Forskning på teknologi, barn og ungdom
- Livingstone et al, 2017: European research on children’s internet use: Assessing the past and anticipating the future
- Twenge et al, 2019: Age, Period, and Cohort Trends in Mood Disorder Indicators and Suicide-Related Outcomes in a Nationally Representative Dataset, 2005–2017
- Milosevic T, Bhroin NN, Ólafsson K, Staksrud E, Wachs S., 2022: Time spent online and children’s self-reported life satisfaction in Norway: The socio-ecological perspective
- Sarah M. Coyne, Adam A. Rogers, Jessica D. Zurcher, Laura Stockdale, McCall Booth (2020): Does time spent using social media impact mental health?: An eight year longitudinal study
- Siw Hege Henriksen, 2017: Delt glede er dobbel glede, delt sorg er halv sorg
- En gjennomgang av forskningshenvisninger i Skjermslaver av Bjørn Gabrielsen (2020).