Date: 10-18-95 Time: 01:18a Number: 1358
From: Kristian Kjøle@KFL Refer: 0
To: ALL Board ID: ROLVSOY Reply:
Subject: UFOer, New Age etc., del 42: Team/Overnat Status: Public
- Much of the messages given to abductees and contactees seem to be
New Age in philosophical orientation and language: there are no
moral absolutes, reincarnation is taught, monistic beliefs such as a
vague "kinship with the Cosmos and it's oneness with the Universe or
the Universe as a supreme being" are common, we are being told
that "we stand on the precipice of a quantum leap forward on both a
biological and spiritual level." Man is or is becoming God...etc. 3,13.
- If man is one with the cosmos or some impersonal concept of God
there cannot be a basis for truth or ethics. The impersonal, as such
is silent about such things. There is no basis for saying anything is
right or wrong if all is one with God. What you are left with is total
relativism or the arbitrary absolutes of the controllers who ever they
may be. "If All is One , good and evil are reconciled, then one can can
do nothing bad; thus Manson was only acting logically....the fact that
Manson's followers knew him as both Satan and Christ highlights the
collapse of distinctions between good and evil under moral
- As well, finite alien creators cannot provide sufficent absolutes.
You have the same problems as pagan polytheisium - the gods are too
small to account for the creation of the universe and not good
enough to provide a basis of morals and truth. Is abducting and raping
women okay if extra-terrestials do it? Also, why all the authoritorian
overtones to some of the messages? Do they really have our best
intrest in mind or is there evidence of some kind of control system?
- There are several alien types taking credit for the creation of man
and now some contactees like Rael and Benjamine Cream are claiming to
be prophets of some messianic authority. In fact Rael is claiming to be
the new chosen "Messiah" of this age. Cream is promoting another
"messiah" he calls "Maytrea". Cream is also convinced that the
intelligences behind the crop circle phenomena are paving the way for
the soon unveiling of his messiah who will usher in a New World Order
and a New Age. Skye Ambrose, a famous abductee who was "born again" as
she said as a result her encounter with a strange "grey" type alien with
bright sparkling eyes predicted at a recent UFO conference in Bellevue,
Washington; that "evolution was entering a "peak cycle" that will create
a New Order on the planet. Polarization is occuring on this planet to
separate those who will accept the message and evolve toward Unity and
Oneness and self-realized Godhood and those who will not not."
-Many alien prophesies to contactees of the 50's or to-day have failed
to come true or appear to be outright lies. 14.
- So what are we dealing with? New Age aliens with some promise of a
golden age or some unimaginable deception to enslave undescerning minds.
The evidence seems to point to the latter. There have been many false
messianic claims and those foolish enough to repeat history by
following the voices of deceiving entities have been warned to "beware
of false prophets and Christs who come disguised as sheep but
underneath are ravenous wolves ".10 We should be reminded of the likes
of Adolf Hitler who not long ago promised a New Age to unsuspecting
- Whitley Striber, in a recent issue of the monthly MUFON Journal,
Sept. 93, states - "I've come away from this experience convinced of
one thing: if there aren't demons out there, there might as well be,
because these guys are indistinguishable from demons. Indistinguishable.
To see them, to look into their eyes, is to be less - forever......."
Striber was formerly more optomistic about the "visitor" experience.
- Perhaps we should heed the old warning; 'If, anyone says to you then,
"Look, here is the Christ" or, "He is there", do not beleive it; for
false Christ and false prophets will arise and produce great signs and
portents, enough to deceive even the chosen , if that were possible."11
- Some UFO researchers suggest that perhaps the so called 'aliens'
aren't much of a threat, after all if they have been around for this
long and have not taken over then why should we be concerned. However,
if they are not what they appear to be, and the phenomena has other
potientials and realities which include: deception, false messianic
claims, dangerous ideologies, the formation of cults, etc., then for
historical, social and political reasons we should not abandon our need
for discernment and caution.
1. The Fellowship, by Brad Steiger.
2. Ibid pp. 47
3. Ibid pp. 185
4. The Messages Given To Me By The Extra-terrestials -Rael
5. Operation Trojan Horse- John Keel pp. 200-232
6. Dimensions- Dr. Jacque Vallee
7. Transformation The Breakthrough- Whitley Striber pp. 180, 240.
8. Messengers of Deception- Dr. J. Vallee. Last chapter.
9. UFO'S in the New Age- William M. Alnor , Baker Book House 1992.
10. Matthew 7:15-20
11. Matthew 24: 23-28, 1 John 2:18-23, 1 John 4:1-6, 1 Thess 2:1-12.
12. Teachings of the Pleadians- Bringers of the Dawn.
13. Understanding the New Age- Russell Chandler, Word Publishing, 1988.
14. Deuteronomy 18:9-22.
15. 2 Corth.11:1-14 , Galatians 1:4-10
An open letter to abductees:
Are you tired of being abducted against your will...tired and fearful
those terrible implants...fed up with being poked and examined like a
laboratory specimen...tired or being programed with New Age idealogies..
trust the motives and unknown intentions of your alien intruders...there
solution...call on the Superpower of the Universe to your aid next time
show up...who am I talking about?...it's something vampires and other de
the night are afraid of ...it's your Creator...you are not here by chanc
...nor should you believe the lie that finite aliens created you...that'
they would like you to think...You are not just a carbon based humanoid
to be pushed around by entities of the dark...you are a child of God. On
infinite personal God can account for the universe and it's form and the
complexity of space and time. Yes, we are not alone but don't trust ever
spirit or shape shifting lifeform that comes to you promising
enlightenment...and whispering revelations. 15.
-= Kristian Kjøle, filmkonsulent ved KjoleFilm Ltd.=-
■ We are not alone