cole.txt David Cole's 16-page letter
fakta.txt Fakta om Holocaust
hitlerquote1.txt More Errata to THE HOLOCAUST STORY: HOW MUCH IS FALSE?
hitlerquote3.txt Are These Quotes True? (Very Serious Question)
holocaust.txt A Reply to the IHR/Zündel's "Q&A" Number 1
irving1.txt David Irving: Selling Hitler
irving2.txt David Irving on 'Ausrotten'
leuchter1.txt "Leuchter Vindicated"
leuchter2.txt Leuchter's Qualifications as "Expert" Witness
leuchter3.txt Lipstadt on Leuchter's Qualifications as a Witness
leuchter4.txt Leuchter's Lack of Knowlege Exposed in Court
leuchter5.txt Dan Gannon's Diesel Lies: a UseNet Response
leuchterfaq.txt HOLOCAUST FAQ: The Leuchter Report (1/2)
leuchterfaq2.txt HOLOCAUST FAQ: The Leuchter Report (1/2)
nswpp1.txt The NSWPP: In Its Own Words
nswpp2.txt The Importance of Revisionism
nswpp3.txt The Effect of Revisionism
skepticmag.txt An Open Letter to Holocaust Revisionists
ZUNDEL.TXT Ernst Zundel