Lesson 12
paremoi seltadni


We have now introduced several different question words (as well as
the request vocative "pe'u" and the repeat vocative "ke'o").  The
question words are:

	ma	sumti
	mo	bridi
	xo	number/numeral
	pei	attitudinal indicator
	ki'a	Which?/Clarify?

The first four are 'substitution questions'.  You put the question
word into a sentence in the place you where the correct answer would
fit.  The respondent then 'fills in the blank'.  The question words
can be used more than once in a sentence to query several pieces of
information at once.

The respondent can fill in the blank by repeating the entire
statement, or can express a grammatical subset.  Grammatical subsets
include one or more sumti, one or more brivla, selbri, or bridi
separated by ".i", or a series of numbers separated by ".i"

"pei" and "ki'a" have the free grammar of selma'o UI.  "pei" can,
however get two interpretations.  By itself, it is a substitution
question in which the respondent fills in the attitudinal that
expresses his/her current emotion.  It can also be used after another
attitudinal to question whether the respondent specifically feels that
emotion, and how strong.  We have not gone into how to express
negative emotions or emotional intensity, but for the subject of this
lesson, it is important to note the question:

.iapei  "Do you believe that ...?"

This is a form of "Yes/No" questions, which is to be contrasted with
the formal "Yes/No" question word "xu".

Yes/No Questions With xu
nunjetnu preti sepi'o zo xu

"xu" is also a member of selma'o UI, and shares its free grammar.  It
generally applies to a whole bridi sentence, or possibly (with special
scope markers that we will discuss in later lessons) to a series of
sentences.  We will worry about single sentence "xu" for now.

If it is written after a word instead of at the beginning of the
sentence, "xu" still applies to the whole bridi, but emphasis is being
placed indicating that the critical element of the yes/no decision
rests on the concept represented by the marked word.  The rules for xu
placement are the same as the rules for placing the attitudinal

A literal translation of "xu" is the legalistic "Is it true that?".
In the sense of Lojban as a 'logical language, this question has a
special significance, beyond that of a simple yes/no.

Every Lojban bridi states a relationship between its sumti.  The
expression of such a bridi amounts to an assertion that the bridi is
true, that the indicated relationship holds, given any assumptions or
rules that have been defined to be applicable.

As a human language, Lojban needs to go beyond this limited concept,
while still preserving it at its core.  People are not logical; they
have and express emotions.  What goes on inside peoples' heads is not
necessarily identical with reality.  If you are a truly fluent
Lojbanist, you will be able to think in Lojban, emote in Lojban, and
possibly even dream in Lojban.  Since dreams, thoughts, and emotions
are not totally under control, the attitudinal indicators exist to
color the 'absolute assertion' implicit in an otherwise unmarked

If you express the attitudinal ".ia", you are expressing belief about
the bridi more than just 'uttering it'.  Your mind 'believes'.  It is
not possible to make absolute judgements about the truth or falsity of
an emotionally charged statement, which any bridi becomes when
expressed with attitudinal coloration.

Thus, "pei" and its related questions are not appropriate if truth is
important, as in legal situations.  In these situation, you want
simple truths and firm yes/no answers.  Lojban's retained logical core
allows for this through the use of "xu".

When you ask a question with "xu", there are actually three possible

- go'i, which in effect restates the bridi of the question, thereby
  claiming it;

- na go'i, which restates the bridi of the question, preceded by the
  bridi negation operator "na", thereby claiming the bridi
  relationship is not true;

- go'i, along with selected restated and/or modified sumti, properly
  positioned as if "go'i" were the selbri of the questioned bridi;
  this restates the bridi of the question, modifying it, and claims
  that the modified answer is true.  This can be a kind of 'begging
  the question' if misused, but generally indicates that the statement
  is false as originally asked, but is true with the indicated

"go'i" is a reference specifically to the very last sentence bridi
that was expressed, in the form that it was expressed.  If that bridi
had "go'i" in its selbri position, then you continue to its previous
bridi to define the reference.  bridi within abstractions are ignored
when interpreting go'i.

Other than these simple rules, "go'i" has the grammar of a brivla, or
of "mo".  If no sumti are expressed with go'i, then go'i stands for
the whole previous bridi, with all of the previous stated sumti left
as ellipsis.  If sumti are present with "go'i", then they are used to
replace the corresponding sumti in the bridi to which go'i refers.
This can serve to give a qualified "yes", or to fill in elliptical
details which might render the assertion false if misinterpreted.

