RT @rands: The noise wants you to think it’s signal.
Unimpressed by apologists who deny that Hayek made predictions in The Road to Serfdom, and that he got them wrong. http://bit.ly/hpbhYQ
.. and this idea that all digital content must have a URL sounds like ideology. It’s convenient, but not a necessity.
iPad newspapers/mags need improvements - http://tcrn.ch/i0PNGH - but not having a social media dimension actually feels refreshing
@scottros @erickschonfeld Actually, iPad newspapers/mags not being “social” is one of the things I like about them. Feels liberating.
@voxpopulinor Ja, og: Vi ber dem om å levere bullshit. Litt vår feil også at vi får det.
@voxpopulinor Jmf Amelie: Problemet var ikke at de tok feil, men at de i det hele tatt forsøkte å si noe om betydningen for neste St.valg
@voxpopulinor Ja, står at de må passe på og gjøre en god jobb. Jeg tror mye av problemet ligger et nivå under der igjen.
@voxpopulinor @ervl .. og de er villige til å fylle denne plassen. Virkelige testen er om noen tør si “dette er det ikke mulig å kommentere”
@voxpopulinor @ervl lar kommentatorene slippe lett unna. Prob er mediene har mer plass å fylle enn det finnes gode kommentarer å fylle med
There’s no such thing as good analysis of an ongoing uprising/revolution. There’s only good background information.
With events like #jan25 #egypt, the noise (analysis) is comprehensible, and the signal (actual events) isn’t - so everyone prefers the noise
Interesting experiment: The Atavist, a non fiction mag for mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, Kindle, ..) http://atavist.net
I find myself unexpectedly enjoying scenes in 50’s red scare movies where the hero punches a commie in the face http://bit.ly/eZ93Ys
Often these days I feel like something is changing, but I don’t have the words to describe it. It’s annoying but also wonderfully mysterious
RT @sjetilv: “Ingen velger et liv på trygd,” sier Hanne Bjurstrøm. Men tallene viser noe annet, sier Mari Rege: http://bit.ly/fB9vOL
Posted a review of Steven Levy’s classic book Hackers - Heroes of the Computer Revolution: http://bit.ly/fU0YxN
RT @vampus: http://vampus.blogspot.com/2011/01/hyklekoret-og-lykkejegeren.html Hyklekoret står sammen om politikken som skaper probleme …
@birgere topdocumentaryfilms.com - Spennende konsept men ganske høy bullshit-faktor? Truthere, mystisisme.
RT @doctorparadox: “FarmVille is one of a class of ‘sociopathic applications’… that use people’s sociability to control those people” …
RT @codinghorror: “Facebook is actually the logical end-point of what AOL should have become.” http://goo.gl/9MBsM
RT @jacques_aih: Sally in Accounts has had the words “I’m Out” inked on her shoulder. She’s now known as “The Girl With the Dragons' Den …
RT @mathematicsprof: MIT is now offering a new series of online courses in many areas intended for independent learners. http://bit.ly/ …
Lenore Skenazy, “America’s worst mother”, talks about the culture of fear that has taken over parenting: http://bit.ly/eY6ZCl
I’ve posted a review of Niall Ferguson’s The War of the World, a fine macro history of the 20th century: http://bit.ly/i3vBwr
@dentvilsomme Butikken du bør bruke er forøvrig Stereofil i Grensen 9. Har sikkert tips om vanskelige ører også.
@dentvilsomme Ikke de hvor det følger med mange ulike typer heller? Ulike materialer, former, bare å prøve seg fram.
RT @vbloke: Did you know that the “B” in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stands for ‘Benoit B. Mandelbrot’?
@dentvilsomme Kjøp plugger, og legg i en tusenlapp til. Du får mye igjen for lite ekstra opp til rundt 2000. Shure er et godt valg.
The creased spine of a well-read paperback is one of the most beatiful things in the world.
When the app store is your newsstand, you’re in competition with everyone: http://bit.ly/h4xEw2
“The good news for Liddell Hart was that his work was influential. The bad news was that it was influential not in Britain but in Germany.”
The Cape: Yes, I think I will take the Batman with a side order of circus freaks. Promising.
RT @espenandersen: Tiltredes: Norske tollmurer holder fattige land nede: http://bit.ly/fs12yT
RT @nataliebinder: Bowdlerdash: Why the Huck Finn rewrite doesn’t matter: wp.me/pDJe6-hz
Nobody knows if tablets will work as news platforms - all you can do is experiment, or wait a bit and copy the winner http://bit.ly/fanbUW
@rabiatius Jepp, like søtt hver gang noen oppdager at, jøss, det er valgene jeg tar som styrer hvordan jeg får det.
