INCEND.TXT - Incendiaries


                              .... Incendiaries ....

DISCLAIMER: The following file contains information of harmful or illegal
            nature. Neither the BBS or author providing this information
	    can be considered responsible for the use of this file.
	    The person using this knowledge is solely responsible for 
	    it's use or misuse. This file is intended to educate only.
Incendiaries are used to destroy all types of flammable substances. In add-
ition incendiaries can be used to destroy metal structures or used on living
targets as in the case of flame throwers.
Incendiaries can be broken down into a few groups. These are petroleum based,
metal alloys, thermites, metal-salt mixes, and exotics. The choice of 
incendiary depends on the target to be destroyed.


Safety equipment should be used when making these devices and mixtures.
Invest in a good face shield, leather gloves and aprons will protect against
flash burns. A leather skull cap will help protect your hair. These and
other equipment may save you from injury or death. Remember, it is your
responsibility if you try using any of this information.

                         *** Kilroy was here ***