The Effect of Revisionism
"Revisionism is not an abstract or theoretical
"Take away the Holocaust and one is stunned with
admiration for the brilliance of Adolf Hitler...."
We invite the reader to read the words of Harold Covington, also known as
Winston Smith, the leader of the National Socialist White Peoples Party,
formerly the American Nazi Party. The following is his "NSNet Bulletin
#26," in its entirety, unedited except for the addition of links to
elsewhere on the Nizkor site. It was sent out through email to an unknown
list of recipients, on August 17, 1996.
On Revisionism
A reader asks, "What did you mean a while back about Revisionists
needing to make a reasssessment of Adolf Hitler and National
Socialism a part of their philosophy?"
There are many prominent Revisionists -- Bradley Smith is a good
example -- who can by no stretch of the imagination be called
National Socialists or racial nationalists. They are in some
cases what used to be called dilettantes, in other cases
motivated by a genuine and sincere devotion to truth as an idea
and a goal holding intrinsic value of itself, that politically
motivated lies of any kind are bad and should not be accepted or
tolerated in civilized society. In view of the significant
deterioration of our own Movement's character in that regard over
the last few years, I am the last one to fault anyone for such a
view. We need a lot more of it, and please don't take anything
I'm about to say as criticism. It isn't. It's better to do the
right thing for the wrong reason than the wrong thing for any
reason, and my hat is off to all Revisionists of all stripes and
But the fact is it's not a very realistic view of things. One
Revisionist, a German lady, told me: "I don't really have
anything against the Jews, I just wish they'd stop lying about my
people and my country's past." What she doesn't realize is that
lying about people is what Jews do. It is an inherent part of
their racial personality, one of their many ancient cultural
survival mechanisms. The Holocaust lie is a monstrous testimonial
to the Jewish practice of organized mendacity, but it is
certainly not the only one. As terribly as the Germans have been
victimized by the Jewish people during this century, they are not
the only ones, nor is Jewish predation a new development; with
them it is standard practice which they discuss freely in their
own "sacred" writings.
As usual, I have to say that our racial enemy has a more clear
and realistic view of what we're about than we do. Deborah
Lipstadt once closed a TV program I was watching with some words
to the effect that, "The real agenda of Revisionism is to make
National Socialism acceptable again as a political solution to
the world's problems". She was wrong in implying that all
Revisionists hold that view; they don't. But that is the
inevitable effect of Holocaust Revisionism and indeed all
Revisionism, and Revisionists who believe otherwise are deceiving
themselves and crippling their own efforts by refusing to ground
their arguments in political reality. Revisionism is not an
abstract or theoretical argument; it is not only about lies but
as well about millions and probably billions of very real dollars
and cents which are sunk into a massive industry every year.
Above all, the Holocaust is Realpolitik.
Revisionism cannot simply be restricted to the logistics of the
Holocaust, how many bodies can be burned in an hour and whether
or not the gas chamber at Auschwitz is fake (which it clearly is,
by the by.) Revisionism is a Can of Worms, and once opened the
lid is almost impossible to replace. Because it's all connected.
Hippies used to wear T-shirts with the slogan "Question
Authority". Revisionism is, in this society, the ultimate
Questioning of Authority; the Establishment is bound to attack it
on that ground alone. It is for all practical purposes impossible
to be a Holocaust Revisionist without extensively studying,
learning about, and extrapolating the motivations of two groups
of people: Nazis and Jews. They are the central characters of the
The study of the Jewish participation and motivation in the
creation of the Holocaust industry leads inevitably into the
whole topic of the Jewish people themselves, their behavior,
their role in human history. Follow the thread backward and you
get into a whole slew of verboten topics like the role of the Jew
Walter Rathenau in sabotaging the German arms industry during
World War One (Hitler's famous "Stab in the Back"), then backward
to Bolshevism and Karl Marx, then on backward into the Middle
Ages and the role of the Jews in creating usury-based
international banking, etc. Follow the thread forward from the
war and you get into Zionism, the creation and maintenance of the
artificial State of Israel largely based on the Holocaust myth
and Holocaust money, the slaughter of the Arabs over the past
fifty years, the subservience of American foreign policy to
Israel, the financial realities of the Holocaust as a
multi-million dollar industry, etc.
