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% Kitchen Improvised Plastic Explosives %
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% How to make type 'C-2' and 'C-3' %
$ plastic explosive compound. $
%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% Written %$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%
Agrajag the Prolonged
This article will cover the production of plastic explosives of the type
'C-2' and 'C-3'. These are highly undesirable because of certain trait each has
and they don't produce as much power as 'C' and 'C-4' compounds.
It is not recamended you make these two types of plastique, this article
was written for imformatative purposes only. (Just so you can act like you know
what you are doing).
Composition 'C-2' is harder to make than 'C-4' and is TOXIC TO HANDLE. It
is also unstable in storage and is poor choice for home explosive manufature. It
also has a lower detonation velocity than either 'C-4' or 'C-3'.
Live long and prosper,