Examples of "xu" and "go'i" are found throughout the rest of this lesson.

A Dialog Activity
nuncasnu selzukte

The class should divide up into pairs.  If there is an odd number,
Dialog 12.2.7 is designed for a trio of students.  Each pair of
students should take (or be assigned) one of the dialogs.

The following should be done as part of the exercise:

1. The pair (or trio) of students should team up to translate and
understand the dialog.  Our translation of each is given in the answer
key in the back of the book.  The instructor(s) should assist as

2. After the pair has translated the dialog, they should choose roles,
which are otherwise numbered.  3 . The pair should then decide on
which optional elidables they will leave out in their performance, and
mark them out on their copies.

4. The pair should then practice the dialog several times until they
can say it comfortably, interact with appropriate props, and generally
convey the dialog as a 'real interaction' rather than just a reading.

5. The pair should then perform the dialog as practiced, with the rest
of the class listening (preferably without reading along).  The class
should attempt to understand what is being said as they hear it.

6. The instructor should call on audience students to describe the
action, to translate individual sentences in the dialog, and otherwise
ensure that the students are learning the appropriate skills from the

Simple props are needed for the dialogs.  The instructor should ensure
that they are available for the students doing each dialog.]

Dialog 12.2.1
(Prop needed - something  black)

1:	mi [cu] gleki
2:	do [cu] gleki ma
1:	mi [cu] gleki le nu ti [cu] xunre [kei] [ku]
2:	.ue  .i ta [cu] na xunre  .i ta [cu] xekri
1:	.ua do [cu] drani  .i mi [cu] badri
2:	do [cu] badri ma
1:	mi [cu] badri le nu ti [cu] na xunre [kei] [ku]
2:	mi [cu] badri
1:	do [cu] badri ma
2:	mi [cu] badri le nu do [cu] badri [kei] [ku]

Dialog 12.2.2
(Prop - A Not-Too-Messy Pen; Person 1 must have a pants pocket)

1:	mi [cu] fengu
2:	ko [cu] na frati le nu darxi mi [kei] [ku]
1:	mi [cu] na fengu do  .i mi [cu] fengu le penbi [ku]
2:	xu le penbi [ku] cu kakne le nu ko'a [cu] ve ciska [kei] [ku]
1:	.ia go'i  .i mi [cu] fengu ko'a le nu mi [cu] zutse ko'a [kei] [ku]
2:	ko [cu] lebna ko'a le daski [ku]

Dialog 12.2.3
(No props)

1:	coi doi {name of #2}.  .i ko [cu] denpa mi
2:	coi. {name of #1}.  .i ko [cu] bajra  .i mi'o [cu] lerci
1:	ma [cu] tcika
2:	li xa pi'e mu xa [cu] tcika
1:	mi'o [cu] na lerci  .i le nu klama le ckule [ku] [kei] [ku] 
                cu mentu li pano
2:	li ze [cu] tcika le nu le ctuca [ku] cu cfari [kei] [ku]
1:	mi [cu] bajra

Dialog 12.2.4
(Props - Three cups, theoretically with specific beverages)

1:	ti [cu] kukte
2:	do [cu] pinxe ma
1:	mi [cu] pinxe le vanju [ku]
2:	mi [cu] taske  .i ko [cu] dunda pa le kabri [ku] mi pe'u doi 
                {name of #1}.
1:	ti [cu] kabri le sodva [ku]  .i ti [cu] kabri le jisra [ku]  
                .i ko [cu] cuxna pa le kabri [ku]
2:	mi [cu] djica le birje [ku]  .i xu su'o le kabri [ku] cu se nenri
                le birje [ku]
1:	.uu na go'i
2:	.i mi [cu] jdice le sodva [ku]

Dialog 12.2.5
(Props - A book, and a piece of paper)

1:	pe'u .{name of #2}. ko [cu] ciksi zo galtu mi
2:	ko [cu] catlu  .i le cukta [ku] cu galtu
1:	pe'u .{name of #2}. ko [cu] ciksi zo gapru mi
2:	le cukta [ku] cu gapru do
1:	mi [cu] na jimpe le ka le re valsi [ku] cu frica [kei] [ku]
2:	le pelji [ku] cu dizlo  .i le pelji [ku] cu na galtu  
                .i le pelji [ku] cu gapru le loldi [ku]
1:	.ua mi [cu] jimpe  .i mi [cu] ckire do le nu ciksi [kei] [ku]

