Om beviser..
"I will grant you that there are serious problems with some individual
eyewitness accounts; that there is no written order from Hitler; that
there is no blueprint that says "in this room we kill Jews;" that the
crematoria could never have burned so many bodies; that the 6 million
figure is symbolic and the real figure has been changing, etc. The
reason that no single piece of evidence can either prove or disprove the
Holocaust is that the Holocaust was not a single event. It was 10,000
events that took place in 10,000 places that is proved through 10,000
bits of evidence, no one of which stands alone."
"Of course, in order to offer "just one proof," one first must be able to
define what constitutes proof. So I turned his [Robert Faurissons] tactic
against him by asking: "Can you tell me how you define proof, or what
constitutes proof with regards to the Holocaust?" His response, over and
over to my inquiry, was, in his inimitable French accent: "No, no, I ask
you for proof."
"Final point: David Irving has apparently put up $1,000.00 to anyone who
can provide him proof of homicidal gas chambers. I believe I can do so
but I know how these things usually go: Once the proof is provided the
person says that does not count as proof. So . . . could Mr. Irving or
any other revisionist please tell me what constitutes proof of homicidal
gas chambers, short of a gas chamber with a large sign hanging on the
wall that says: "Here we gas Jews to death.""
- Michael Shermer, Skeptic Magazine
Eller for å si det med Richard Boeck:
"Q: were you present at a gassing operation one day?
A: Yes, it was one evening. I accompanied the driver Hoeblinger. A
transport had arrived from Holland and the prisoners had to
jump from the wagons. They were well-off Jews. There were
women with Persian furs. They arrived by express train. The
trucks were already there, with wooden steps before them, and
the people climbed aboard. Then they all started off. In the
place Birkenau once stood, there was only a long farmhouse
(Bunker 2) and beside it four or five big huts. Inside, the
people were standing on clothes which were building up on
the floor. The block leader and the sergeant, carrying a cane,
were there. Hoeblinger said to me 'lets go over there now'. There
was a sign 'to disinfection'. He said 'you see, they are bringing
children now'. They opened the door, threw the children in
and closed the door. There was a terrible cry. A member of the
SS climbed on the roof. The people went on crying for about
ten minutes. Then the prisoners opened the doors. Everything
was in disorder and contorted. Heat was given off. the bodies
were loaded on a rough wagon and taken to a ditch. The next
batch were already undressing in the huts. After that I didn't
look at my wife for four weeks."
(- Hermann Langbein, 'Der Auschwitz Prozess')
Eller Franz-Johann Hofmann:
"The Jews were asked to line up. It was my job to preserve calm and
order. The selection was carried out by doctors. The instructions
were issued by the commandants or by Grabner. Sometimes entire
transports were gassed. At times many able-bodied workers were
selected, at other times fewer. The percentage was specified in
advance. It was determined by the need for workers."
(- Bernd Naumann, 1966)
Franz Hoessler:
"Everyone in the camp knew about the gas chamber at Auschwitz,..."
Fritz Klein:
"I have seen the gas chambers and crematoria at Auschwitz, and I knew
that those I selected were to go to the gas chamber. But I only acted
on orders given to me by Dr. Wirtz."
Hans Muench:
"I had already heard about extermination camps, and particularly
extermination camps for Jews, through reports over the Swiss radio
that I listened to regularly in the preceding years, but since I
considered this news to be propaganda, I did not believe it at the
time, because the facts that were being described seemed too
terribly outrageous to me. When I arrived in Auschwitz, and had to
convince myself personally that these reports were not exaggerated,
I was very much shaken emotionally."
... som han gjentok i et intervju på svensk fjernsyn i 1981:
""Special treatment" in the terminology of the concentration camp
means physical extermination. If it was a question of more than a
few people, where nothing else than gassing them was worth while,
they were gassed."
Hans Staerk:
"They then started to cry out terribly for they now knew what was
happening to them. I did not look through the opening because it had
to be closed as soon as the Zyklon B had been poured in. After a few
minutes there was silence."
Franz Suchomel:
"So Stadie, the sarge, showed us the camps from end to end. Just as we
went by, they were opening the gas-chamber doors, and people fell out
like potatoes. Naturally, that horrified and appalled us. We went back
and sat down on our suitcases and cried like old women."
Zenone Rozansky, (polsk soldat):
"Those who were propped against the door leant with a curious stiffness
and then fell right at our feet, striking their faces hard against the
concrete floor. Corpses! Corpses standing bolt upright and filling the
entire corridor of the bunker, till they were packed so tight that it
was impossible for more to fall."