With new technologies you can either experiment, or wait and emulate the winners. Waiting is safer, but I root for the experimenters.
First impressions of the iPad as a news platform: http://bit.ly/fanbUW
Jøss, Nytt på nytt er jo en ren kopi av engelske Have I Got News For You - som attpåtil er morsomt også
Hva enn som blir medieredningen finner man den ved å eksperimentere, ikke avvente aksept fra teknologieksperter @monake @addthis @rabiatius
Sure headphones are antisocial - that’s what makes them so liberating. Spare me for noise conformists like http://nyti.ms/ffnVxI
RT @nataliebinder: Bowdlerdash: Why the Huck Finn rewrite doesn’t matter: http://wp.me/pDJe6-hz
“For every nineteen tons of additional steel produced during the Stalinist period, approx one Soviet citizen was killed” (War of the World)
RT @StianAmadeus: Velkommen til Norge Du trodde kanskje du skulle få en varm velkomst? http://bit.ly/gpGXfH (fra @morgenbladet)
Part of what makes the paper book such a great technology is that it doesn’t come with its own method of distracting you from itself.
RT @steveaylett: ‘What happens when the hitcher and the driver are equally murderous?’ (Atom)
RT @scottros: The Web asks “Why wasn’t I consulted?” says Paul Ford @ftrain in a bravura essay abt publishing, community. Go read it. ht …
RT @normative: Schneier: If we’re frightened, terror attacks succeed even when they fail. If we’re indomitable, they fail even when they …
RT @thousandtyone: Everything that they taught you in school was either incorrect or taught incorrectly. #Generalization here, but true. …
RT @sethgoldin: Abolish Drunk Driving Laws reason.com/archives/2010/…
Daniel Hannan talks about cultural and political differences between the US and Europe: http://bit.ly/e8z5hy
@foratv Yes, following the RSS feed was actually what I suggested in the tweet you replied to. Unfiltered view of good videos.
RT @steveaylett: Aylett guest-blogs at Warren Ellis - http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=11477
RT @normative: The Public Domain That Might Have Been http://j.mp/h2ksJr
Liker perspektivet til @espenandersen: IT kan redde framtidige generasjoner fra å jobbe i offentlig sektor http://bit.ly/i5ofbs
Definition of a bullshitter: Anyone who in the last week has published predictions for 2011.
@foratv The front pages seem aimed only at new visitors. Where do regulars discover what’s new, or matches our interests?
@foratv Mostly I don’t find the front page selections very interesting. Too focused on short clips, and no complete list of new videos.
The key to using fora.tv is to avoid the horrible horrible website, and go straight to RSS: http://fora.tv/RSS/fora_rss
RT @rands: When you say “Hope” to an engineer, they hear “I have no credible plan”. #typo
Phil Zimbardo talks about the psychology of time: http://bit.ly/gjgWbC (But is watching such videos a present or future-oriented activity?)
RT @JohnAllenPaulos: My Who’s Counting column on why truth wears off (NOT) & the Decline Effect (the Stats-Psych Effect). http://abcn.ws …
This morning I was reminded why the secret police always picks you up about two hours before your usual wake up time.
New year resolution: Acquire even more peculiar habits.
“Megalomaniacs may order men to invade Russia, but why do the men obey?”
Extreme’s III Sides To Every Story being released when I was 13, thus Defining Rock, trumps it being kind of silly
RT @EmoPhilips: I’m learning Cuban. It’s like Spanish, but with fewer words for luxury items.
RT @steveaylett: ‘Be careful when asking people to repay their debt to society. You invite revenge.’ - The Promissory
RT @steveaylett: The great thing about being ignored is that you can speak the truth with impunity.
RT @ebertchicago: The first movie review people might pay $10 for to see in a theater. Revenge on the Sith. http://bit.ly/fAgRMW
Sitter med død mobil og et vagt minne om å ha veltet en vannflaske kl 5 i natt.
RT @codinghorror: “the entire web is spam when it comes to major appliance reviews” http://goo.gl/MF48r
.. this one is almost as long as the movie itself, but much more entertaining.
Another unmissable review from @redlettermedia: Star Wars Episode III http://bit.ly/dV60Ks
Monday morning is my favorite time of week. January 1 is the ultimate Monday.