Lesson 20
renomoi seltadni
"The Date"
le fasnu
This lesson consists primarily of a story, the longest and most
complex piece of Lojban in this textbook. A synopsis and a
translation are given following the story, with some exercises. Pay
particular attention to the use of descriptors and relative clauses.
Note that the prices on the menu reflect the fact that "rupnu" is a
generic monetary unit, and is not necessarily American dollars; the
prices are unlikely to be found in an American restaurant.
Two specific exercises are suggested:
- Each student should attempt to draw a map reflecting the directions
that Alice gives to Rick.
- Each student should (outside of class) devise perhaps five to ten
questions and answers based on the story. These may be examined by
the instructor, and/or the students may exchange questions. It is
then recommended that the questions be taken home for answering.
Written responses to the exchanged questions can be brought to class
and compared with the question-writers' answers. In this way, the
students themselves will find problems in the way that they asked or
interpreted the questions. Attempting to answer the questions
spontaneously in class is possible, but could be time consuming,
without necessarily giving good productivity for time spent; even
though it is likely that sentences and vocabulary will be fairly
simple, the student is probably not yet confident enough of his/her
ability (an example of the singular massified noun in English).
le fasnu
le fonxa cu sanga .i la .alis goi ko'a frati la'edi'u lenu cpacu le fonxa
.i ko'a kerlo ganse
lu coi. .alis. .i mi du la rik. .i .a'o do kanro li'u
.i lu coidoi rik. .i .ia mi kanro .i a'o do go'i li'u
.i lu .ia .i mi djica lonu djuno lenu do ba kansa mi le gusta
ke vanci sanmi ca la zedjed. poi balvi jibni .i
.a'o mi'o te tigni li'u
.i ko'a spuda zo'e
lu ko denpa .i mi nitcu lenu catlu lemi detri liste .y .y .y
.i mi zifre .i .au mi kansa .i ma tcika li'u
.i la rik. goi ko'e spuda zo'e
lu mi ba cpedu lo gusta jubme ca la xacac. .i .au do djica
cuxna da poi fasnu .i pei skina .i pei zgike tigni .i pei xajmi tigni
.i pei draci .i pei dansu li'u
.i la .alis. danfu
lu mi nelci loi zgike draci .i .i'a.au la lemizerABL. se tigni
ca ta .i mi nelci loi nu dansu li'u
.i la rik. cusku
lu mi juxre dansu .i mi terpa lenu mi bebna .i mi troci lenu
cpacu le pikta pe la lemizerABL. li'u
.i ko'a spuda zo'e
lu .ui .i pei do nitcu lemi judri li'u
.i ko'e spuda zo'e
lu .ia .i ko farna minde li'u
.i lu le ckule pe le lojbo tadni penmi cu krasi .i ko klama
zo'e zo'e le snanu dargu .i ba vo kruca ko carna klama le zunle .i ko
stuna .i ko carna zo'e le kruvi .i ko cpare le salpo .i ko carna zo'e
le pritu vi le klaji po'u la pav. .i li cisobipa judri lemi zdani .i
lemi zdani cu crino .i se vanbi loi tricu .i xu do ciska piro lei se
minde li'u
.i lu mi ciska .i .au mi nitcu le pluta cartu li'u
.i lu mi dunda cavi le lojbo tadni penmi .i mi djica denpa le fasnu li'u
.i lu mi go'i .i ki'e. .alis. .i mi'o casnu le fasnu cavi le tadni
penmi li'u
.i la .alis. cusku zo co'o .i ko'a punji le fonxa le jubme
.i cavi le lojbo tadni penmi la .alis. dunda le pluta cartu la rik.
