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From the archives: include("") ?> Remember, remember 11 September; Murderous monsters in flight; Reject their dark game; And let Liberty's flame; Burn prouder and ever more bright - Geoffrey Barto "Bjørn Stærks hyklerske dobbeltmoral er til å spy av. Under det syltynne fernisset av redelighet sitter han klar med en vulkan av diagnoser han kan klistre på annerledes tenkende mennesker når han etter beste evne har spilt sine kort. Jeg tror han har forregnet seg. Det blir ikke noe hyggelig under sharia selv om han har slikket de nye herskernes støvlesnuter."
2005: 12 | 11 | 10 | 09 | 08 | 07 | 06 | 05 | 04 | 03 | 02 | 01
Posts, July 2005:
Den nye Islamskrekken: Ordet "islamfobi" har ofte blitt misbrukt til å hysje ned kritiske debatter om Islam og muslimer. [...] The Norwegian Islam debate: Much of what I've been involved in the last few months has been inaccessible to my old readers, foreigners who came here when I was a kind of Norwegian correspondent for the American blogosphere. Like in an expanding universe my [...] Statskringkasting er utdatert: Det er mange grunner til å revurdere NRK. At en redaktør i NRK støtter venstresiden er ikke en av dem. [...] Fighting European Islamism: The terrorist attack on London didn't shock me. I've learned to accept the idea that if you're in the center of a European city, you may experience a terrorist attack. It's part of the world we live in. As long [...] Islamistiske miljøer må bekjempes: Jeg ble ikke sjokkert av terrorangrepene i London. Jeg har etterhvert vennet meg til tanken på at hvis du befinner deg i sentrum av en europeisk by, så kan det hende du opplever et terrorangrep. Og i den grad terrornettverk [...] Nyheter om terrorangrepene i London: Det mest edruelige filteret for nyheter om angrepene i London ser ut til å være leserredigerte Wikinews. Mens ubekreftete dødstall sprer seg gjennom større medier så fort de lar seg publisere finner vi i endringsloggen i WikiNews rettelser av typen [...] |
Quick links
2005-07-30 New post in Dagbladet's blog: The New Islamophobia, and it's about exactly what you think it's about. It's pretty much a summary of what I've been writing in this discussion (and many others). 1 comments2005-07-29 Other countries make an effort to invite smart, educated immigrants. Norway kicks them out. 6 comments2005-07-26 Blogger Tonje Brustuen was interviewed on NRK yesterday. You can watch it online, (Norge i dag, 25/7, 5:30). 0 commentsNorwegian blogger Inntastet rises to the challenge and launches an English blog. For more English-language blogs from Norway (and one from Sweden), see the blue-link feeds to the right. 1 comments2005-07-25 Asparagirl at the Yuppies of Zion: "If a student from the future were to ask "when did early 21st Century people first really start to understand what kind of a threat they were facing from Islamic terrorism?", then the answer for many on the Right would be "9/11", of course. But the answer for a growing number on the Left would be "two weeks ago"." 0 comments2005-07-24 I just got around to testing Google Earth. Wow. It's like discovering the atlas all over again. 2 comments2005-07-23 And the price for unintentionally funny contribution to the Islam/terror debate goes to Jan E. Hansen in Aftenposten, or possibly Jan E. Hansen's kid in high school who appears to have let him reprint one of his writing assignments. 4 comments2005-07-22 New in Dagbladet's blog: State broadcasting is an outdated idea. NRK isn't doing what it's supposed to do, and it wouldn't work anyway, so stop making us pay for it. 0 commentsAftenposten's Per Kristian Bjørkeng mocks VG for not getting the concept of blogging, but seems to have some strange ideas of his own, such as that bloggers are "loose cannons" who when they lose their credibility just start a new blog, like some failed MMORPG player. He also seems unaware that Dagbladet has a political blog, written by me and other amateurs. My advice to Aftenposten: More fumbling experimentation, less attitude and definition games. 0 comments2005-07-20 I can't decide whether this is more funny or sad: "I'm gonna make my bet right now that we'll have .. six unaired episodes featured on that DVD set." - Tim Minear, about The Inside, his third TV show in a row to (probably) be prematurely cancelled. The aired episodes are floating around, grab them if you want a grotesque crime show done with a grin, then start waiting for the DVD's. 1 comments2005-07-13 Jens Tomas Anfindsen in Dagbladet: The Janus face of Euroislam, about Tariq Ramadan. Update: Øyvind Strømmen replies. 7 comments2005-07-12 Anders Romarheim is now blogging for VG. Update: Apparently it's just this one time. 0 comments2005-07-10 New post in Dagbladet's blog, about the need for European Muslims to fight Islamism, the real root cause of terrorism. Update: For once an entry worked in both languages, so I've posted a translation. 14 comments2005-07-07 London terrorist attacks: Eyewitness accounts, Guardian newsblog, Instapundit, Technorati, pictures at Flickr, Wikipedia, Wikinews. .. Discussion thread at Al Arabiya, parts of it in English. 3 comments2005-07-03 A series of corporeal relocations will occur. (Ie I'm going on holiday.) Blog activity will be unpredictable, as usual. Suggested discussion topic for a quiet day: Nyarlathotep, demon or savior? Make a case based on available evidence, (or just state your view very loudly, that works too.) 2 comments2005-07-02 For those who want to learn how to affect a style of academic superiority that lets you hide banal ideas and cheap insults beneath obscure terminology, this piece by minority researcher Randi Gressgård should be instructive. 2 comments2005-07-01 Why blogging has no need for "associations" and "codes of ethics" etc. Trust should come from what you write, not some organization you're in. 0 commentsMorgenbladet writes about newspaper blogs. I'm quoted as being positive to experimentation, while Hans Rustad sees newspaper blogs as an attempt to "pacify and neutralize a phenomenon that threatens established media power." But to the degree that's true I believe the attempt will backfire, so either way we'll be left with a media reality that includes amateurs. The medium is the message. 0 comments |