Silent movie marathon – part 2 (“comedy” edition)

Shoulder Arms (1918) – In the words of Captain Edmund Blackadder, Charlie Chaplin’s films are “about as funny as getting an arrow through the neck and discovering there’s a gas bill tied to it”. Now I see what he meant, and – dear God – there’s another one coming up. Watched: 18 minutes.

The Pilgrim (1923) – In the words of Private Baldrick, a few seconds later, Charlie Chaplin is “as funny as a vegetable that’s grown into a rude and amusing shape”. Mm .. Blackadder. Now where was I? Oh yes. Watched: 5 minutes.

Safety Last (1923) – On the bright side: Harold Lloyd is funnier than Chaplin, and I did like this movie the first time I saw it. Watched: 40 minutes.

Days of Youth (1929, Japan) – I .. think this is supposed to be funny. I arrive at this conclusion by a process of elimination: It clearly isn’t anything else, so it must be comedy. Watched: 9 minutes.

The Freshman (1925) – Lloyd again. I wish I was watching Horse Feathers. Watched: 8 minutes.

For Heaven’s Sake (1926) – Ha ha, Harold Lloyd’s black driver is stupid! I really should be revisiting the Marx Brothers soon. Watched: 8 minutes.

Dr Pyckle and Mr Pride (1925) – Laurel without Hardy. At last a funny (but short) comedy. Mr Hyde of Stevenson’s novel is an evil and violent man. Mr Pride steals ice cream from children and plays jokes on old ladies. Watched: All of it. All 20 minutes of it.