.i la rik. pu cpacu le pikta .i la .alis. gleki le ba fasnu
.i ca la zedjed. la rik. klama le zdani po la .alis. zo'e lei se minde
leko'e karce .i ko'e bartu klama le vorme po'e le zdani .i ko'e savru
darxi le vorme leko'e xance .i la .alis. denpa le vorme savru .i ko'a
frati lenu kalri muvdu le vorme
.i la rik. cusku
lu coi. .alis. .i ledo taxfu cu xamgu do leka skari li'u
.i la .alis. spuda zo'e
lu ki'e. .i ledo ka se catlu cu xamgu li'u
.i la rik. gidva lenu la .alis. klama leko'e karce .i ko'e kalri muvdu
le vorme .i la .alis. nenri klama le karce .i klama le kargu gusta ca
la xacac.
.i la .alis. frati
lu .ue do cuxna lo xamgu gusta .i mi te cusku djuno zo'e lenu
jukpa li'u
.i nenri klama .i le gusta minde cu gidva lenu klama lo jubme .i nu
dunda le cidja liste .i le liste se pixra vi le lamji papri .i la
.alis. cuxna leko'a sanmi .i la rik. cuxna leko'e sanmi .i la
rik. cuxna lo kargu vanju .i le gusta prenu cu ciska le se cuxna .i la
.alis. cuxna le jipci .i la rik. cuxna le finpe .i tavla ca lenu denpa
le cidja
.i lu ma stuzi le tsina dinju doi rik. li'u
.i lu le jibni berti cu go'i .i mi jdice leinu mi'o dansu ba le draci
.i .i'a do na ckasu loka mi dansu li'u
.i lu .ue .ia go'i .i mi'o ba nelci lifri leinu dansu li'u
.i le gusta prenu cu bevri le sanmi .i zabna panci mixre vi le vacri
.i so'i palta cu cpana le palne .i le gusta prenu cu dunda le jinsa
bukpu .i forca .i dakfu .i smuci .i le gusta prenu cu punji le palta
pe ro le re citka le drani crane .i la .alis. katna leko'a jipci zo'e
loni se batci
.i la .alis. frati
lu .ue .ui kukte .i mi ba nelci lifri lemi sanmi li'u
.i ba le sanmi le gusta prenu cu dunda le janta liste la rik. .i la
rik. dunda lo jdini poi rupnu li sonono vau le gusta prenu .i le dukse
jdini poi le gusta prenu ba dunda la rik. cu rupnu li bimu .i la
rik. punji le gusta prenu jdini poi rupnu li paremu vau le jubme .i le
re prenu cu jinsa binxo vi le lumci kumfa
.i cliva .i klama leko'e karce .i karce klama le tsina dinju .i la
rik. ponse le draci pikta .i la rik. dunda le re pikta le pikta lebna
.i le re prenu cu klama le pikta ke zutse stuzi .i le murta cu gapru
binxo .i cfari le se tigni .i la lemizerABL. cu xamgu ke zgike draci
.i zdile le re prenu leka tigni .i le draci cu na xajmi .i le prenu ca
.i ba le draci le re prenu cu cadzu klama le dansu kumfa .i kansa
dansu .i .ue na juxre dansu .i la rik. ca jinvi lenu la .alis. cinse
zo'e lenu dansu .i la .alis. jinvi lenu la rik. ca cinse .i le re
prenu ca xadni jgari .i ba cinba .ui .i zabna nu lifri .i cliva le
dansu stuzi ca lo lerci cacra .i klama le zdani
.i mi na ciksi le balvi do po'u loi tcidu .i do kakne lonu do jinvi
lei fasnu .i ka gleki
le gusta ke vanci cidja liste
loi stasu
loi sluni stasu poi loi cirla po'u la xelvician. cu kansa 55:0
loi stagi stasu 45:0
loi lenku ke patlu sluni ke stasu 60:0
loi salta
loi stagi pezli salta 50:0
ko cuxna lo salta sanso
loi rectu mixre salta 85:0
loi sanmi midju
lo rectu panlo poi se jukpa vi loi xunre vanju 165:0
loi finpe poi lo cpina sanso cu kansa 145:0
loi jipci poi toknu se jukpa 120:0
loi kansa cidja
loi rismi poi loi crino sluni tsapi cu kansa 20:0
loi toknu se jukpa patlu poi lo matne cu cpana 25:0
loi vifne ke toknu se jukpa ke'e nanba poi lo matne cu kansa cu kansa
ro lo sanmi
loi titla cidja
loi kruji bisli 35:0
loi cakla ko titla nanba 55:0
loi jbari mixre poi kansa lei titla kruji 50:0
le sovda sakta poi cpana le plise snuji 65:0
loi se pinxe
loi zabna slabu vanju poi ko cuxna ke'a le vanju liste ----
loi vifne se jukpa ckafi 20:0
loi tcati 20:0
loi ladru 25:0
loi se botpi djacu 30:0
do kakne lenu cpedu lo silna claxu nu jukpa
Exercise 20-1
We have avoided asking you to generate cohesive sentences until sufficient grammar and vocabulary was covered. Since
you've seen a few stories, you can see how powerful a subset of the
Lojban grammar we have already covered (and we're less than a third of
the way through the course). Your vocabulary is probably a bit more
shaky, but the only way to truly learn vocabulary is to use it. We
