I’m kind of astounded by how libertarian the 1949 Ealing comedy Passport to Pimlico is. Anyone for creating some economic free zones?
I like to hedge my bets, so that there’s almost always an upside: http://bit.ly/bu00LE
@johnhenneli Yargh! [Delete mental image. Delete! Delete!]
@GeorgeGooding Og ikke minst: Mer redundans i tekst enn i tallkode. Man skjønner at Olso er Oslo, men hva skulle 584 vært? 1584? 5840? 0548?
@GeorgeGooding Tipper fordi da er det lettere å korrigere for skrivefeil. Men brevet kommer nok fram uten poststed.
For some reason iTunes has associated my Robocop soundtrack with the album art for Free Willy.
I’ve reviewed Sym-Bionic Titan, which is basically every single Genndy Tartakovsky cartoon merged into one: http://bit.ly/cPoll2
.@voxpopulinor Twitter er stråmann i Gladwell-essayet. Løse relasjoner er en feature spesifikk for Twitter, ikke ved internet generelt.
RT @grautfest: Om algoritmiske soveputer: If Google predicts your future, will it be a cliché? http://hurl.no/H40
Esquil dro meg med som listefyll på NM i Quiz i går. Det ble sannelig en solid ikke helt sisteplass.
Hans Rosling snakker om myten om den todelte verden: http://bit.ly/95bzBW
Judging by the spine shiver method of measuring, Tosca is one of my favorite pieces of music. Either that, or it’s just cold in here.
I need to take a closer look at Niall Ferguson: http://bit.ly/cX1LqH (I find his Amazon review scores intriguing.)
See this is what I’m talking about (here, there, always): Adam Curtis uses BBC archives to take a fresh look at 1970: http://bbc.in/clwT5z
@sjetilv So fun at work = drinking? I prefer foosball. Perhaps problem is people expect others to make workday enjoyable for them. DIY.
Om å ikke føle seg helt hjemme på bokbransjens bokfestival: http://bit.ly/900QHk
Går det et nytt kulturskille mellom de som føler seg litt nakne uten mp3-spiller og ørepropper på gata, og de som ikke gjør det?
When books were lost to history, did their last owner realize it? What did that feel like?
If you have nothing better to do, watch this Niall Ferguson lecture on history and complexity: http://bit.ly/bgJsZD
RT @liberaleren: Ny artikkel: 68’ernes antiautoritære arvtagere http://www.liberaleren.no/2010/09/23/68ernes-antiautorit%c3%a6re-arvtagere/
I propose that the (Craig) Fergusonverse is the new Whedonverse.
“If all else fails, take comfort in the fact that capsaicin pain generally fades within 15 minutes.” - McGee
.@rabiatius Thanks for the Dan Carlin podcast tip. Smart independent ranter. So I’m hereby forwarding that tip to everyone else.
RT @kenanmalik: The Swedish challenge: why being obsessed about stopping the far right may not be the best way to stop the far right: ht …
.@skaufant ringte fra DN’s nattbordspalte. Så da var det bare å børste støvet av Tolstoy og Nesbø: http://bit.ly/bMUK8u
@sjetilv Ikke verdt det. Alt som er okay i Larsson finner du bedre i en billig japansk hevnfilm.
My goal is to be ignorant about different things than everyone else: http://bit.ly/dtQViG
RT @mleewelch: RT @jayhinman Here’s my take on the Tea Party phenomenon: http://bit.ly/bG02Rl
@hitthebutton Absolutt interessant - har svart!
Jeg har en viss egeninteresse her, men nei, open source er ikke en tryllestav for offentlige IT-prosjekter: http://bit.ly/9AaNa6
RT @arrroberts: The Who’s Quadrophenia is better than Wagner.
