Partly detaching your life from the internet is the next rebellion:
RT @droneland_: Løsningen på kommunal sløsing? Si opp alle ansatte og gjør innbyggerne happy –
RT @sjetilv: Lobbyvirksomhet: Når noen har snakket sammen og det ikke er LO og Ap.
Krysser fingrene for at neste stortingsvalg vil handle om “høyere skatt” vs “eh kanskje det offentlige bare skal bruke mindre penger?”
That’s no moon - it’s a space station! #wookieleaks
Warehouse 13: As silly and charming as always. (H. G. Wells as archvillain?!) Life is good on the outskirts of the whedonverse.
RT @jurgenappelo: Pet Peeve Alert… A log has log entries. A blog has blog entries. You don’t “write a new blog.” You “write a new blog …
On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t have used “literally” in that sense in the previous tweet:
Since nobody reads blogs in July, I’m scheduling everything I write for August. I’m literally ahead of my time!
The internet dream of international conversations has not been fulfilled:
Ooh, new Steven Moffat series: Sherlock. Love it!
RT @PresidentMax: Now all those poor bloggers have to stand on street corners, telling passing strangers what TV shows they like to watch.
One thing I like about reality TV: It encourages perfectionism, ambition. Beautiful.
The challenge with getting people to pay for online news isn’t getting people to pay, it’s making something worth paying for.
Hvis vi først skal ha kulturdebatt i sommer foreslår jeg serien til @dekodet:
@Eirik_B Mest Irland og England i sommer.
@tbj No that’s English “breakfast”, which is so awful it has shaken my faith in bacon. Real is: Bread, milk and brunost.
New goal: Tweets without links more often than with. Otherwise what’s the point?
Back in Norway after two weeks among the barbarians. Finally a real breakfast!
@Orjas @jonwesselaas @rossavik @bstandal Men: “Nordens Paris”? Ikke. Leste en guidebok om Norge som hadde mye moro med den påstanden.
Primary goal of holiday: Rediscover boredom. Mission accomplished!
Product idea: Refillable bottled water. When the bottle is empty, you just take it to some sort of refill device, and fill it up again.
Is tax-free a safety valve that actually promotes acceptance of heavy taxation?
The only thing wrong about train travel is that there are other people on board. People who talk. Life must have sucked before mp3-players.
@rabiatius Det finnes ingen viktigere sosial merkelapp enn innenfor vs utenfor. Et annet eksempel: “Ja men hvor kommer du egentlig fra?”
@alorentsen Det henger nok igjen selv om SSB ikke bruker det. Men døren er ganske åpen ja.
@rabiatius Det var ikke ment ekskluderende. Man tok bare for gitt at barna til innvandrere er innvandrere de også, ikke ekte nordmenn.
@rabiatius Å kalle folk “annengenerasjons innvandrere” er å si: Du er ikke norsk bare fordi du er født her.
@rabiatius Dette handler ikke om å vanne ut skjellsord, men å markere at vi anerkjenner barn av innvandrere som nordmenn.
@rabiatius Men Hareide har rett: “Annengenerasjons innvandrer” er et fryktelig begrep. (Men hvem bruker det lenger?)
British Museum: Followed a tour of the Roman section. When we came to Augustus, everyone else opened their Bibles to read about the census.
Forståelig å skrive under pseudonym. Men det er de med fullt navn som går foran og brøyter opp, utvider hva det er akseptabelt å si. #nn
RT @sjetilv: “retirement at 60 in an ageing society is not a sign of civilization, but a cruely joke played on the next generation” - #C …
@jasnoen Kind of like if your house is on fire, and I take the opportunity to permanently “take care of” your TV?
British Museum: It’s almost as if they’ve been travelling all over the world and stolen their greatest treasures for centuries.
British Museum, day one: Trying to get a feel for the place. The feeling is: Holy shit!
Using Norwegian for absolutely everything we do on the web creates a black hole of ideas:
Reviewing books is irrational, but I wrote one of @danariely’s Predictably Irrational anyway.
Chester Cathedral: Walls, chairs, floors, everything, covered with names of local lads, killed abroad over the centuries.
I love my Victorian hotel in Chester, England, (where I’ve ended up for some reason). Gilded corners, kitschy art, everywhere!
Train, boat and bike is travel. Everything else is just transportation.
RT @sjetilv: a horrible (maybe even inconvenient) truth: the money has run out:
RT @droneland_: Leder resirkulering til selvmord? Om hvorfor egalitære samfunn ikke er lykkeligere –
You can only excel at one or two things. All your other lives are for other people to live.
Potato famine + financial crisis + zombies = Dramatic Irony and/or asshole tourists.
Went to U2’s recording studio. A voice, out of nowhere, said “take off your shoes, you’re standing on holy ground.” (It may have been Bono.)
Hey Ireland and Britain: You’re driving on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD.
Now in Ireland, to see the mysterious leprechaun, which is said to live in these parts.
RT @ericrosenfield: The true and frightening future of publishing!
Even more fun than collecting facts: Collecting pairs of facts that contradict each other.
@oivindi Godt forslag. Jeg foreslår vi nedsetter en komite for å finne fram til den optimale formuleringen.
Here’s to a world where everyone has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
@dentvilsomme Fritt Ord-finansierte blogger er i det minste bedre enn statlig finansierte meningsbærende aviser.
@ericrosenfield Yes, “meh” is a valid counterargument on the internet. So I concede. Alternatively: Ignore the anti-hype, read the books.
@ericrosenfield No, that’s what happened with the internet a few years ago. Now the smarter critical ideas are emerging. (Carr, Lanier).
Nordlinger’s analysis of the Progress Party is off, but he captures a taste for mischief that is often overlooked:
The internet makes boredom a precious resource.
Uventet: Blant forfatterne som er utstilt i biblioteket til IMDi er Hege Storhaug.
Good, critical interview with Nicholas Carr about The Shallows:
@vrangest Jeg har brukt