want to start assigning short compositions or essays that require you
to use the grammar and vocabulary we have covered. You can do this on
your own time, at your leisure, so that you can spend the time you
need to find words you don't know. For one thing, you will often find
that you have to go beyond the covered vocabulary to get the right
This first composition needn't be more than several sentences. The
topic is you; we would like you to write a description of yourself
suitable to introduce you to the class. Don't worry too much about
how well the sentences go together; that will come naturally after a
while. We would like you to concentrate on using simple well-formed
sentences. You will probably find it necessary to use several tanru,
which will give you practice in creating them. You will also probably
need some relative clauses, and possibly some of the different types
of descriptors used in this lesson. If you can do so, use them; if
you do not feel comfortable with them in a connected essay, try a few
as part of your 'diary' so that your instructor can give you
assistance if you are incorrect. You will probably find, however,
that most of the grammar we have covered will come naturally if you
just use it.
One of the co-authors has written a sample essay that is a real
self-description of the sort we are looking for. You can make your
writing easy by patterning your sentences after hers, changing only
the details that are usually conveyed in the sumti. If you are more
comfortable, launch out on your own to express your ideas in the way
you choose.
The instructor should review all essays at least briefly to see that
students have the idea. Then, depending on time constraints, you may
be asked to read your essay aloud, and let your fellow students know
something about yourself. You will actually be communicating real and
meaningful (and possibly useful) information in Lojban.
If you are a correspondence student, this essay should be sent to your
correspondent, who should send a similar one to you; your goal is to
be able to write cohesive sentences, and to make yourself understood.
If no one attempts to read your essay, you will have no idea whether
it successfully communicates.
This is a first attempt to communicate in a new language. Erudition
is not expected nor required. That will come with time and practice,
of which the rest of the course should give you plenty.
Sample Essay
mupli prosa
mi du la noras. lecevalier. .i pu lenu mi speni ku mi se cmene la
noras. tanskis. .i mi pu xabju la filydelfiys. pensylveiniys. .i mi
tordu ninmu .i lemi kerfa cu kandi bunre .i lemi kanla cu bunre crino
.i mi dasni lo lenjo .i mi se jibri leinu cusku lei se minde liste le
skami .i ca le nake jibri gunka kei temci mi se minde cusku zo'e le
skami po'e mi .i mi nelci la'edi'u .i mi nelci so'i da poi drata .i
lei sidbo cfika lisri .i loika canlu kei pixra .i leinu na nejni ve
marce de poi se xislu re di .i lei ve katna pixra se kelci .i lei
zgike .i leinu citka .i ui leinu sipna .i mi mutce nelci la bab. .i
.ia mi nelci la lojban .i .a'o mi ba kakne lenu frili pilno la lojban
leinu tavla
I am Nora LeChevalier. Before the state-of my being married, I
was-named Nora Tansky. I inhabited Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am
a short woman. My hair is dim brown. My eyes are brownish green. I
wear lenses. I have-as-a- job the acts-of expressing the
things-commanded list to the computer. At-the-time-of the
not-jobishly-working time, I things-commanded express (something
unspecified) to the computer belonging to me. I like
the-referent-of-the-last- sentence. I like many somethings which are
other. The idea fiction stories. Property-of-volume pictures. The
acts-of non-energetically being-a-vehicle-propeller of something which
is be-wheeled by two somethings. The cut-pieces picture type of
thing-played-with. The musics. The acts-of eating. (Happiness) The
acts-of sleeping. I extremely like Bob. (Certainty) I like Lojban.
