Watching an interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali about her book Nomad:
(The last place will be newspapers who copy their international news from The Economist.)
I like the Economist app. But still suspect that if something interesting happens, Economist is the second-to-last place I’ll hear about it.
@folkekrav @hjorthen Bruker ikke Chrome, men du kunne jo legge inn et bokmerke til Google Reader ;)
@Hjorthen Ja er det noen som leser blogger annet enn gjennom RSS lenger? Design, linker, alt unntatt innleggene blir litt bortkastet.
Selective fanaticism: If experience makes you more moderate in all things, you’re learning the wrong lesson
@tsolsnes Synes heller Aftenposten tar litt vel mange gylne middelveier.
Blar gjennom Aftenposten på toget til Halden. Nope, fremdeles ikke verdt prisen.
@truha Hvis du stiller det spørsmålet i kommentarfeltet på innlegget blir det lettere å utdype!
@truha Det jeg tenker på er slurv, hvor man knapt har gjort noe for å kontrollere saken. Som i klagen jeg linket til.
@truha Det er greit å skrive noe som er feil, så lenge journalisten har gjort et ærlig forsøk på å sikre at det var riktig.
Bloggplakat er teit, men jeg lurer også på hva poenget med pressens egne etiske retningslinjer er:
Watching Milton Friedman’s 1980 series Free to Choose. It’s like a half-implemented blueprint for the last 30 years.
@rabiatius @janomdahl Enig - leser gjerne avisa på iPhone. Det er jo bare tekst.
@janomdahl Jeg er villig til å betale for digitale nyheter. Men de norske er ikke gode nok til å være verdt papirprisen.
Asle Toje snakker om kulturkamp på norsk:
Enough mucking about - time to launch the 1950’s movies marathon: Part 1 of .. hundreds?!
Watching Freak Like Me, a BBC docu about people’s obsessive habits. I have many. Trying to acquire them, one by one.
I keep imagining a Goblins soundtrack to The Walking Dead. That’s probably a good thing.
I’ve posted a review of William Patterson’s biography of Robert Heinlein:
The opposite of future-shock: Stumbling into some blog, and it turns out it’s Frederik Pohl’s online memoirs.
The central - and potentially tragic- fact of software: Anything that is possible, will be made, just because it’s fun.
Jøss, verden er større enn Norge og USA: Minerva har artikkel om indisk delstatspolitikk. Applaus.
I’ve posted a review of Sanctuary, a delightfully stupid Scooby gang show about CGI monsters:
Norman Doidge talks about neuroplasticity, ie. “use it or lose it”:
Thanks to hours and hours of Mythbusters, I’m now disappointed by how cheap and fake movie-style explosions look.
RT @McDougallSophia: In which I defend your right to wear goggles, corsets and top hats! …
@PalHivand Takker!
Neal Stephenson talks about science fiction as a literary genre:
“The moral legacy of Western civilization” - a harmless phrase that explodes like a grenade when you think about it:
Diana Wynne Jones on writing for children vs writing for adults:
My take on the steampunk politics debate:
Et av mine mange ankepunkter mot Battlestar Galactica er at den tiltrekker seg akademikere:
Det er litt søtt hvordan forsøker å fornorske IT-språket. Friprog. Kyberangrep. Kyberforsvar.
We need to have the courage to say: Here’s how your brain works. The rest is up to you.
“Nudge” psychology is just authoritarianism in prettier clothes:
Ken Kosta talks about the knowledge long and wisdom short society:
It’s a good thing Jack the Ripper stopped Nikola Tesla from creating an army of electric (but non-sparkly) vampires. #sanctuaryplots
All the folding men are addicted to gold, and that’s why Keyser Soze killed the flying gangster?! #sanctuaryplots
It’s okay to try to change people, but only by giving them a better sense of their own choices, not tricking them into making “right” ones.
Brendan O’Neill on “nudge” psychology, the latest attempt to mold you into a better person:
.. and several of the main characters are human dinosaurs or something?! #sanctuary
This #sanctuary series is big and stupid and .. I’m kind of intrigued. They just had a giant god-spider flooding Mumbai.