RT @object404: My New Year’s Resolutions: 320x240, 800x480, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1280x720, 1920x1080
RT @tbj: In 1087, the bones of Santa Claus were stolen by pirates. #funfact #lookitup
I’ve posted a review of The Forgotten Man, A New History of the Great Depression, a good idea horribly executed: http://bit.ly/hcC1Ga
@rabiatius Jepp, akkurat som astrologi ellers. Gøy å late som. Men - har respekt for de som legger penger i spådommene sine.
@rabiatius Det er gøy å leke med horoskoper. Men det har ingenting med virkeligheten å gjøre.
Suggestion: We take one of our lesser deities or mythical figures, and replace it with Doctor Who.
@rabiatius Alle burde opparbeide seg noen sære hobbyer og (u)vaner, ellers er man kjedelig
@rabiatius Krever mer enn det for å bli teitere enn å se på fotball osv. Det er i det minste teit på en original måte, et viktig mål.
Good board games expand your arsenal of metaphors
@rabiatius Quidditch er teit, men hvordan er det teitere enn å se på fotball? Synes vi skal tolerere tullete hobbyer.
I’ve written about Scott Eyman’s biography of Louis B. Mayer, Lion of Hollywood: http://bit.ly/gHeCNe
A good rule of thumb, from Diogenes to the present: Deface the currency.
We pay most attention to the present, some to the future, and little to the past. It should be: Future - none, present - some, past - most.
I want a series of books that summarize the important events of each year - published 10 years later.
RT @codinghorror: I’m not a big iDevice fan, but I love the way it has forced video codecs to converge on h.264 and “plays on iDevices …
RT @ScottWesterfeld: Beware being published too young: http://tinyurl.com/2exhmyf (via @jezebel)
Christmas is allright, but to A Christmas Carol I say - bah, humbug!
In 2011, I will only get good songs stuck on my mind. #newyearsresolutions
Through careful pruning, I try to make Twitter a better Arts & Letters Daily
RT @nataliebinder: Back-and-forth between Glenn Greenwald http://bit.ly/hvWZKR & Wired http://bit.ly/eaJwpr is not to be missed.
RT @Paul_Cornell: Cosmos plot holes. RT @SETIInstitute The truth wears off: Is there something wrong with the scientific method? http:// …
RT @nedregotten: Utmerket fra Economist: Nasty, brutish and not that short Medieval warfare was just as terrifying as you might imagine …
RT @tsolsnes: Har klart å hisse meg opp og skrevet en over gjennomsnittet lang blogg om trommevirvler pensjon! http://bit.ly/eKjVCX Sl …
@dentvilsomme Sentimental, og uklar - men i dette tilfellet bidrar også leseren til forvirringen
Yay - debatt om tekstkritisk Bibellesning og Hans Rustad hos Øyvind Strømmen: http://bit.ly/hzkQaA
RT @jasnoen: Interessant av Ola Grytten om Hans Nielsen Hauge og entreprenørskap. http://is.gd/jCwlC
TNR WikiLeaks article ignores third anti-leak option for big organizations: Logging every read of every document.
RT @Lileks: I hate when a tune on iTunes has a play count of zero, and I know I listened to it 374 times in college. That should count.
There are things that, when you ignore them, you’re the one being irrelevant
.. tenk heller på det som en nyttårstale, og hør gjerne for deg kongens stemme mens du leser
Det er vel strengt tatt ikke en oppsummering av 2010 jeg kommer med hos @liberaleren: http://bit.ly/ffqut8
RT @liberaleren: Ny artikkel: Bjørn Stærks oppsummering av 2010 og forventninger til 2011 http://bit.ly/ffqut8
Some of the long articles in Britannica are on par with my favorite essays - they’re intellectual and cultural achievements
Årets romjulsbrettspillfavoritt: Dominion http://bit.ly/dLthVw
Software development bloggers reading Taleb - a good sign for the profession. http://bit.ly/giHMpR @thousandtyone
The big Wikileaks question nobody’s asking: What are you going to do with all the confidential data you have or may get access to? Why?
