortions and that body is "moving back
        into position".

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HCOB 1.11.78 II


     This step consists of having Pre-OT locate and blow
     any BT or clusters that are visible or perceivable,
     including handling any BTs or clusters restimulated.

     This is based on the old maxim that "If you get enough
     charge off...or if you keep on getting charge off,
     you will make case gain and an entrance to the case
     will show up".

     You are likely to encounter any of the phenomena or
     manifestations of BTs and clusters. There is a general
     cyclic pattern of encountering BTs/clusters that are
     hard to blow or that are holding other BT/clusters,
     followed by a series of easy blows, then the same
     pattern repeats over and over.


     There is a mechanism of a BT or cluster making a ridge,
     then another BT or cluster comes along and sticks to the
     ridge  You blow the BT or cluster who made the ridge
     first, then a remnant of the ridge remains containing
     BTs who stuck in it and are now keeping it there and you
     have to blow these off too - they generally blow easily.
     Another example of this is a BT being a pole trap. An-
     other BT comes along and sticks to the pole trap. You
     first blow the BT being the pole trap and then you have
     to blow the BT who stuck to it.

     The auditor has the Pre-OT look for old ridges, remnants
     of ridges and masses, and completes handling these to
     fully blown.

     _Phenomena You are Likely to Encounter on this Step:_

     *  BTs/clusters left stuck in the ridge or picture
        that was mocked up by another BT or cluster.

     *  BT/clusters being objects in another BT's or
        cluster's pictures. Such a picture is hard to
        blow unless you recognize that the picture is
        composed of BTs being the parts of the picture.

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HCOB 1.11.78 II

     *  "Hard core" BTs and clusters that are very hard to

     *  BTs/clusters with Out-Int.

     *  BTs/clusters with stuck flows.

     *  BTs stuck on the inside of a ridge who tried to
        blow but get caught by the ridge. When you blow
        the ridge you find a lot of BTs blowing out from
        under the ridge.

     *  BTs and clusters being ridges.

     *  Apparent inert masses that behave like ridges and
        have to be brought to life with a "Hello - OK"

     *  Two BTs pushing so hard against each other that
        each one thinks that it's blocked by a ridge and
        to blow the ridge you have to blow the two BTs.

     _Cognitions or EPs Encountered on this step:_

     *  Body distortions clearing up.

     *  Cognition of "I am well".


     This process handles BTs and clusters with very stuck
     blows. It is run per the HCOB on it, to its EP.

     _Phenomena You are Likely to Encounter on this step:_

     *  BTs/clusters unable to move on the time track
        because time itself becomes a stuck flow forward
        to them.

     *  BTs/clusters who dive down the time track on a time
        stuck flow basis.

     *  BTs/clusters who suddenly pop into view as they
        were in Revivs down the time track and weren't
        even in sight (which is what gives the Pre-OT the
        idea that it's endless).

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     *  A cluster causing a dislocated bone or trying to
        break a bone or spine, plus, the BTs or clusters
        being the damaged body part and holding onto the
        damage or copying it.

     *  BTs/clusters who are being broken legs, misformed
        arms, cancer, damaged brains, or other non-optimum
        body parts or conditions.

     *  BTs or clusters operating on a refusal to make pic-
        tures - the negative of obsessively mocking up.

     _Cognitions or EPs Encountered on this step:_

     *  Extroversion EP for Session and F/Ning TA.

     *  Awareness that anything perceived as mass or
        somatic in the body is not the body, but comes
        from BTs/clusters.

     *  Cognition re mocking up pictures due to loss
        of memory.

     *  Actual Exterior perception of Pre-OT increasing.

     *  Case change of reaching into body and finding
        nothing there (i.e. in an area of body), and it being
        clean for the first time.

     *  A cognition of personal identity - much more intense
        than previously.


     This is a more specific address to any area of chronic
     or recurring somatic. Some chronic somatics depart very
     fast and don't return. These are almost miracle in
     nature. Other chronic somatics gradually lessen and
     can disappear in the course of the whole Rundown. So
     don't despair if you don't get an instant alleviation
     of the chronic somatic but just keep on with the Rundown
     and don't specialize in chronic somatics. Also be very
     cheered up when you hit an instant disappearance of one.
     Both conditions can exist in the same Pre-OT on different
     chronic somatics.

