Book roundup: Asle Toje, Gösta Hammarlund, A. N. Wilson, Okakura Kakuzō
Gratulerer til min søster Gunhild, ny leder i LNU:…
RT @bullgudmundsen: (Noe Asimov skrev, og som mange kan gjøre klokt i å lese.)
@Twournalist @voxpopulinor .. det er greit å si “mange tlf-brukere velger dårlig”, men feil å vinkle det slik at de ikke har noe valg
@Twournalist @voxpopulinor Tlf og annen ny tech gjør at du kan velge. Kun et problem hvis man ikke er klar over egen valgfrihet.
The first step towards understanding a strong opinion is to find out in which decade it was formed.
It’s a bit pathetic how everyone have been filling the periodic table with the names of their own countries and cities.
RT @sjetilv: De sier jeg har et Messias-kompleks, men jeg tilgir dem. #repriser
Å hjelpe meg: Hevnfilmer kan “bekrefte viktige, humanistiske verdier”.
It’s not showing off if you’re the only one around.
RT @MostlyFilm: Sky’s lavish Game of Thrones gets the #MostlyFilm once-over..
RT @ocdviewer: This is why summer blockbusters are so awesome:
RT @virrvarr: Fantastisk:
RT @rands: Get drunk:
This decade. This century. I like the smell of it.
New experiment: Reading words not just as words but as a bubbling surface of associations
Game of Thrones the book and series isn’t cheerful, but only Game of Thrones the board game can make grown-ups break down in tears
RT @simonindelicate: Hey, everyone who agrees with me, I’ve thought of a clever way of saying what we agree about already. Take that, so …
RT @julierandersen: I hope this means we can avoid an American remake of Dr. Who
RT @arrroberts: Let is today remember Doctor Who: that was cancelled by the BBC for your sins, but that Rose Again at Easter.
RT @nanoblossom: Earth Day!!! FUCK YOU MARS!!!
RT @rands: Nerds ruin everything:
Book roundup: Robert Paarlberg, Fa’iz El-Ghusein, Det hendte 75
RT @notjessewalker: Good @hitsville piece on the post-rarities world:
“energidrikk, tåfis og kviser i Vikingskipet” = “jeg kjente noen nerder en gang - sære folk, tror de ble noe med IT”…
Nå lest fire aviser på toget til Halden på jakt etter noe interessant. Null treff. Hvor blir det av avisdøden vi ble lovet en gang?
My rule of thumb is to avoid products with feel-good stamps: Organic, ethical. There must be some quality or price penalty or scam involved
RT @camdenlockbooks: “Become someone else” - advertising campaign for a Lithuanian bookstore
@voxpopulinor .. men ikke for det, jeg har all sympati for folk som må levere jevnlige analyser også når de er forvirret. Vel, litt.
@voxpopulinor Ja, nettop.
“Finsk politikk er blitt uforutsigbar” = “Jeg vet ikke hva som skjer, men må visst skrive noe allikevel”…
.. and immigration critics are usually a step ahead in both respects. Not entirely right, but less neurotic.
Immigration challenge in Europe is to restore balance: Between ideals and reality, and between existing and new cultures.
@rabiatius .. det er forøvrig mye fantasy som ikke er episke alver, men det havner ofte i skyggen. Martin/Game of Thrones er den beste av de
@rabiatius Absolutt mer realistisk. Fantasy nesten så langt bort du kommer fra Tolkien-imitatorene.
It’s 60 years later and I don’t have a car, but I still want to buy this tire:
Game of Thrones - well done! But check out the books as well, they’re exceptionally well written.
@sjetilv Jeg synes heller vi skal lage en helt ny høytid bare for Dr Who.
Book roundup: Mikael Jalving, George Sutherland, Jo Benkow
@anneviken Vi forsøker å være en større kulturnasjon enn vi har folk til. Betaler for nye Ibsener, men det kommer ingen. Mislykket approach.
@anneviken Ja, gradvis bort med alle kultur/mediesubsidier. Vil bli færre forfattere, aviser, osv, men kvantitet bør ikke være målet.
RT @longreads: “Just Write It!” Fantasy author George R. R. Martin and his impatient fans. @magiciansbook, @NewYorker …
@anneviken Jeg vil heller si det er avhengigheten av subsidier som gjør norsk kulturliv så trygt og middelmådig
RT @notjessewalker: Roger Ebert’s review of ATLAS SHRUGGED was entertaining, but I’ll bet Ayn Rand’s review of BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE …
RT @juliaindelicate: Just flicking through every comedy channel I can find to discover that really the only thing that is actually funny …
My Asus laptop has a default screensaver that plays elevator music. Worst idea in the history of computing.
“When information is effectively unlimited, all improvement in quality of filters will make information overload worse”
People who read while walking make me wish there was a real-life like button
RT @notjessewalker: Wouldn’t it be something if we put all the Rand fans & George RR Martin fans in a room together? (Wait, we did. The …
“the subject of aeronautics as an element in future progress has excited far more attention than its merits deserve”
RT @ModeledBehavior: People who get on a train w/ nothing to do & just fidget for 40 min make me want to ask them if this trip was a sur …
RT @leifern: Jeg har innlegg i @journalisten i dag om hvordan måle tendensiøs og slett pressedekning, via @hogrim
Theory: By regularly paying attention to ideas and debates in the rest of Scandinavia, we would collectively become three times smarter
RT @Zicon: Platebransjen: Festen er over, det er IKKE kake igjen
Why the volunteer audiobook makers at LibriVox make me smile:
The problem is often this, that the wheels are not touching the ground.
Cats play nice in daytime, but reveal their true souls when they fight at night.
RT @wirkman: I hope, when dying, I can muster energy to speak these as my #lastwords: “At long last I’ll be with the majority.” #epitaph
Possibly the most depressing thing I know is to look at new non-fiction book releases. History is all Hitler, science is all Gladwell.
If is like a chain store with only bestsellers and new releases, is a dusty second-hand store, full of surprises
RT @steveaylett: Reviews? It’s as if you’re afraid of literature that arrives unescorted.
Book roundup: Kanan Makiya, Arnulf Ingebrigtsen, Sterling Seagrave
So what do you do if you want to link to background info, and Google offers choice between a badly written Wikipedia article and spam sites?
RT @voxpopulinor: Enten har Kathrine Aspaas glemt å ta medisinen sin, eller så er hun ironisk her #dld
John Wayne punches an entire cell of communists in the face: Hell, yeah! Er .. I mean, how uncivilized.
@johnhenneli Yes, it is. (One way to defuse a paradox is to misinterpret the question.)
Between 07 and 15, I interpret the word “or” in questions as a boolean or. (And if you describe a paradox, I explode.)
@leifern Yes.
By accident, the last two books I’ve read have been about promising revolutions that ended in disaster
Even the dullest city becomes mysterious when you walk through it listening to the Blade Runner soundtrack
Book roundup: Tom DeMarco, Kjartan Fløgstad, Margaret MacMillan, György Faludy
A good discussion should be like a boxing match: Violent but limited.
“Dexter sucks in that special Showtime way. It has nothing for the soul-not because it’s nihilistic, but bec. it isn’t”
“Such violence promptly terminated the lifeblood of the intifada: the flow of defections from the army”
@rabiatius Nei si det. Mitt siste pizza-eksperiment var temmelig mislykket - og jeg brukte til og med ferdig-deig.
My least favorite application feature is spellcheck and autocorrect. It fixes intentional errors much more often than unintentional ones.
Gladnytt fra 1975: Endelig fred i Kambodsja