The NSWPP: In Its Own Words
The The National Socialist White People's Party, in its own words:
The National Socialist White People's Party: An Introduction
The newly reformed National Socialist White People's Party has
fast become the foremost organization of healthy Aryan racial
resistance in North America. The Party's program and
revolutionary political line are founded on the dynamic world
view of National Socialism, as set forth by the great German
statesman and philosopher Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) in his book
MEIN KAMPF and his other spoken and written works. (The much
misunderstood term "Aryan" does not refer solely to people with
blond hair and blue eyes; it is simply the Nordic expression for
White people.)
The N.S.W.P.P. was originally founded in 1958 by the late U.S.
Navy Commander George Lincoln Rockwell (1918-1967) as the
American Nazi Party. The name was changed to the National
Socialist White People's Party in 1967, in order to better
reflect the true nature and purpose of the organization.
Commander Rockwell's subsequent assassination in August of that
year led to a lengthy period of confusion and dormancy for the
Party, but in the 1990's it has revived and is gaining ground
steadily in numbers and influence among racially conscious White
The essential basis of the National Socialist world view is race.
We believe that the Aryan race is our nation, rather than any
particular piece of geography or any specific government. In this
sense we are internationalist, in that we believe White Americans
have far more interest in common with White Germans, Britons,
Australians, or any other Aryan people than with non-Whites who
by some accident of history or quirk of government policy happen
to hold U.S. Citizenship. The Party examines every aspect of life
from this racial viewpoint, whether the specific issue involves
economics, religion, politics, foreign policy, science or
We believe that the Aryan race is under attack worldwide, and
that there exists a very real possibility that White people may
vanish from the face of the earth altogether if something is not
done to halt, and then to roll back, the advancing tide of
liberalism and racial admixture which liberal democracy has
brought about. To do this it is necessary to stop and then to
reverse the massive non-White immigration into North America
which has taken place over the past generation, and to return
control of this continent to the Aryan peoples who originally
conquered, populated, and created its culture and political
Beyond immediate political and pragmatic goals, as outlined in
the Program of the N.S.W.P.P., the Party believes that the
primary function of National Socialism is to bring about a
complete spiritual and moral overhaul of our own people, to
reinvent Aryan man, so to speak. The evil things that have
happened to our race during this century are not primarily the
result of the actions of our racial enemies, detrimental as those
actions have been. The White race has lost control of our own
destiny because we have become spiritually lost and morally weak,
embracing alien ideologies and false principles, such as racial
equality and liberal democracy, which are Judaic rather than
Aryan in origin.
The guiding concept of the Party is best expressed in the
immortal Fourteen Words of David Lane: "We must secure the
existence of our people and a future for white children." In
order to do this we must overcome the true enemy of our race-the
man or woman we see in the mirror every morning. Before we can
defeat our external enemies, we must first meet and defeat
everything in ourselves that is weak, lazy, and cowardly;
everything in our character that is materialistic rather than
spiritual, which seeks weak compromise and accommodation rather
than struggle and victory.
Once we win the battle within our own souls, we will be fully
armed and prepared for the battle in the streets of America. The
National Socialist White People's Party is history's instrument
for that attainment of both these victories.
For further information please send $1 to cover shipping and
handling to:
PO Box 9140
Seattle, WA 98109
Call our Hotline: 206-782-9898
The text of this Usenet article was posted on August 11, 1995, to three
newsgroups separately: alt.revisionism, alt.politics.nationalism.white, and
alt.skinheads. Some formatting has been added by Nizkor. The original
plaintext version of this file is available via ftp.
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August 17, 1996