leuchter4.txt - Leuchter's Lack of Knowlege Exposed in Court

                Leuchter's Lack of Knowlege Exposed in Court


Archive/File: pub/people/l/leuchter.fred leuchter.04
Last-Modified: 1993/11/30

From: dzk@cs.brown.edu (Danny Keren)
Newsgroups: alt.revisionism
Subject: Leuchter continues to parade his stupidy in court
Date: 29 Nov 1993 10:36:55 GMT
Message-ID: <2dcjc7$p82@cat.cis.Brown.EDU>

Leuchter continues to make an idiot of himself, proving he knows nothing
about Zyklon-B, HCN, the concentrations and the exposure times involved in
delousing. In short, he knows nothing.

The following proves that Leuchter's analysis of the cyanide residues in
the remains of the Auschwitz gas chambers is meaningless, as it was based
on comparing those residues to the ones in the (intact) delousing chambers.

[Quoted verbatim from Leuchter's cross-examination by Pearson, in the
Zⁿndel trial, pages 9247-9250].

Q. So, on page seventeen when it says that rodents can be killed with only
1.2 grams grams per cubic metre, we're talking about a concentration in
excess of 833 parts per million?

A. Most likely. I haven't read this thing again and I'm nor sure whether or
not we're talking about the full weight or simply the gas.

Q. Well sir, would you agree with me that Degesh, the people who
manufactured the product, say that rodents can be killed with only 1.2
grams per cubic metre and that's equivalent to three times the amount that
is fatal for a human. Would you agree? We're talking about around
nine-hundred parts per million. And three hundred---

A. Again, over what period of time, counsellor?

Q. Well, they are talking about a time of exposure that varies greatly from
2 to 72 hours. If you read what they've written, they say "various types of
pests react differently to hydrocyanic acid. Rodents can be killed with
only 1.2 grams per cubic metre," and then they say "Larger Bacon Beetles
require twenty times as much. Times of exposure also vary greatly," so I
suggest that they're talking about to kill beetles.

A. This may well be. I've never killed beetles. I, you know, I don't know.
I haven't made computations for killing beetles.

Q. Well sir, I know you haven't but you've come here and you've told the
jury some conclusions.

A. That's correct.

Q. and I want to ask you about your answer to me. I said it takes a higher
concentration of hydrogen cyanide to exterminate insects than it does to
kill human beings. You said no. We go to the Degesh manual and it says that
it requires twenty times as much to kill beetles as to kill rats and it
takes three times as much to kill rats than it does to kill humans.

A. Maybe it depends upon the insects. Most of the work that I've been
looking at, they've been killing lice and ticks. And their recommendation
for general fumigation purposes is three thousand parts per million.

Q. What is twenty times 833 parts per million?

A. What is twenty times 833 parts per million?

Q. Right.

A. 16,600.

Q. 16,600. So what Degesh are saying, the people who make the product, is
that if you want to kill beetles, you should have a concentration of -- of
what sir?

A. 16,600, apparently.

Q. Right. and it takes three hundred parts per million to kill a human
being in a matter of minutes?

A. Or more.

Q. In a matter of minutes.

A. Twenty minutes, fifteen minutes, yes.

Q. Right. And here they are talking about a time of exposure from 2 to 72
hours, right?

A. Right.

-Danny Keren.


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