(Hopefulness) I will be-able at the act-of easily using Lojban for the
acts-of talking.
I am Nora LeChevalier. Before getting married, I was named Nora
Tansky and I lived in Philadelphia. I am a short woman with dull
brown hair and hazel eyes. I wear glasses. My job is programming a
computer. When not working, I program my own computer, which I enjoy.
I have other hobbies: science fiction stories, stereo photography,
recreational cycling, jigsaw puzzles, some music, eating, and
sleeping. I like Bob a lot, too, and certainly I like Lojban.
Hopefully, I will achieve my goal of easily speaking Lojban.
Exercise 20-2
Following are two possible self-introduction paragraphs, similar to
the ones that all of you are writing or have written. The first is a
supposed self-introduction by a non-human life form invented by Nora
LeChevalier for a comic strip that she once drew. It exercises a
variety of grammar points, while forcing you to think about what is
being read. See the answers appendix for a translation.
The second exercise is a self-introduction by the 'Alice' of the
readings in these lessons. We have omitted all of the descriptors.
Read the passage, and insert a plausible descriptor ("le", "lo", "la",
"lei", "loi", "lai") in each omitted place. For some of the places,
there is more than one plausible answer, so consider the semantic
implications of your choices. The answer appendix gives one possible
interpretation, but it is not the only correct one. We are dealing
with semantics and not grammar in this exercise: except when labelling
names in descriptions, any of the six descriptors covered can be used
grammatically; choosing an 'incorrect' descriptor will merely lead to
a strange, unclear, or weakly expressed interpretation. A class can
go through the sentences, taking turns on the answers. The instructor
should in this case encourage various alternate answers and the
reasons for choosing them to be discussed.
mi du lai gordn. .i mi cizra fange .i ci da tuple mi .i re le tuple
cu pritu .i pa le tuple cu zunle .i re le tuple cu crane .i pa le
tuple cu trixe .i node jamfu mi .i node xance birka mi .i re kanla cu
birka mi .i mi se kerfa lo bunre rodi poi na kanla
coi .i ____ .alis. cu cmene mi .i mi fetsi remna .i mi nanca ____ su'o
pano .i ____mi jamfu cu dukse cmalu .i .uu ____nu cpacu ____ cutci cu
nandu .i mi se jibri ____nu fanva .i ____ zgike draci cu se nelci .i
mi tcidu ____ cukta .i ____ jbari poi se cpana ____ kruji cu kukte .i
mi gleki ____nu vi cilre ____ lojban.
Answer to Exercise 20-2
As stated, the following is only one possible answer. Depending on
class time available, you may wish to go through this exercise in
class, discussing the possible choices, and getting various opinions
on the semantics and styles involved. Some people will have a
preference for the less specific claims of "loi" over "lei". Some
will stylistically like "lo" - claiming that what is being described
really matches the description; "le" which doesn't so claim, on the
other hand indicates that the speaker has some particular referent in
mind for her description. The translation given corresponds to our
answer; other selections will have slightly different translations.
"coi. .i zo .alis. cu cmene mi .i mi fetsi remna .i mi nanca li su'o
pano .i lemi jamfu cu dukse cmalu .i .uu leinu cpacu le cutci cu nandu
.i mi se jibri loinu fanva .i loi zgike draci cu se nelci .i mi tcidu
loi cukta .i le jbari poi se cpana lo kruji cu kukte .i mi gleki lenu
vi cilre la lojban."
