The Importance of Revisionism
"The real purpose of Holocaust revisionism is to make
National Socialism an acceptable political alternative
We invite the reader to read the words of Harold Covington, also known as
Winston Smith, the leader of the National Socialist White Peoples Party,
formerly the American Nazi Party. The following is his "NSNet Bulletin #5,"
in its entirety, unedited except for the addition of links to elsewhere on
the Nizkor site. It was sent out through email to an unknown list of
recipients, on July 24, 1996.
The Importance of Holocaust Revisionism
The so-called "Holocaust" is the bedrock foundation, the
virtually entire moral capital of the New World Order. It is the
basis and justification, in one form or another, for virtually
every action that liberal democracy has undertaken in the past
half century against Western culture and nations and people who
attempt to uphold that heritage. It is also a seemingly
bottomless gold mine in the form of "reparations" which has
financed murderous Israeli aggression in the Middle East and
numerous anti-White Jewish institutions and projects the world
over. It is now a multi-billion dollar annual industry which,
given the present significant shrinkage in available tax dollars
from world governments for peripheral liberal causes, is now
shoring up much of world liberalism. It is a prop which must be
knocked from under world Jewry's sagging and weakening structure.
Take away the Holocaust and what do you have left? Without their
precious Holocaust, what are the Jews? Just a grubby little bunch
of international bandits and assassins and squatters who have
perpetrated the most massive, cynical fraud in human history.
Once the world at large becomes aware of the way we have all been
lied to and deceived from birth about the causes, events, and
responsibility for World War Two, the Jews' days of lording it
over the earth are numbered.
I recall seeing a television program on revisionism a few years
ago which closed with Deborah Lipstadt making some statement to
the effect that: "the real purpose of Holocaust revisionism is to
make National Socialism an acceptable political alternative
again." I normally don't agree with anything a Jew says, but I
recall exclaiming, "Bingo! Got it in one! Give that lady a
cigar!" I understand very well that there are many revisionists
who are not National Socialists and who in fact oppose National
Socialism. (Bradley Smith, for example, is married to a Mexican
and can hardly be called a racist.) That's fine with me. Anything
which advances the cause of historical truth as an absolute
value, not subject to present-day political correctness,
inevitably helps in the growing reassessmnent [sic] and revival
of the National Socialist world view. It's better to do the right
thing for the wrong reasons than to do the wrong thing for any
For all the immense amount of time and money and effort the
Holocaust industry has put in, and will continue to expend in
order to perpetuate the hoax, they're on the losing end of
history. For one thing, the whole issue is of growing irrelevance
to the masses of today's White Americans and Canadians. Everyday
people are worried about making ends meet, paying the mortgage,
putting food on the table, and whether or not they're going to be
attacked and brutalized by blacks tonight when they go to the
mall. They're worried about whether they're going to walk into
their workplace tomorrow and find that they have been downsized,
that their promotion or raise has been taken by an unqualified
woman or minority under affirmative action, or whether the whole
plant is closing down and moving to Mexico or Taiwan. They're
worried about whether their son or daughter is going to get into
college because of the racial quotas. They're worried about
whether their younger children are going to be sodomized in
school by homosexual teachers or whether they will even learn to
read. The average White family today lives in a constant state of
desperation and apprehension and stress. People simply don't have
time to worry about regurgitated 50 year-old propaganda from a
war most people don't even remember. Let's be frank: who really
gives a damn about World War Two any more?
That doesn't mean that revisionists and National Socialists
shouldn't do everything in their power to convey the truth to the
mass of people. Truth for its own sake is always worthwhile, and
this particular truth just might make the difference in changing
our world when the time comes for us to lay aside the pen and
take up the rod of iron. A mind is a terrible thing to enslave,
and a dose of righteous anger at the Jews for lying to the world
for fifty years would be a very healthy thing for Joe Six-Pack.
As far as my own personal beliefs go, I have examined the
evidence and spoken to men who were there on both sides, everyone
from a former British sergeant who was with the "liberating"
forces to former German SS veterans and civilians. I always found
the whole idea a bit hard to swallow, even as a child reading my
first books about the war -- even then it struck me as such an
illogical a thing for the Germans to do while they were fighting
a war for their survival. In point of fact, I am now personally
convinced that nothing resembling the official version of the
"Holocaust" occurred. If nothing else, the David Cole video on
Auschwitz should be enough to clinch it. One look at the interior
of the so-called "gas chamber" (complete with skylights!) is
enough to make any rational person recognize that the entire
story is a fraud.
But let me say this: if Nizkor or the Simon Wiesenthal Center or
anybody else were to produce for me absolutely irrefutable proof
that the whole Holocaust did in fact occur exactly as advertised
-- it wouldn't make a damned bit of difference to me or cause me
to alter my National Socialist faith by one iota. In fact, in
view of what the Allied bombs did to Dresden and Cologne and
Hamburg, in view of what the Germans and the captive nations
suffered under Stalin, I think it would probably cheer me up to
think that at least some of those reptiles in human form who
caused it all got theirs.
Yours For Victory,
General Secretary
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August 17, 1996