People are too eager to pick a side in the Wikileaks story. Shut up. Observe.
RT @sethgoldin: How to comment on a blog http://j.mp/eAuN8R
Romjul er tiden for stressende hjernetrimbrettspill! http://bit.ly/dZXePt
RT @voxpopulinor: Lest: Om kampen mellom Apple og Google: http://bit.ly/eOxWKZ
Browsing through Encyclopedia Britannica on paper. Again struck by how amazingly well-written it is.
RT @voxpopulinor: Dansk off. sektor skal slankes. Fyller for mye av dansk økonomi til at velferdssamf kan overleve. Sjekk hvem som mener …
RT @lesswrong: Efficient Charity: Do Unto Others… http://bit.ly/i88CCV
Ulempen med strømbrudd på julaften: Blir litt stress på kjøkkenet, og mørket kommer tidlig på denne tiden av året
Fordelen med strømbrudd på julaften: 0 nøtter til Askepott
RT @kenfisher: If you’re not already using Dropbox, you need to get on this train immediately. 2GB of space for free, and the syncing is …
RT @kenfisher: Ars cuts through the latest round of blogging BS regarding Net Neutrality: http://is.gd/jiSgY
RT @EpicureanDeal: “Dear Louise - Your new baby isn’t that cute at all. - Love, WikiLeaks” #wikileakslovenotes
RT @lesswrong: Confidence levels inside and outside an argument http://bit.ly/gbtvnC
“1937: A summer in which intellectuals were either becoming Babbitt, or at least getting to know him better” (The Forgotten Man)
Time to list the best movies of the year: http://bit.ly/gbHn2Z (What year? 1950, of course!)
Hver gang jeg besøker Halden hører jeg nye skrekkhistorier om lokalpolitikken.
@GeorgeGooding Ingen fare, bare vent 11 måneder, så får du en ny sjanse!
@voxpopulinor @georgegooding Gjør som meg, bestill alle julegaver på nettet - for en måned siden
@rabiatius For en kunnskapstest på motsatt side, se The Great Global Warming Swindle, og se om du oppdager hvordan de misforstår klimateori
@rabiatius Dihydrogenmonoksid-stuntet er litt usaklig, men jeg har sansen for kunnskapstester i debatter.
@benteka Stemmer for IE6 - for nye versjoner er det ikke så viktig, dvs det er bare viktig hvis webutviklerne ikke har gjort jobben sin.
We’ve lost the idea that you can improve society without regulation or public funding.
Watching Age of the Do-Gooders, struck by how we’ve retained all the bad aspects of Victorian moralism, and abandoned the good.
Re previous: That’s how I feel about the news. More on that later.
“A sufficiently copious flood of data creates an illusion of omniscience, and that illusion can make you stupid.” http://bit.ly/hLhBwX
RT @nataliebinder: Part 2 of my Google #Ngrams blog: The problem with “thin description” http://wp.me/pDJe6-dZ #humanities #linguistics …
RT @nataliebinder: There are serious problems with the data, execution and methodology of #ngrams: http://bit.ly/hNcfHn #google #humani …
RT @asymmetricinfo: Rereading Iraq debates. Shocked by how reasonable tone usually was, compared to nastiness that is remembered by both …
Watch Age of the Do-Gooders, a documentary series on Victorian moralists.
“keep the clean sea breeze of the centuries blowing through our minds, and this can be done only by reading old books” http://bit.ly/fX2ylK
RT @MadMullah: [Blog] Jul med Laibach? http://bit.ly/dJPFkm
@sjetilv Dagens diktatorer har lært av 1989: Ved første tegn på uro, fyr løs.
Working on a new version of an old essay. I don’t like repeating myself - updating, polishing and expanding is more fun.