The study of the National Socialist end of the Holocaust leads
into such forbidden areas of thought as Versailles and the
reasons for the rise of the National Socialist state to begin
with (your capitalist angle), the 25 Points of the NSDAP, the
incredible economic and social accomplishments of the Third
Reich, the written and spoken works of Adolf Hitler, etc. Worse
yet, the dangerous subject of guilt and responsibility for both
world wars looms into view. (Today's Establishment still has some
very nasty little secrets lurking in cupboards regarding World
War One, never mind World War Two.) It quickly becomes apparent
that the maintenance of the increasingly threadbare Holocaust
myth is essential to maintaining the entire social, economic, and
political status quo of the past two generations; it is no
exaggeration to say that the whole world as we know it today is
based on the Holocaust.
Take away the Holocaust and both the National Socialists and the
Jews become very different people, almost reversing roles. The
whole foundation of the Hitler-As-Evil-Incarnate portrait which
is now Holy Writ is based on two false concepts: the Holocaust
and the standard Establishment historical mantra of
Hitler-Started-World-War-Two-By-Invading-Poland. Knock away the
mythical six million murdered sheenies and the
Hitler-Started-The-War business is a weak reed indeed for the
Hitler-haters to lean on; it is nowhere near as highly charged
emotionally and much more susceptible to historical analysis and
debunking, based as it is on real and documentable historical
events and not what amounts to the theological mysteries of a new
religion, which is what the Holocaust has become to its
adherents. Part of the aberrant psychology displayed by Nizkor
people in their controlled newsgroups can be explained by what
amounts to religious fervor; people who question their dogmas are
treated as less than human, heretics to be burned and destroyed
lest they contaminate the pure faith.
Take away the Holocaust and one is stunned with admiration for
the brilliance of Adolf Hitler, the vision and accomplishments of
the Third Reich, and the incredible military heroism of the
German people. The whole National Socialist period becomes a
breathtaking and wonderful national epic for the German people.
(Which, of course, it always was.) Take away the Holocaust and
the Jews are seen for what they are, a sneaky and snakey little
reptilian people, liars and land-thieves and sneak-killers who
persuaded big dumb goyim to fight and kill and die for them and
then robbed the pennies from the eyes of their dead victims, a
race of con artists who have perpetrated the biggest fraud in
history. Commander Rockwell once said, "If the peoples of the
world ever come to understand what the Jews have done, how they
have lied to us all since the end of the war, there will be Jews
swinging from every lamp post." He was not wrong. I am utterly
convinced that the Jews have a long-overdue settling-up of
accounts coming, and it may come sooner than any of us think.
All of the above having been said, there are a number of
Revisionists who are extremely uncomfortable with all of the
above, however logically it may arise from their own research and
conviction. They have enough intellectual integrity to want the
truth to come out, yet when push comes to shove they find it very
difficult to give up that Old Time Secular Hate-Hitler Religion
they learned at their mammy's knee and at the movies. I can
understand this; it's hard to rearrange a whole lifetime of
Received Truth and accept the moral consequences of being lied to
all one's life. Not to mention the horrific retaliation that can
be brought down on one's head by so much as hinting at unorthodox
thoughts in one's mind. There are a lot of Revisionists out there
who have far more title to the pseudonym of Winston Smith than I
do; they have earned it as Orwell's Winston did, at the
tormenting hands of a thousand hose-nosed O'Briens.
But truth cannot and should not be rationed. Once you accept that
rationing in principle it leads to problems, as I and the Party
regularly experience when we discuss in public certain unpleasant
and uncomfortable truths that the Movement, collectively, does
not question factually but seems to want to place beyond the
bounds of acceptable discussion. That's a habit we have picked up
from the Jews, and it is a habit we all need to get out of. If
you're going to be a seeker after truth, be a seeker after all
truth, not just the bits and pieces you're comfortable with or
which don't threaten the falsehoods you learned at your mammy's
knee and which you clutch like Linus his security blanket. An
absolutely inescapable conclusion from the whole Holocaust fraud
is that A) The Jews are scumbags without anything resembling a
redeeming feature; and B) Hitler was right.
As all of you know, question the Holocaust in any of its tiniest
details or most esoteric manifestations and from that point on
you're a "Nazi" in the enemy's official demonology, however
untrue that accusation may be. So why bother to do mental
gymnastics in order to avoid the two previously stated, crystal
clear conclusions?
If you're going to do the time, you might as well do the crime.
Yours For Aryan Victory,
General Secretary
"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle
of strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker
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August 17, 1996