Alois Brunner:
"[All Jews] deserved to die because they were the devil's agents and
human garbage."
Himmler, (i et lydopptak fra 4/10/43):
"I refer now to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the
Jewish people. This is one of those things that is easily said: "the
Jewish people are being exterminated," says every Party member, "quite
true, it's part of our plans, the elimination of the Jews,
extermination, we're doing it."
Eller Adolf Hitler selv.. (8/11/42)
"You will recall the session of the Reichstag during which I declared:
if Jewry should imagine that it could bring about an international world
war to exterminate the European races, the result will not be the
extermination of the European races, but the extermination of Jewry in
Europe. People always laughed about me as a prophet. Of those who laughed
then, countless numbers no longer laugh today, and those who still laugh
now will perhaps no longer laugh a short time from now."
"February 14, 1942: The Führer once again expressed his determination to
clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish
sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has
now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the
destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold
March 27, 1942: The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be
described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the
whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be
liquidated whereas only 40 per cent can be used for forced labor."
- Goebbels dagbok
("For myself, I can say that the meaning of this Goebbels diary
passage, IN RELATION to events occurring at that time, has yet to be
adequately explained by any revisionist." - David Cole, en av de få
revisjonistene som tar avstand fra nazismen.)
Heinrich Himmler
"You see, I did not feel I had a right to exterminate the men -- i.e.
kill them or have them killed -- while allowing the children to grow
up and take revenge upon our sons and grandsons. We had to reach
the difficult decision of makeing this nation vanish from the face
of the earth."
Adolf Hitler
"[In the event of war] the result will not be the bolshevisation
of the earth, and thus the victory for Jewry, but the annihilation
of the Jewish race in Europe."
- Norman H. Baynes, 'The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, April 1922 -
August 1939'
"...and we say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it
will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of
this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews.
Now for the first time they will not bleed other people to death,
but for the first time the old Jewish law of An eye for an eye, a
tooth for a tooth, will be applied."
- Adolf Hitler i Berlin, 30/1/42
David Irving
Da magasinet Stern i 1983 annonserte at de hadde funnet Adolf Hitlers
hemmelige dagbøker, gikk Irving straks ut i media og sa at han ikke
trodde disse bøkene var ekte. Han fikk mye publisitet, og tjente en
del penger på intervjuer.
"Now, for the first time in his career, his stand on the diaries had put
him on the side of conventional opinion. It was not his style and he
found it disconcerting." "And finally, there was the fact that the
diaries did not contain any evidence to suggest that Hitler was aware of
the Holocaust -- _Stern_ might help substantiate the thesis of _Hitler's
War_." - Robert Harris, 'Selling Hitler'
Så han gikk ut i media 1 Mai og sa at nå trodde han disse bøkene var
ekte! Bare 5 dager senere ble svindelen avslørt. "Reduced to its
basic components, _Stern_'s great scoop had proved to be a shoddy
forgery. The paper was a poor quality mixture of coniferous wood, grass
and foliage, laced with a chemical paper whitener which had not existed
before 1955."
Etterpå unskyldte han seg med at han hadde vært en av de første til å
oppdage forfalskningene. Noe som jo forsåvidt var sant, men utelot et
par mindre viktige detaljer..
Irving har også et par morsomme teorier om politisk propaganda kamuflert
som .. reklame for munnvann!
"Which reminds me: there's currently a black and white newsreel-type
Listerine commercial showing on American television with a sinister
man intoning the message, "They're Germs -- show no mercy!" and slurring the
G-word so it sounds like something else. Watch for it. And learn."
(-Action Report, Mai 1995)
David Irving avslører en total mangel på kunnskap i tysk når han prøver
å bortforklare flere taler hvor Hitler *beviselig* snakker om
"extermination of Jewry in Europe!" og "die Vernichtung der jüdischen
Rasse in Europa!" Det tyske ordet ausrotten, som brukes flere ganger,
kan ifølge Irving bety "'stamping out' or 'rooting out.'" - noe som er
stikk i strid både med tyske ordbøker og Hitlers egen bruk av ordet!
Antagelig kan de dårlige språkkunnskapene forklare hvorfor han, til
tross for at han påstår at han holder seg langt unna nynazister, hele
tiden ender opp hos folk som ser på jødene som "a particularly vile race
of shriekers and spitters, whose name I need not mention." som en
møteleder formulerer seg.