Dialog 12.2.6
(Props - A book, a chair, a table)

1:	mi [cu] birti le nu mi [cu] punji le cukta [ku] le stizu [ku] [kei] [ku]
2:	le cukta [ku] cu na cpana le stizu [ku]  .i xu do [cu] catlu le jubme [ku]
1:	go'i  .i le cukta [ku] cu na cpana le jubme [ku]  .i mi [cu] binxo le fengu [ku]
2:	ko [cu] na fengu  .i .ua le cukta [ku] cu cnita le stizu [ku]

Dialog 12.2.7
(No props)

1:	do [cu] claxu le ka jimpe [kei] ku doi {name of #2}.
2:	la'edi'u [cu] jitfa  .i la {name of #3}. [cu] claxu le ka jimpe [kei] [ku]
3:	mi [cu] na djica le nu mi [cu] kansa zo'e le nu casnu [kei] [ku] [kei] [ku]
1:	.oi la {name of #2}. [cu] rinsa mi le nu darxi le xedja [ku] [kei] 
                ku doi {name of #3}.
2:	la {name of #3}. [cu] minde la'edi'u
1:	.ue doi {name of #3}.  .i la'edi'u [cu] xlali
3:	mi [cu] minde le nu la {name of #2}. [cu] rinsa do doi {name of #1}. 
                le nu desku le xance [ku] [kei] [ku] [kei] [ku]
2:	.ua la'edi'u [cu] drani  .i mi [cu] srera
1:	.i do [cu] se darxi doi {name of #2}.
3:	do [cu] se darxi le re prenu ku doi {name of #2}.

A Boring Story
nalcinri lisri

A boring story?  What do you expect with *** words of vocabulary?  First we'll give it in block text, and you can attempt to read it that way.  Then we will break
it down into individual sentences to help you translate it.  The
word-for-word translation and a plot summary is given in the answer
key at the end of the book.

This will serve as pronunciation and dictation practice for the week.
The tape contains the story, so that you can practice listening and
writing what you hear.

For the beginning of the next lesson, try to write five questions
about the story in Lojban using any of the question words, and answers
to each in Lojban.  Next week, pair up with another student, and
alternate asking and answering questions in Lojban.  See whether your
partner agrees with your answers to your questions.

Translation hint:  Use parenthesis to group the more complicated sumti.

la .alis. [cu] klama le zarci [ku]  
.i ko'a [cu] djica le nu ko'a [cu] cpacu su'o le taxfu [ku] zo'e [kei] [ku]  
.i ko'a [cu] catlu le skaci [ku] .i ko'a [cu] na nelci le nu le skaci
[ku] cu se jadni le dasri [ku] [kei] [ku] .i ko'a [cu] catlu le mapku
.i le mapku [ku] cu se jadni le dasri [ku] .i ko'a [cu] rinsa le ve
zarci [ku]

.i la .alis. [cu] bacru lu xu ro le taxfu [ku] cu se jadni le dasri [ku] li'u  
.i le ve zarci [ku] cu bacru lu na go'i  
.i .ia so'i le taxfu [ku] cu claxu le dasri [ku] .i ko [cu] kansa mi
le nu mi'o klama le pritu [ku] [kei] [ku] li'u

.i la .alis. [cu] kansa le ve zarci [ku] zo'e .i so'i le taxfu [ku] cu
xamgu ko'a le ka le taxfu [ku] cu na se jadni le dasri [ku] [kei] [ku]
.i le nu la .alis. [cu] cuxna zo'e le taxfu [ku] [kei] cu mentu li
rexa .i la .alis. [cu] troci le nu ko'a [cu] dasni le creka [ku] [kei]
[ku] .i le creka [ku] cu dukse le se djica [ku] le ka kluza [kei] [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] troci le palku [ku] .i le palku [ku] cu dukse zo'e le ka
le palku [ku] cu tagji la .alis. le tuple [ku] [kei] [ku]

.i la .alis. [cu] cusku lu .oi mabla .i mi [cu] rapli le nu mi troci
le nu mi cuxna zo'e [kei] [ku] [kei] [ku] .i .ia mi [cu] kakne le nu
mi dasni zo'e [kei] [ku] li'u