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HCOB 1.11.78 II

     _Phenomena You are Likely to Encounter on this step:_

     *  An Aura - which is a whole package of BTs and
     clusters formed into the shape of a body and
     aura with other BTs and clusters stuck in it.

     *  Very heavy anaten holding clusters glued together.

     *  BTs and clusters in other parts of the body affec-
        ting the somatic area.

     *  BTs and clusters in a very suppressed or com-
        pressed state that blow up to huge size and mass
        and surround and go through the whole body.

     ** BTs and clusters _behind_ , or on the _other_side_of,_
        or _inside_ , bones or organs, or on the _other_side_
        of a ridge - these are very likely to be missed as
        one wouldn't think to look there.

     *  Nulls or unresponsive BTs/clusters that are totally
        out of communication and need to be put into Comm
        by running "Hellos and OKs" on them.

     *  A BT or cluster believing he is his own picture -
        or someone else' s.

     *  BTs or clusters being "negatives" - i.e. a "no
        ________" like a "no stomach", etc., these come
        about from intentions to obliterate and probably
        are the root of sickness.

     *  The manifestation of Pre-OT trying to look at or
        into a body part or area and a mass or ridge kick-
        ing in, between the Pre-OT and the area.

     _Cognitions or EPs Encountered on this step:_

     *  Cognition "I can do anything any other being can

     *  Lot of somatic blows, and the first real gain on
        the somatic area.


     Such a mass can be quite severe and can knock the Pre-OT

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HCOB 1.11.78 II

     anaten. As it is BT or cluster mass and prevents per-
     ception, it must be handled in order for the Pre-OT to
     be able to see or reach into the body. The auditor gets
     the Pre-OT to look ad then handles the mass that kicks
     in until it is fully cleared up, then has the Pre-OT
     look or reach into his body again, and then clears up
     the next mass that kicks in, and so on, until he can
     reach into the area of the body.

     Then you clean up that area of the body fully, and the
     Pre-OT will be able to reach further into the body. As
     each successive area of the body is cleaned up and becomes
     transparent his reach is further extended toward the
     ideal scene of a body that is transparent to the OT and
     does not impede his perception or control.

     _Phenomena You are Likely to Encounter on this step:_

     *  Any or all of the previous phenomena.

     *  BTs outside of and at a distance from the body
        putting mass on the body.

     *  BTs and clusters that are so inert that they have
        to be thrown off physically - plus you also have
        to throw away the "arms" you threw them off with.
        (NB: This difficulty in blowing off BTs has also
        been caused by a deficiency of Vit B1 and/or
        insufficient rest.)

     *  BTs/clusters who apparently had Out-Int but didn't,
        they had copied other BTs who had had Out-Int.

     *  BTs and clusters who supposed they were being
        pulled in but weren't, they had just concluded
        that they were.

     *  BTs being a damaged body part and because they
        were being damaged couldn't do anything about it.

     _Cognitions or EPs Encountered on this step:_

     *  Ability to look cleanly into areas of the body that
        couldn't be reached into cleanly before.


     The Pre-OT now works on cleaning up the body of BT/cluster

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HCOB 1.11.78 II

     masses, one area at a time, until each is clean and
     transparent to his perception. Each of the various
     techniques given in the materials are used as needed
     to blow these BT/cluster masses. You may in some
     instances have to have the Pre-OT handle BTs Dia-
     netically running them back through a chain of inci-
     dents. This can be complex with 3 or 4 BTs and
     chain crossed.

     It is very dicey to run engrams on BTs as, although
     they may have one mutual one, each one has an earlier
     chain for it that is different than that of the others
     in the cluster, so you limit the action to the mutual
     incident they have in common. Scn Grades O-IV can be
     run on a BT but this would not be usual as the BTs
     we're dealing with in NED for OTs are below that.

     When the Pre-OT has a transparent body and a clear area
around it to some distance (barring perception of other people's diffi-
culties) and when he realized he is alive and very much himself the
EP of NED for OTs has been reached.

                                               L. RON HUBBARD
Copyright (c) 1978
by L. Ron Hubbard