40′s movies marathon – part 116

Germania Anno Zero (1948, Italy, Rossellini)

Life sucks for all the ex-Wehrmacht, ex-Hitlerjugend and ex-Nazis in Berlin.  No place to stay, no food, an no tolerance for freethinkers any more.  What did they ever do to deserve this?  Oh, if only Hitler was alive.  Watched it all.  The ruins of Berlin are the star here.  Ruins always are.

Silver River (1948, USA, Walsh)

I hate Errol Flynn so much that I won’t even download a movie if I know he’s in it.  (He, and Shirley Temple, but I don’t think she’s making movies any more).  But sometimes one slips through the net.  Then I catch it, for a segment I call: Out like Flynn. Watched: 3 minutes.

So Dear to My Heart (1948, USA)

It would seem that there is nothing Disney did in the 1940’s that I do not like at least a little bit, no matter how far they sink from their golden years.  I can’t even dislike this sentimental children’s movie, mostly live action, about a boy and his adorable black lamb.  I mean, look at the intro sequence above, where memories from a scrapbook come alive.  Isn’t it awful!  But kind of nice!  And so is the rest.  Watched it all.

So Evil My Love (1948, UK, Allen)

It feels weird to watch movies that were written by Margaret Thatcher’s speechwriter.  Mostly in a good way.  Watched: 11 minutes.

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