Note that we inserted a trick question. "la .alis." ("The thing
called 'Alice'" is not likely to be her name - this means that her
name (and not her) is called Alice. A different Alice got confused
along these lines in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass.
"Greetings! 'Alice' benames me. I am a female human. I am in years
the number 'at least 10'. My feet are excessively small. Regret! The
getting of the shoes is difficult. I am be-jobbed by translating.
Musicals are liked. I read books. The berries which are uponed by
some cream is delicious. I am happy about specific here learnings
about Lojban."
Hello. My name is 'Alice'. I am a woman. I'm at least 10 years old
(and not saying anything more specific than that). My feet are too
small, and I have trouble getting shoes. I work as a translator. I
enjoy musicals, read books, and find berries topped with cream
delicious. I am happy to be learning Lojban.
Synopsis of le fasnu
Rick asks Alice out to dinner and entertainment on the coming
Saturday. After checking her calendar, Alice accepts. She gives
detailed directions to her house, but Rick decides that he needs a
map, which Alice gives him at the next Lojban class. Rick picks Alice
up at her house. They eat at an expensive restaurant, and then attend
a play: Les Miserables. Overcoming his nervousness, Rick takes Alice
dancing. The evening ends on a happy note.
Translation of le fasnu
le fonxa cu sanga .i la .alis goi ko'a frati la'edi'u lenu cpacu le fonxa .i ko'a kerlo ganse
lu coi. .alis. .i mi du la rik. .i .a'o do kanro li'u
.i lu coidoi rik. .i .ia mi kanro .i a'o do go'i li'u
.i lu .ia .i mi djica lonu djuno lenu do ba kansa mi le gusta ke vanci sanmi ca la zedjed. poi balvi jibni .i
.a'o mi'o te tigni li'u
The phone rings (sings). Alice (hereinafter referred to as "ko'a")
reacts to this by getting the phone. She hears (ear- senses):
"Greetings, Alice! This is Rick. Hopefully, you are well."
"Greetings, Rick! Certainly, I'm well. Hopefully, you, too."
"Certainly! I want some knowledge about the event of you accompanying
me in the restaurant-dinner I have in mind during Saturday which is
future-near. Hopefully, we can (also) be performed for."
.i ko'a spuda zo'e
lu ko denpa .i mi nitcu lenu catlu lemi detri liste .y .y .y .i mi zifre .i .au mi kansa .i ma tcika li'u
She replies "Wait. I need the event of looking at my calendar
(date-list) ... I am free. I want (me) to accompany. What is the
time-of-day (of the date)?"
.i la rik. goi ko'e spuda zo'e
lu mi ba cpedu lo gusta jubme ca la xacac. .i .au do djica cuxna da poi fasnu .i pei skina .i pei zgike
tigni .i pei xajmi tigni .i pei draci .i pei dansu li'u
Rick (hereinafter referred to as "ko'e") replies, "I will request a
restaurant table simultaneous with 6:00. I want your choice of date
(you desiringly-choose something which is an event). Movie? Music
performer? Comedian? Play? Dance?"
.i la .alis. danfu
lu mi nelci loi zgike draci .i .i'a.au la lemizerABL. se tigni
ca ta .i mi nelci loi nu dansu li'u
Alice answers, "I am fond of musicals. I believe (Desire!) Les
Miserables is being performed then (during 'that' time). I am (also)
fond of dancing. (Note that this doesn't say whether she is fond of
doing it or watching it. Rick makes an assumption:)
.i la rik. cusku
lu mi juxre dansu .i mi terpa lenu mi bebna .i mi troci lenu
cpacu le pikta pe la lemizerABL. li'u
Rick expresses, "I clumsily dance. I am afraid of the state of me
being foolish. I try the acquiring of tickets pertaining to Les
.i ko'a spuda zo'e
lu .ui .i pei do nitcu lemi judri li'u
She replies, "Happily! (It's a date!) How do you feel about you
needing my address?"