.i la .alis. [cu] troci le nu ko'a [cu] cuxna le taxfu [ku] kei [ku]
le nu ko'a [cu] catlu [kei] [ku] .i ko'a [cu] cuxna mu le taxfu [ku]
.i ro le mu taxfu [ku] cu banzu le se djica [ku] .i la .alis. [cu]
pensi le mu taxfu [ku] .i ko'a [cu] catlu le junla [ku] .i .ue li bi
pimu [cu] tcika .i le nu ko'a [cu] cuxna [kei] [ku] cu cacra li re
pi'e pamu .i ko'a [cu] jdice le nu cpacu ci le mu taxfu [ku] [kei] .i
ko'a [cu] lebna le ci taxfu [ku] .i ko'a [cu] cliva le zarci [ku]

la .alis. [cu] klama le zarci [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] djica le nu ko'a [cu] cpacu su'o le taxfu [ku] zo'e [kei] [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] catlu le skaci [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] na nelci le nu le skaci [ku] cu se jadni le dasri [ku] [kei] [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] catlu le mapku [ku]
.i le mapku [ku] cu se jadni le dasri [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] rinsa le ve zarci [ku]
.i la .alis. [cu] bacru
lu xu ro le taxfu [ku] cu se jadni le dasri [ku] li'u
.i le ve zarci [ku] cu bacru
lu na go'i  .i .ia so'i le taxfu [ku] cu claxu le dasri [ku]  
.i ko [cu] kansa mi le nu mi'o klama le pritu [ku] 
[kei] [ku] li'u
.i la .alis. [cu] kansa le ve zarci [ku] zo'e
.i so'i le taxfu [ku] cu xamgu ko'a le ka le taxfu [ku] cu na se jadni
        le dasri [ku] [kei] [ku]
.i le nu la .alis. [cu] cuxna zo'e le taxfu [ku] [kei] cu mentu li rexa
.i la .alis. [cu] troci le nu ko'a [cu] dasni le creka [ku] [kei] [ku]
.i le creka [ku] cu dukse le se djica [ku] le ka kluza [kei] [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] troci le palku [ku]
.i le palku [ku] cu dukse zo'e le ka le palku [ku] cu tagji la .alis. 
        le tuple [ku] [kei] [ku]
.i la .alis. [cu] cusku
 lu .oi mabla  .i mi [cu] rapli le nu mi troci le nu mi cuxna 
        zo'e [kei] [ku] [kei] [ku]  .i .ia mi [cu] kakne le 
nu mi dasni zo'e [kei] [ku] li'u
.i la .alis. [cu] troci le nu ko'a [cu] cuxna le taxfu [ku] kei 
        [ku] le nu ko'a [cu] catlu [kei] [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] cuxna mu le taxfu [ku]
.i ro le mu taxfu [ku] cu banzu le se djica [ku]
.i la .alis. [cu] pensi le mu taxfu [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] catlu le junla [ku]
.i .ue li bi pimu [cu] tcika
.i le nu ko'a [cu] cuxna [kei] [ku] cu cacra li re pi'e pamu
.i ko'a [cu] jdice le nu cpacu ci le mu taxfu [ku] [kei]
.i ko'a [cu] lebna le ci taxfu [ku]
.i ko'a [cu] cliva le zarci [ku]

Translations of 12.2


1:	mi [cu] gleki
I am-happy.

2:	do [cu] gleki ma
You are-happy about what?

1:	mi [cu] gleki le nu ti [cu] xunre [kei] [ku]
I am-happy about the-event-of 'this's being-red'.

2:	.ue  .i ta [cu] na xunre  .i ta [cu] xekri
(Surprise.)  That is-not-red.  That is-black.

1:	.ua do [cu] drani  .i mi [cu] badri
(Discovery) You are-correct.  I am-sad.

2:	do [cu] badri ma
You are-sad about what?

1:	mi [cu] badri le nu ti [cu] na xunre [kei] [ku]
I am-sad about the-event-of 'this's not-being-red'.

2:	mi [cu] badri
I am-sad.

1:	do [cu] badri ma
You are-sad about what?

2:	mi [cu] badri le nu do [cu] badri [kei] [ku]
I am-sad about the-event-of your being-sad.


1:	mi [cu] fengu
I am-angry.