I’ll admit, sometimes the iTunes algorithms dig up something amazing, like the 1981 debut album of the Stray Cats
I do feel a little silly when I hold my iPhone in one hand, then take out my iPod with the other to change the track.
Every time I hear a prediction of the future, I translate it into a statement about the present
Every time Moonlight Mile respects Newton’s Third Law, I swoon a little bit inside me.
I feel I’m becoming slightly obsessive about Moonlight Mile, a throwback to when going to the Moon was the greatest adventure in the world.
.. and Robert Webb has a new show where he reads stupid comments from the internet? This has been a good day.
@asuls Snublet over en fersk episode nå. Resten står nok for tur.
So, wait, Mitchell and Webb have another show, Peep Show, and it’s in 7th season?!
RT @rands: The success of the iPad/iPhone can be measured by the number of white chargers that keep randomly sprouting from parts of my …
Se Ivo Caprinos film om livet i Oslo, fra 1963: http://bit.ly/f1sDOZ Ikke alt som har endret seg på 50 år.
Har en sak i Minerva om å skille mellom fakta og prinsipper i politiske debatter: http://bit.ly/h5S5lx
Note to self: Always preview the first pages of a book on Amazon before buying it.
“Hollywood cd hardly help falling behind the times - tens of mill. had been slaughtered in Europe in clear violation of the Production Code”
Coffee holds no more mysteries for me, so I’ve started training to become a tea snob.
Jeg forstår ikke helt denne Twitter-fascinasjonen med #dax18. Kan noen forklare?
På jobben har vi ikke hatt ekte julebord på årevis, og jeg savner det ikke. Assosierer det med midtlivskrisefyll.
@ukorrigert Silverlight er fantastisk gøy å jobbe med, men nok neppe framtiden for universelle webløsninger.
@hogrim 16: Scott Westerfeld. Og les selv, også. ;) 19: Nevn en sjanger.
Here’s a roundup of good lectures and documentaries to watch on a Sunday morning: http://bit.ly/f7Em9x
Ooh, there’s a Firefox search plugin for IMDB that shows the real titles, instead of the translated ones: http://bit.ly/i5WxoI
IMDB has begun showing me Norwegian movie titles instead of the real ones. How annoying. Probably IP-based, so no way to turn it off.
Once in a while, try not forming an opinion on a controversial subject. It’s a fantastic feeling, holding many views in your head at once.
Luigi Anzivino talks about the connection between magic and neuroscience: http://bit.ly/gYNM9a
Det er på tide å begynne å bruke Twitter til det alle vil men ikke tør bruke det til: Snakke om været!
Har besøkt Slottet i dag. Riktignok kun downstairs, som IT-konsulent.
@julierandersen @orjas Tidlig morgen er den beste tiden av døgnet. Spesielt mandag morgen. Og i helgen.
No more fancy schmanzy wireless “multimedia” keyboards for me. It’s back to basics.
Har anmeldt @virrvarr’s bok Sosiale medier i Humanist: http://bit.ly/g9EQRq
Why I hate iTunes, but can’t seem to get rid of it: http://bit.ly/i5rKHg
With OS’es you have Windows as the userfriendly-but-advanced mid point between Mac and Linux. I want that for media players.
In my quest to get rid of iTunes, I now find myself writing SQL queries in MediaMonkey. There has to be a middle ground somewhere.
@sjetilv Fri meg fra å noensinne bli beskrevet som en “fargeklatt”.
Her ble friluftsgenene av ja: Broren min, Helge, er ute med kiting-DVD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLkv4vKTAbs
Watch Milton Friedman’s 1980 series Free to Choose partly for the ideas, and partly for capturing a moment in history: http://bit.ly/ed5n4N
I just realized that Bing now has a better user experience than Google. Customizable results-per-page, and no annoying preview.
Men også gøy med kollektivkaos. Mindre rutine, mer jungelekspedisjon.
Dette var dagen for hjemmekontor. Bare så dumt med den 08-avtalen som ikke kunne avlyses.