.i ko'e spuda zo'e
lu .ia .i ko farna minde li'u
He replies, "Certainly (I need it)! Directionally-command!"
.i lu le ckule pe le lojbo tadni penmi cu krasi .i ko klama
zo'e zo'e le snanu dargu .i ba vo kruca ko carna klama le zunle .i ko
stuna .i ko carna zo'e le kruvi .i ko cpare le salpo .i ko carna zo'e
le pritu vi le klaji po'u la pav. .i li cisobipa judri lemi zdani .i
lemi zdani cu crino .i se vanbi loi tricu .i xu do ciska piro lei se
minde li'u
The school pertaining to the Lojban class is the origin. Come via the
south road. After four intersectors, turningly-go to the-left (i.e at
the fifth intersection!) Go west! Turn around the curve! Climb the
slope! Turn to the right at the street which is called 'One' (or
"Pav"?)! The number 3981 addresses my house (nest). My house is
green. It is environed by trees. Is it true you inscribe all of the
.i lu mi ciska .i .au mi nitcu le pluta cartu li'u
"I inscribe. (Desire!) I need the map (route-chart) that I have in
mind (i.e. one which shows the route to Alice's house)."
.i lu mi dunda cavi le lojbo tadni penmi .i mi djica denpa le fasnu
"I give, simultaneously at the Lojban class I have in mind. I
desiringly await the event I have in mind (the date)."
.i lu mi go'i .i ki'e. .alis. .i mi'o casnu le fasnu cavi le tadni
penmi li'u
"Me, too. Thanks, Alice! We (can) discuss the date simultaneously
with the class."
.i la .alis. cusku zo co'o .i ko'a punji le fonxa le jubme
Alice says, "Goodbye!". She puts the phone at the table.
.i cavi le lojbo tadni penmi la .alis. dunda le pluta cartu la rik.
.i la rik. pu cpacu le pikta .i la .alis. gleki le ba fasnu
Simultaneously at the Lojban class, Alice gives the map (to her house)
to Rick. Rick (previously) got the tickets. Alice is happy about the
future event.
.i ca la zedjed. la rik. klama le zdani po la .alis. zo'e lei se minde
leko'e karce .i ko'e bartu klama le vorme po'e le zdani .i ko'e savru
darxi le vorme leko'e xance .i la .alis. denpa le vorme savru .i ko'a
frati lenu kalri muvdu le vorme
On Saturday, Rick comes to the house possessed by Alice via the
commanded using his car. He outingly goes to the thing described as a
door which is inalienably possessed by the house (Actually, the
doorway is more truly inalienable; but the door isn't likely to ever
belong to another house either.) He knocks (noisily hits) the door
with his hand(s?). Alice waits for the door-noise. She reacts by
open-moving the door.
.i la rik. cusku
lu coi. .alis. .i ledo taxfu cu xamgu do leka skari li'u
Rick expresses, "Greetings, Alice! Your clothes are good in property
of colorness.
.i la .alis. spuda zo'e
lu ki'e. .i ledo ka se catlu cu xamgu li'u
Alice responds "Thank you! Your look-at-ed-ness (property of being
looked at) is good (too)."
.i la rik. gidva lenu la .alis. klama leko'e karce .i ko'e kalri muvdu
le vorme .i la .alis. nenri klama le karce .i klama le kargu gusta ca
la xacac.
Rick guides the act of Alice going to his car. He open-moves the
door. Alice in-goes to the car. Going to the costly restaurant
simultaneously at 6:00.
.i la .alis. frati
lu .ue do cuxna lo xamgu gusta .i mi te cusku djuno zo'e lenu
jukpa li'u
Alice reacts, "(Surprised!) You choose a (truly) good restaurant. I
(have been told) expressed-to know about the cooking."
