RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: The moment at which years of radicalization came crashing down… I captured in this painful but cathartic article. ht…
RT @GLAabakken: @BjoernStaerk Var alltid litt “gøy” å følge med på stavingen av det her: google.no/#q=timoschtsch… Er vel 4 forskjellige bare…
Tror jeg begynner å få grepet på forskjellen i transkripsjon fra kyrillisk til engelsk og norsk. Men liker det, det gjør jeg ikke.
Hovedregel: Legg på noen tsj’er i den norske utgaven. Deretter et par til. Bra: Gorbatsjov. Bedre: Gorbatsjtsjovtsjv.
RT @kulturhack: Confession: I’m not a sports person, so I understandably thought that Sepp Blatter was a Bond villain in a discovered Flemi…
Video: Eddie Izzard live (1993) tmblr.co/Za50bn1m0btY2
Nådeløs religionshistorieslakt: dekodet.blogspot.no/2015/05/skitte…
RT @torewig: @BjoernStaerk se også denne: dartthrowingchimp.wordpress.com/2015/05/22/abo…
God oppsummering av debatten mellom Nassim Taleb og Steven Pinker om hvorvidt verden har blitt fredeligere: hjerneforsk.blogspot.no/2015/05/har-me…
What curing my fear of flying has taught me about anxiety. medium.com/@bjoernstaerk/…
Det er ikke galt å være god, men det er bra å være god på en smart måte.
Tino Sanandaji forklarer hvorfor Norge heller bør gi penger til Libanon enn å bosette 10 000 syriske flyktninger: tino.us/2015/05/interv…
RT @DidrikSoderlind: Lovsang ER mer gøy å høre på når man mister jobben om man begynner å tro på tekstene. #levepåkanten #ekstremsport
“What we actually are is antinomian. It’s a theological doctrine. The Baby Boom is not a generation…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1liQAWa
“The ratio of boys to girls at Woodstock was of almost Castro District proportions…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1leCU98
“It seems a little late in life to be coming to grips with this, but our parents were hip. We could…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1ld83zv
“Human sins of greed, pride, envy, sloth, and wildly sputtering wrath were better elucidated by Donald Duck…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lZ3GX5
“Liberals tend to get into the biggest political trouble when they presume that a reform is an…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lX_0dM
“The Billy Carter fad was of a piece with a new facet of the national mood. People called it “Redneck…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lU4Hug
“Manhattan rock-and-roll hipsters, too, yearned to believe…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lT1Syq
“He liked to quote a line from a favorite sermon: “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lPMHE4
“In keeping with Channel 40’s policy of bringing the latest in blood and guts, and in living color…" tmblr.co/Za50bn1lOPNp3
RT @notjessewalker: I don’t endorse the full thesis here, but this is history worth knowing: newrepublic.com/article/121866…
“Now came the news that Nixon swore worse than the little girl in The Exorcist…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lKezRN
“Dean Martin’s TV roasts were new that year, and at the same time very old-fashioned. They danced to…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lJi98D
RT @anitaleirfall: The shortest published paper ever?
Tredveårskrigen. Sverige, altså!
RT @LibyaLiberty: The Seven Habits of Highly Explosive People #binladensbookshelf
“A dominant narrative in newspapers about POWs now was that their families were disintegrating just as…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lFsZXQ
“One bright line: prisoners were never allowed to confess to crimes. This was war. The torture room was…" tmblr.co/Za50bn1lEvEeR
RT @Muralgranskaren: Diefwulen Lofwade sig Sielw att thet war sista Gången Han gick med på en “Extreme Makhe-Ower”.
