Ester Kristoffer vs NRK - Complete coverage

Here are all the articles I've written about Eirik Veum's dishonest news report on Ester Kristoffer, which aired on NRK Lørdagsrevyen on April 24 2004, and the ensuing case at PFU.

Background: I first wrote about Ester Kristoffer's anti-terror meeting and my involvement with it on March 28, 2004. I also mentioned the NRK report when it aired, but this was before I had seen it, and later posts cover the report more thoroughly. In June, I wrote a summary of the June 5 anti-terror meeting at Hamar.

I decided to revive the story in August when I got hold of a recording of the NRK report and the letters Ester Kristoffer and NRK had sent to PFU, the Norwegian media ethics watchdog. Here's a summary of what this is all about, and a good place to start reading. Follow up with my analysis of the report itself, my comments on Ester Kristoffer first and second and NRK's first PFU letters, and my reaction to NRK's second letter to PFU.

I've also published all the transcripts and source documents I could get hold of, and translated a few of them:

Update: PFU eventually decided in favor of NRK. Here's Ester Kristoffer's comment on the decision.



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