RT @tbj: Trivelig ung mann med mye (ut)dannelse og kompetanse på sikkerhet/risiko trenger jobb innen IT/telekom. Lærer kjapt. Send PM. R …
Claymore: It’s anime for people who miss Buffy, but can do without the cheerful banter. http://bit.ly/aS5ffG
RT @MatthewBattles: The Penguin paperback stuffed into the back pocket was the middlebrow version of the pack of smokes rolled into the …
Yay there’s a new Genndy Tartakovsky series: Sym-Bionic Titan. First impression: It’s all his previous cartoons merged into one.
@elfworld I didn’t like the rest either. It’s disappointment, really, because I don’t like to see Dawkins as a common internet ranter.
@elfworld The relationship between Nazism and Christianity was complex. Dawkins reduces that complexity for a cheap rhetorical point.
@elfworld @folkekrav Right, so the aim of Dawkins is to argue at the same level? It’s a stupid thing to say no matter the reason.
Dawkins has become that tedious guy in all internet religion debates who reminds us that Hitler was a Catholic: http://bit.ly/bERMIT
Avast! Another YouTube clip passes 1000 views: The Disney short Pecos Bill: http://bit.ly/aTQQl6 “So he got a stick and dug the Rio Grande”
RT @Jane_Anne62: @arrroberts To err is human, to arrr, pirate.
@astronewth iPad-magasiner er iallefall verdt et forsøk. Det viktige for meg er at det er praktisk å lese dem, ikke at de er gratis.
Nearly all the music I’ve listened to this week is from around the time I was born: http://bit.ly/c22HUx
RT @TweetsofOld: Uncle Hiram Wix had a fresh milk cow go missing and he thinks he knows who has it. You are hereby warned, C.M. TN1890
@rabiatius @vrangest Vold er siste utvei ved mobbing. Men det er en siste utvei. Skolen er en jungel, voksen fornuft løser ikke alt.
I find I want to read the equivalent of McGee’s On Food and Cooking for all subjects. Just plain “here’s how it actually works”.
RT @ihr_history: Great images of library reading rooms from around the world http://bit.ly/11NIi
Som bokelsker savner jeg en bokfestival som handler om gode bøker, ikke hyllest av en bransje som lever på kunstig åndedrett.
1949 is shaping up to be an awful year in movies, but I’m not giving up. Here’s part 123 of my 40’s movies marathon: http://bit.ly/9OXKDJ
“Det ble jo tatt noen snarveier i POT.”
RT @voxpopulinor: Leser Aftenposten om pengebeviset i Treholtsaken og grøsser. http://bit.ly/auP43j Om det er sant, så overgår virkeli …
RT @codinghorror: “they’ve actually gone and built the damn thing – and it works.” http://goo.gl/7fhw
Writing about music is pointless. Just play me the song already!
RT @scottros: I shudder at the colossal naivete. But every young coder shld read this http://is.gd/fehgM before promising to save journa …
My favorite color: The pale yellow of the pages of an old paperback. And don’t get me started on the smell!
RT @codinghorror: every time I hear random yelling in the distance, I wonder: has the zombie apocalypse arrived?
RT @lysglimt: Government Dominoes Topple: Gary North on Europe. http://bit.ly/9uf9Kb
RT @Its_Death: Hang on. Is Keith Richards still alive? Bloody hell. Who did I collect in 1972?!
What’s the rule for when we start adding 19 to decades? The 20’s, 40’s, 60’s => The 1920’s, 1940’s, 1960’s.
@AndersRomarheim True, but being a coffee addict is only fun when you have access to the good stuff.
This coffee is awful. So why am I still drinking it?
@rabiatius Takk for tips - skal ta en kikk (lytt??)
So hey, I hear there’s this brand new internet thing called “podcasts”. Maybe I should start listening to some?
RT @ChrisJonesArt: Enter the Dragon. See if I care. #passiveaggressivemovies
RT @jasonmauer: Ping, the iTunes social network. like I want to spend more time in iTunes. it’s like having a social network in prison.
RT @scottros: How Carr’s “The Shallows” is more an exercise in literary nostalgia than a work of tech punditry. New Wordyard post: http: …
RT @MatthewBattles: There’s an unwritten Calvino story about a prince whose engineers create the perfect ebook: an indistinguishable sim …
The upside of a 1,5kg book is that reading it in bed counts as exercise.
