ANAR.TXT - Anarchy Today Issue 1

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|                     A  N  A  R  C  H  Y    T  O  D  A  Y                    |
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|                           I  S  S  U  E     #  1                            |
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|               B  R  O  U  G  H  T    T  O    Y  O  U    B  Y    -           |
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|                   J  A  C  K    T  H  E    R  I  P  P  E  R                 |
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Welcome to the first issue of "Anarchy Today".  This is part of an ongoing newsletter.  Due to the fact that incompetance and the lack of good writers
I have deceided to write the entire first issue myself.  However anyone is welcome to submit articles to the magazine.  You may upload your submissions to "The Anarchist's Underground xxx-xxx-xxxx".  Also when asking for validation please state that you w
ish to submit articles
and also note that blank questionaires result in deletion.

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|                              Anarchy Today                                  |
|                                                                             | |                           Article #1 Issue #1                               |
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|                        Acetone Peroxide Explosive                           |
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|                            Brought to you by -                              |
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|                              Jack The Ripper                                |
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This explosive can not only be used as an explosive
but also as a detonater.  I will go into this one very detailed and all my following articles will be the same.


1)      To use as a booby trap simply place it with the ball bearing side up
in the ground where someone will step on it.  Minus the cloth streamers
or simply make the shell look the way it was before
and some poor
shithead will eventually fire it resulting in death.  Seeing that the
barrel will most likely blow him apart.


Jack The Ripper

Well this about sums it up for my first issue of "Anarchy Today".  I would like your feedback and responses on this first issue.  Also I would like to take the time to thank the C.I.A. for making much of this information available to me.  Also I would lik
e to thank Lord Blix for being such a good guy and NOSE for being there for me during those grueling nights when I was writing this newsletter.  Also I am accepting articles for the next issue
and the Newslettr will not be exclusively dedicated to anarchy
but it will retain it's name.  So be looking for it!  Also submit all artices to......

The Anarchists

Thank you for your support and help
and please submit articles and help us grow into a booming magazine.


Jack The Ripper