““They just dig holes in the ground and drop them in,” one wife explained to a magazine of her…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lA_br2
“Jean-Paul Sartre, the veteran armchair revolutionary, hastened from afar, with one of the later OPEC…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1lA1Ewj
RT @secretGeek: Achieved Inbox Zero for the first time in ages! Okay, technically I just renamed the inbox to “Why_I_drink”. But it feels g…
RT @TrondGram: @Grimkjell @BjoernStaerk Skulle det dukke opp flere konvertitter, er det bare å ringe
RT @Grimkjell: .@BjoernStaerk Konvertitt på hjernen #hrsblockbusters
“Acclimatisation to violence was incremental. It began with hurling cobblestones or Molotov cocktails…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1l62T6V
“A gentleman to the last, Noel apologised to his Saudi host for ruining the party.…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1l55Uvq
@DidrikSoderlind For sent :) twitter.com/Glette/status/…
RT @Glette: @BjoernStaerk Konvertitten Tei? #hrsblockbuster
Konvertittsyndromet. #hrsblockbuster
Konvertittfaren. #hrsblockbuster
Konvertering på åpent hav. #hrsblockbuster
Se hvem som konverterer nå! #hrsblockbuster
Kjære, jeg konverterte barna! #hrsblockbuster
Konvertering nå. #hrsblockbusters
Jeg vet hva du konverterte til sist sommer. #hrsblockbusters
Konvertittbanden og dynamitt-Hadia. #hrsblockbusters
Flaue øyeblikk i offentlig “debatt”: Når man krever at terrenget forklarer hvorfor det ikke stemme med kartet. m.nettavisen.no/politikk/–jeg…
RT @DidrikSoderlind: Jeg synes religion skal kunne være en privatsak. Islamister og HRS er tydeligvis uenige med meg. nettavisen.no/politikk/–jeg…
“The Jordanians, like many Arabs, regarded the Palestinians as akin to Jews: better educated,…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1l0yFWi
“Arafat proposed that the Palestinians should copy the Zionists’ example, with Fatah acting as the…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1k-qUFL
“After failing to restore order with warning shots, they opened fire on every Arab…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1kxvY19
RT @aft_meninger: .@BjoernStaerk om flyskrekk: Når angsten våkner er den som et rovdyr som har vandret inn i hjemmet mitt. http://t.co/uSjr…
“Stern tried to contact Mussolini, in the hope that Italian conquest of the Middle East might expedite…" tmblr.co/Za50bn1kwqeva
Jeg skriver om fobier og angst, og om å kurere flyskrekken min: aftenposten.no/meninger/kroni…
“The British response to this Arab Revolt was brutal and based on techniques imported from the Indian…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1kt4om9
“The violence of American labour disputes in the 1870s and 1880s was visceral in the smudge-like cities…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1ks7AdN
RT @HavardNyhus: Reflections on the skeptic and atheist movements wp.me/p4rWb7-jC via @mpigliucci
RT @HavardNyhus: Confessions of a location scout: why the New York beloved of the movies doesn’t exist any more. theguardian.com/cities/2015/ma…
“Since this group villainy was heritable it followed that the children of these beasts had to be exterminated" tmblr.co/Za50bn1koFF0e
“Killing people became addictive. A Polish terrorist with the alias ‘Gypsy’ murdered nineteen…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1knGcA9
RT @HavardNyhus: «Moderne europeisk politikk kan forstås ut fra abstraksjonene «trosbasert» og «skeptisk» som politiske poler.» http://t.co…
@OdaRygh Ulempen er at tid brukt på å følge hyperkompetente seriehelter er tid som ikke kan brukes til å bygge opp egen kompetanse.
“As his carriage passed the assassin Rysakov, the latter hurled what appeared to be a chocolate box…” tmblr.co/Za50bn1kjMAqv
“Lomasney’s team commenced their campaign by bombing the London Underground railways in November 1883….” tmblr.co/Za50bn1kjIXUd
Weirdalification: The cuckoo-like process where hearing a song makes you want to switch to the Weird Al version instead.
RT @masatostudio: This is #Diversity Ladies Gents Disabled & Dalek toilets
RT @secretGeek: It occurs to me there could be whole generations of designers who’ve never seen this far side cartoon. http://t.co/w5ZVOMOD…
RT @jasnoen: Kahneman og Gladwell forteller samme “gode” historie. Synd den ikke stemmer. terryburnham.com/2015/04/a-tric…
Photoset: touristsonsegways: Tourists on Segways in Prague There’s something kind of bad ass about the… tmblr.co/Za50bn1kY9sKt
@Mannsperson Sightseeing på Segway.
Det er noe sjarmerende med mennesker som ikke har et fnugg av verdighet: touristsonsegways.tumblr.com
RT @HavardNyhus: Nei, de fleste båtmigrantene er IKKE fra Gambia. @Doremus42 viser hvorfor han er en berikelse for norsk offentlighet https…
RT @Ingeborgborg: Anbefaler kronikkserien fra @BjoernStaerk om nettsikkerhet. Her om @runasand-nevnte Tor aftenposten.no/meninger/kroni… #nmd15 htt…
RT @mathiasfischer: I tillegg til annonseringen av freden, har du her elitesingles.com i BTs avis 8. mai 1945.
RT @lars_akerhaug: Jeg har undersøkt og sammenliknet kostnader ved å la flyktninger komme til Norge, eller å hjelpe dem i Irak. http://t.co…
RT @thedailybeast: America’s Literary Elite Takes a Bold Stand Against Dead Journalists thebea.st/1ETs1yC
RT @DidrikSoderlind: Fortell meg hvilke satiriske nyheter du tar på alvor, og jeg skal fortelle deg hvor du står.
RT @Muralgranskaren: Modren[Hwiskar]: Jo, Jag förstår att Han är Thin Skydds-Engel, men hwarför bär Han Fleksnes-Hatt? (Anachronistiskt!) h…
RT @DidrikSoderlind: Jeg er sønn av landet som fostret Hamsun og Solstad, og vet derfor at man ikke bør stole på forfattere. http://t.co/lp…
Som regel gjelder det å holde kjeft.
RT @JandMo: Here’s head of SOS Racisme’s impassioned defence of #CharlieHebdo with translation attached: europe1.fr/mediacenter/em… http://t.co…
RT @MattWelch: This @KathaPollitt defense of Charlie Hebdo against its ignorant attackers really is a fine, taut piece of work: http://t.co…