Book roundup: Terry Pratchett, Rose Wilder Lane, Michael Chabon, Michael Moorcock, Fredric Brown, Robert Heinlein

Terry Pratchett - The Last Continent

Terry Pratchett – The Last Continent (1998)

A novel so awful, and yet so quintessentially Discworld, that it seems to expose the pointlessness of the entire series.

Recommended: Only if you want to be cured of ever wanting to read a Discworld novel ever again.

Rose Wilder Lane – The Discovery of Freedom (1943)

Poetic libertarianism built on a foundation of Stoicism and bad history.

Recommended: Almost .. but I am unforgiving with history cranks.

Instead of this, read: Epictetus and  Hayek.

Michael Chabon - Gentlemen of the Road

Michael Chabon – Gentlemen of the Road (2007)

Aka The Jews of Lankhmar.

Recommended: Yes.

After this, read: Fritz Leiber.

Michael Moorcock – The Land Leviathan (1974)

The 20th century we actually had was probably the best of all possible 20th centuries.

Recommended: Moorcock is a lovable angry leftist, and my second favorite author, but no.

Fredric Brown - Martians Go Home

Fredric Brown – Martians, Go Home! (1955)

This novel’s relevance to online trolling and the data retention debate is accidental, but striking.

Recommended: None of your business, Mack.  I mean, yes.

Robert Heinlein – Starman Jones (1953)

If you’re honest, eager and hard-working, the universe will bend to fulfill all your dreams. (Well, maybe not, but it’s certainly worth the attempt.)

Recommended: Yes.