2:	ko [cu] na frati le nu darxi mi [kei] [ku]
Don't-react with the-event-of '(your) hitting me'!

1:	mi [cu] na fengu do  .i mi [cu] fengu le penbi [ku]
I am-not-angry with you.  I am-angry with the pen.

2:	xu le penbi [ku] cu kakne le nu ko'a [cu] ve ciska [kei] [ku]
Is-it-true-that the pen is able to do the-event-of 'it's being-a-writing tool'?

1:	.ia go'i  .i mi [cu] fengu ko'a le nu mi [cu] zutse ko'a [kei] [ku]
(Certainty) It is so.  I am-angry at it for the-event-of 'my sitting on it'.

2:	ko [cu] lebna ko'a le daski [ku]
Take it from the pocket.


1:	coi doi {name of #2}.  .i ko [cu] denpa mi
Hello, O ___________.  Wait for me!

2:	coi. {name of #1}.  .i ko [cu] bajra  .i mi'o [cu] lerci
Hello ___________.  Run.  We are-late.

1:	ma [cu] tcika
What is the time of day?

2:	li xa pi'e mu xa [cu] tcika
6:56 is-the-time-of-day.

1:	mi'o [cu] na lerci  .i le nu klama le ckule [ku] [kei] [ku] cu mentu li pano
We are-not-late.  The-event-of going to the school takes-in-minutes 10.

2:	li ze [cu] tcika le nu le ctuca [ku] cu cfari [kei] [ku]
7:00 is-the-time-of-day of the-event-of the teacher's initiating.

1:	mi [cu] bajra
I run.


1:	ti [cu] kukte
This is-delicious.

2:	do [cu] pinxe ma
You drink what?

1:	mi [cu] pinxe le vanju [ku]
I drink the wine.

2:	mi [cu] taske  .i ko [cu] dunda pa le kabri [ku] mi pe'u doi {name of #1}.
I thirst.  Give one of the cups to me, please O _________.

1: ti [cu] kabri le sodva [ku] .i ti [cu] kabri le jisra [ku] .i ko
[cu] cuxna pa le kabri [ku] This is-a-cup of the soda.  This is-a-cup
of the juice.  Choose one of the cups.

2: mi [cu] djica le birje [ku] .i xu su'o le kabri [ku] cu se nenri le
birje [ku] I want the beer.  Is-it-that at-least-one of the cups
is-a-thing-in-which-there-is the beer?

1:	.uu na go'i
(Sympathy) Not so.

2:	.i mi [cu] jdice le sodva [ku]
I choose the soda.


1:	pe'u .{name of #2}. ko [cu] ciksi zo galtu mi
Please, __________ explain "galtu" to me.

2:	ko [cu] catlu  .i le cukta [ku] cu galtu
Look.  The book is-high.

1:	pe'u .{name of #2}. ko [cu] ciksi zo gapru mi
Please, __________ explain "gapru" to me.

2:	le cukta [ku] cu gapru do
The book is-above you.

1:	mi [cu] na jimpe le ka le re valsi [ku] cu frica [kei] [ku]
I don't-understand the-property-of 'the 2 words' different-ness'.

2: le pelji [ku] cu dizlo .i le pelji [ku] cu na galtu .i le pelji
[ku] cu gapru le loldi [ku] The paper is low.  The paper is-not-high.
The paper is-above the floor.

1:	.ua mi [cu] jimpe  .i mi [cu] ckire do le nu ciksi [kei] [ku]
(Discovery) I understand!  I am-grateful to you for the-act-of explaining.


1:	mi [cu] birti le nu mi [cu] punji le cukta [ku] le stizu [ku] [kei] [ku]
I am certain about the-act-of my putting the book on/at the chair.

2:	le cukta [ku] cu na cpana le stizu [ku]  .i xu do [cu] catlu le jubme [ku]
The book is-not-upon the chair.  Is-it-true-that you look at the table?

1:	go'i  .i le cukta [ku] cu na cpana le jubme [ku]  .i mi [cu] binxo le fengu [ku]
It is so.  The book is-not-on the table.  I become the-one-who-is-angry.

2:	ko [cu] na fengu  .i .ua le cukta [ku] cu cnita le stizu [ku]
Be not-angry.  (Discovery) The book is-under the chair!


1:	do [cu] claxu le ka jimpe ku doi {name of #2}.
You are-without the-property-of understanding, O ________!