.i nenri klama .i le gusta minde cu gidva lenu klama lo jubme .i nu
dunda le cidja liste .i le liste se pixra vi le lamji papri .i la
.alis. cuxna leko'a sanmi .i la rik. cuxna leko'e sanmi .i la
rik. cuxna lo kargu vanju .i le gusta prenu cu ciska le se cuxna .i la
.alis. cuxna le jipci .i la rik. cuxna le finpe .i tavla ca lenu denpa
le cidja
In go-ers. The restaurant commander (maitre de' hote) guides the
going to a table. Giving of the menu (food list). The list (menu) I
(the narrator) have in mind is pictured at the adjacent page. Alice
chooses her meal. Rick chooses his meal. Rick chooses some expensive
wine. The waiter (restaurant-person) inscribes the choices. Alice
chooses the thing described as chicken. Rick chooses the thing
described as fish. Talkers during the waiting for the food.
.i lu ma stuzi le tsina dinju doi rik. li'u
"Where is-the-location-of the theatre (stage-building), O Rick!"
.i lu le jibni berti cu go'i .i mi jdice leinu mi'o dansu ba le draci
.i .i'a do na ckasu loka mi dansu li'u
"The near-north is (...). I decide: events of our dancing after the
the play. (Belief!) You not-ridicule a true property of me dancing."
.i lu .ue .ia go'i .i mi'o ba nelci lifri leinu dansu li'u
"(Surprise!) Certainly (not - "go'i" is a negated bridi)! We will
enjoy (fondingly experience) events of dancing (that I have in mind)."
.i le gusta prenu cu bevri le sanmi .i zabna panci mixre vi le vacri
.i so'i palta cu cpana le palne .i le gusta prenu cu dunda le jinsa
bukpu .i forca .i dakfu .i smuci .i le gusta prenu cu punji le palta
pe ro le re citka le drani crane .i la .alis. katna leko'a jipci zo'e
loni se batci
The restaurant-person carries the meal(s). Aroma mixture in the air!
Many plates are upon the tray. The restaurant- person gives the
cleaner-cloth(s) (napkins). Fork(s). Knife(Knives). Spoon(s). The
restaurant-person puts the plates which pertain to each of the two
eaters at the correct in-front-of(s). Alice cuts that described as
her chicken into amounts of being bitten.
.i la .alis. frati
lu .ue .ui kukte .i mi ba nelci lifri lemi sanmi li'u
Alice reacts, "(Surprise!) (Happiness!) Delicious! I will enjoy
(fondly experience) my meal."
.i ba le sanmi le gusta prenu cu dunda le janta liste la rik. .i la
rik. dunda lo jdini poi rupnu li sonono vau le gusta prenu .i le dukse
jdini poi le gusta prenu ba dunda la rik. cu rupnu li bimu .i la
rik. punji le gusta prenu jdini poi rupnu li paremu vau le jubme .i le
re prenu cu jinsa binxo vi le lumci kumfa
After the meal, the restaurant-person gives the bill (account-list) to
Rick. Rick gives money which is in major-money- units the number 900
to the restaurant-person. The change (excess-money) which the
restaurant-person gives Rick is in major-money-units the number 85.
Rick puts the tip (restaurant-person-money) which is in
major-money-units the number 125 at the table. The two people cleanse
(themselves) at the wash-room(s).
.i cliva .i klama leko'e karce .i karce klama le tsina dinju .i la
rik. ponse le draci pikta .i la rik. dunda le re pikta le pikta lebna
.i le re prenu cu klama le pikta ke zutse stuzi .i le murta cu gapru
binxo .i cfari le se tigni .i la lemizerABL. cu xamgu ke zgike draci
.i zdile le re prenu leka tigni .i le draci cu na xajmi .i le prenu ca
Leavers. Go-ers to his car. Car go-ers to the theatre. Rick
posesses the drama tickets. Rick gives the two tickets to the
ticket-taker. The two persons go to the ticket seat (sit-place). The
curtain rises (above-becomes). Initiator(s) of the performed. Les
Miserables is a good musical. Amuser (Entertainer) of the two persons
in performance-ness. The drama is not comical. The people (the
narrator has in mind) weep.
