FRENCH10.TXT - You too can learn French 10

                   [Drapeaux]  You too can learn French !


                          Created by Jacques LΘon
                      Page design by Roberth Andersson

Additional French Vocabulary

Glossary Content :

   * Vocabulary related to Lesson 6 - The Family

Vocabulary related to Lesson 6 - The Family


   * le/un grand-pére (grand father)
   * la/une grand-mére (grand mother)
   * les grands-parents (the grand-parents)
   * le/un petit-fils (grand-son)
   * la/une petite-fille (grand-daughter)
   * le/un neuveu ([male] nephew)
   * la/une niéce ([female] nephew)
   * le/un cousin ([male] cousin)
   * la/une cousine ([male] cousin)
   * l'/un oncle (uncle)
   * la/une tante (aunt)
   * le/un beau-frére (brother-in-law)
   * la/une belle-soeur (sister-in-law)
   * le/un beau-pére (father-in-law)
   * la/une belle-mére (mother-in-law)
   * le/un bΘbΘ (baby)
   * le/un nouveau-nΘ (newborn)


   * se nommer [= s'appeler] (to be called)
   * naεtre (to be born)
   * Θpouser (to marry)
   * se marier [= Θpouser] (to marry)

Adjectives & Adverbs

   * aεnΘ (e) (elder)
   * familial (e) (familial)
   * jeune (young)
   * vieux (vieille) (old)

Expressions and Idioms

   * le/un grand frére (the older brother)
   * la/une grande soeur (the older sister)
   * le/un petit frére (the younger brother)
   * la/une petite soeur (the younger sister)
   * le/un gamin ([male] kid)
   * la/une gamine ([female] kid)

Vocabulary related to Lesson 7

Countries and Citizenship

Country                       Citizenship
France                        franτais (French)
Belgique (Belgium)            belge (Belgian)
Suisse (Switzerland)          suisse (Swiss)
Angleterre (England)          anglais (English)
Allemagne (Germany)           allemand (German)
Italie (Italy)                italien (Italian)
Espagne (Spain)               espagnol (Spanish)
Irlande (Ireland)             irlandais (Irish)
Russie (Russia)               russe (russian)
╔tats Unis d'AmΘrique (USA)   amΘricain (American)
Canada (Canada)               canadien (Canadian)
QuΘbec (Quebec)               quΘbΘcois (Quebecer)
Chine (China)                 chinois (Chinese)
Japon (Japan)                 japonnais (Japanese)
Portugal (Portugal)           portugais (Portugese)
Pays-bas (Netherland)         hollandais (Dutch)
Danemark (Denmark)            danois (Danish)
Norvége (Norway)              norvΘgien (Norwegian)
Suéde (Sweeden)               suΘdois (Sweedish)
Finlande (Finland)            finlandais (Finish)
Pologne (Poland)              polonais (Polish)
Hongrie (Hungary)             hongrois (Hungarian)
Bulgarie (Bulgaria)           bulgare (Bulgarian)
Autriche (Austria)            autrichien (Austrian)
Roumanie (Rumania)            roumain (Rumanian)
Turquie (Turkey)              turque (Turkish)


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