No I don’t appreciate seeing a “here’s some other articles your Facebook friends like” box on some random website. It’s scary.
I’ve posted a review of Stephen Hunter’s Pale Horse Coming, pure wonderful trash: http://bit.ly/d7gFIx
“Milkfat is indeed a portion of the sun’s energy, captured by the grasses of the field and repackaged by the cow in microscopic globules”
Am enjoying Harold McGee’s food science bible On Food and Cooking tremendously. Just hope I have patience for all 800 pages!
En annen god (og ikke-teknisk) bok om mislykket IT-prosjekt: Dreaming in Code, av Scott Rosenberg.
Jeg mistenker at noen kan skrive en fascinerende, hårreisende bok om gjennomføringen av Flexus-prosjektet i Oslo. Vil lese!
Stephen Hunter, the palate cleanser of novelists.
It actually makes me a bit excited to learn that a book I’ve just read is out of print. Like stumbling across an old overgrown trail.
I’ve posted a review of William Manchester’s The Glory and the Dream - A Narrative History of America 1932-1972: http://bit.ly/9D3d0N
I suspect if you rely on the news media too much, you lose the ability to notice what’s really happening. Same with social media, perhaps?
Judging from the ripples on Twitter, I think I made the right choice in not following the news this week either.
I’m experimenting with a new review format. Here’s The Pillars of the Earth: http://bit.ly/ctkDXp
I was wondering why I have a headache, and then I noticed my cup of coffee from this morning is still full.
.@stefangates sums up his documentary series in defense of E numbers: http://bbc.in/bId3Rg Mmm, food science!
Sons of Anarchy: For when one gets just a little tired of watching quiet people doing nothing in the 1960’s.
@JarlePetterson Tja? IT-samfunnet er ungt. La hundre medieeksperimenter blomstre.
Hvem vet om aviser kan tjene penger på iPad? Men det ville være teit å ikke engang forsøke.
@sjetilv Språk er lovløst. Alt som er i bruk og blir forstått er korrekt norsk.
Etter å ha spist skogsbæryoughurt i årevis kikket jeg i dag på pakningen og oppdaget at “skogsbær” ikke er en egen bærsort.
Every time I read Stephen Hunter I’m reminded of why I love to read.
RT @TweetsofOld: Norwegians are degenerating, and as a proof of this, the insane asylums harbor a large number of them.ND1909
For once my movie blogging crosses streams with politics: The 1949 movie version of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead: http://bit.ly/cVq59m
@dentvilsomme Er det egentlig noen av ytringsdebattene de siste årene det har kommet noe godt ut av? I beste fall er de kjedelige.
@astronewth iPod gjør også trafikanter sikrere: Man lærer å stole kun på det man kan se. Vil gjette at kun tilvenningsfasen er farlig.
Yay, my first YouTube video with 1000+ views, a fantastic scene from the 1947 musical Good News: http://bit.ly/cfF1NO
I’ve reviewed Clay Shirky’s Cognitive Surplus, a great essay followed by 200 pages: http://bit.ly/dCOhRu
Maybe Apple should ask Microsoft for help to redesign iTunes. You know, to make it user friendly.
Feels nice to be ahead of schedule. A week’s worth of blog posts: Written and future-published.
I love it when books arrive and I don’t even remember buying them! It’s like a gift from my past self.
Any correct prediction of the future can be more usefully rephrased as a statement about the present.
Creating “scenarios” for the future is not only difficult, it’s pointless: http://bit.ly/apaEEh
Jeg foreslår en egen sirkel i helvete for folk som henger opp passiv-aggressive lapper om å “sikte godt” på toalettet på arbeidsplassen sin.
In case you were wondering, here are the good movies of 1948: http://bit.ly/azUT4z Next: 1949!
I generally hate all reviews, with a couple of exceptions, and @redlettermedia is one of them: http://bit.ly/bQalik