.i ba le draci le re prenu cu cadzu klama le dansu kumfa .i kansa
dansu .i .ue na juxre dansu .i la rik. ca jinvi lenu la .alis. cinse
zo'e lenu dansu .i la .alis. jinvi lenu la rik. ca cinse .i le re
prenu ca xadni jgari .i ba cinba .ui .i zabna nu lifri .i cliva le
dansu stuzi ca lo lerci cacra .i klama le zdani
After the play, the two persons walkingly go to the dance hall.
Together dancers! (Surprise! - on the part of the narrator!?)
Not-awkward dancers! Rick, at this time (of not-awkward dancers),
opines: the state of Alice exhibits sexuality (unspecified) in the act
of dancing, is true. Alice (also) opines: that the state of Rick
simultaneously exhibits sexuality, is true. The two persons hug
(body-grasp). After (this), kissers (Happiness! - the narrator
approves)! Experiences! (Favorable ones, that is.) Leavers from the
dance hall simultaneous with a late hour. Go-ers to the house the
narrator has in mind.
.i mi na ciksi le balvi do po'u loi tcidu .i do kakne lonu do jinvi
lei fasnu .i ka gleki
I (the narrator) not-explain the after that I have in mind to you who
read. You are capable at true acts of you opining (the truth of) the
event(s) I have in mind. Happiness! (Narrator observes this
property, giving a hint, in case it wasn't obvious.)
le gusta ke vanci cidja liste The restaurant evening-fare menu.
Major-monetary units
loi stasu
loi sluni stasu poi loi cirla po'u la xelvician. cu kansa 55:0
Onion soup which cheese that is called Swiss accompanies.
loi stagi stasu 45:0
Vegetable soup.
loi lenku ke patlu sluni ke stasu 60:0
Cold potato-onion soup (Vichysoise).
loi salta
loi stagi pezli salta 50:0
Vegetable-leaf salad.
ko cuxna lo salta sanso
Choose the salad dressing.
loi rectu mixre salta 85:0
Meat-mixture salad (Chef's salad).
loi sanmi midju
Meal middles (Entrees)
lo rectu panlo poi se jukpa vi loi xunre vanju 165:0
Meat slices which are cooked in red wine.
loi finpe poi lo cpina sanso cu kansa 145:0
Fish which a pungent sauce accompanies.
loi jipci poi toknu se jukpa 120:0
Chicken which is oven-cooked (baked).
loi kansa cidja
Accompanying food (Side dishes)
loi rismi poi loi crino sluni tsapi cu kansa 20:0
Rice which green-onion seasoning accompanies.
loi toknu se jukpa patlu poi lo matne cu cpana 25:0
Baked potato which a quantity of butter is upon.
loi vifne ke toknu se jukpa kei nanba poi lo matne cu kansa cu kansa
ro lo sanmi Fresh-baked bread (note grouping) which butter
accompanies, accompanies all which are meals. (The double "cu kansa"
is not a typographical error!)
loi titla cidja
Sweet food (Dessert)
loi kruji bisli 35:0
Cream-ice (a better tanru than icy-cream).
loi cakla ko titla nanba 55:0
Chocolate cake (sweet-bread).
loi jbari mixre poi kansa lei titla kruji 50:0
Berry-mixture which (it) accompanies (our special) sweet cream.
le sovda sakta poi cpana le plise snuji 65:0
The merengue (egg-sugar) which is upon the apple sandwiched.
loi se pinxe
Things drunk (Beverages)
loi zabna slabu vanju poi ko cuxna ke'a le vanju liste ----
Vintage wine which you choose it from the wine list.
loi vifne se jukpa ckafi 20:0
Fresh-brewed coffee.
loi tcati 20:0
loi ladru 25:0
loi se botpi djacu 30:0
Bottled water.
do kakne lenu cpedu le silna claxu nu jukpa
You are capable of the act of requesting the salt-without type of cooking.