2: la'edi'u [cu] jitfa .i la {name of #3}. [cu] claxu le ka jimpe
[kei] [ku]

That (the referent of the last statement) is false.  _________
is-without the-property-of understanding.

3: mi [cu] na djica le nu mi [cu] kansa zo'e le nu casnu [kei] [ku]
[kei] [ku]

I don't-want the-event-of 'my accompanying something-unspecified in
doing the-act-of discussing'.

1: .oi la {name of #2}. [cu] rinsa mi le nu darxi le xedja [ku] [kei]
ku doi {name of #3}.

(Complaint) __________ greets me by doing the-act-of hitting the head,
O __________.

2:	la {name of #3}. [cu] minde la'edi'u
_______________ orders that (the referent of the last sentence).

1:	.ue doi {name of #3}.  .i la'edi'u [cu] xlali
(Surprise) O __________.  That (the referent of the last sentence) is bad.

3: mi [cu] minde le nu la {name of #2}. [cu] rinsa do doi {name of
#1}. le nu desku le xance [ku] [kei] [ku] [kei] [ku]

I order the-act-of '__________'s greeting you', O _________, by doing
the-act-of 'shaking the hand'.

2:	.ua la'edi'u [cu] drani  .i mi [cu] srera
(Discovery) That (the referent of the last sentence) is correct.  I err.

1:	.i do [cu] se darxi doi {name of #2}.
You are-one-who-is-hit, O _________.

3:	do [cu] se darxi le re prenu ku doi {name of #2}.
You are-one-who-is-hit by 2 people, O ___________.

Free Translation Of The Boring Story

Alice went to the store.  She wanted to get some clothes.  She looked
at the skirt; she didn't like it; it was decorated with ribbons.  So,
she looked at the hat; it had ribbons too!  She went to the

        "Are all the clothes decorated with ribbons?!?"

The proprietor answered:

        "No.  There are certainly clothes without ribbons.  Come with me, over here on the right."

So, Alice went with the proprietor.  She found a lot of clothes that
were fine, at least in regard to ribbons.  She took 26 minutes to
choose some clothes.  She tried them on.  The blouse was too loose for
her liking.  The pants were too tight on her legs.

        "Damn.  I'll try some more.  Surely I can find something I can wear."

So, she looked some more.  She finally found five more she wanted to
try.  All five fit fine!  She thought about them, then noticed the
time.  It was 8:30!  She had spent 2 and a quarter hours shopping!
She decided on three, took them and left the store.

Word-For-Word Translation Of The Boring Story

Alice goes to the market.
She wants the-act-of getting at-least-one of the garments from
She looks at the skirt.
She doesn't like the-state-of the skirt's being-adorned-by the ribbon.
She looks at the hat.
The hat is-adorned-by the ribbon.
She greets the one-who-operates-the-market.

Alice says: "Is-it-true-that all of the garments are-adorned-by the ribbons?"

The market-operator says: "Not so.  (Certainty) Many of the garments
are-without the ribbons.  Accompany me in the- act-of our going to the

Alice accompanies the market-operator in-doing something-unspecified.  
Many of the garments are-good for her in-the-aspect-of the-property-of
the garments' not being-adorned with the ribbons.
The-act-of Alice's choosing something-unspecified from-the-set-of
garments is-in-minutes-of-duration 26 [i.e. it takes 26 minutes].
Alice tries the-act-of her wearing the blouse.
the blouse is an excess of the thing-wanted in-the-aspect-of
the-property-of looseness.
She tried the pants.
The pants are an excess of something-unspecified in-the-aspect-of
the-property-of the pants' being tight on Alice at her legs.

Alice says: "(Complaint) Derogatory-thing!  I repeat the-act-of my
trying to do the-act-of my choosing something- unspecified.

            (Belief) I am-able-to-do the-act-of my wearing

Alice tries the-act-of her choosing the garments by-doing the-act-of
her looking.
She chooses five of the garments.
All of the five garments suffice for the thing-wanted.
Alice thinks about the five garments.
She looks at the clock.
(Surprise) Eight-and-a-half is the time-of-day!
The-act-of choosing is-in-hours:minutes-of-duration 2:15 [i.e. it
takes 2 hours and 15 minutes].
She decides on the-act-of getting three of the five garments.
She takes the garments.
She leaves the market.

