Monthly Archives: May 2011

..rädslan blir därmed alltid närvarande under ytan

Ideologin  inom psykoanalysen och efterföljande terapiformer av psykodynamiskt slag präglas av att man måste vara uppmärksam på sitt undermedvetna för att undvika att det senare kommer att jaga en igenom livet. Rädslan blir därmed alltid närvarande under ytan. Genom att följa den devisen har man stängt dörren för många funktionella lösningsstrategier. Den australiske psykiatern Derrick Silove gjorde strax efter Östtimors självständighetskrig 2000 en undersökning på befolkningen där man kunde konstatera att cirka 35 procent hade symptom på posttraumatiskt stressyndrom, ett tilstånd som uppkåmmer efter att man utsatts för stora trauman (som till exempel tortyr) och som garanterat lämnar spår i hjärnan. Detta är inte förvånansvärt, och likartade siffror kan man se efter i stort sett alla krig. Det som var anmärkningssvärt var att man vid en ny undersökning 2004 fann at frekvensen av PTSD i befolkningen gått ner till i stort sett noll procent. Anledning var förmodligen att man funnit en sammanhang ocn en mening. Man hade då inte tid att grubbla över det man varit med om. Ett förträffligt sätt att lära sig att hantera obehaglige upplevelser.

Det undermedvetna verkade alltså inte spela någon roll. Faktum är att det inte heller finns andra belagg för att man ska älta det som har varit. Tvärtom talar det meste för att det er betydligt mer givande att efter en panikattack helt enkelt avleda sig själv och tänka tanken att “det var inget att bry sig om”, än att försöka förklara varför man fick attacken. Det är också delvis så man arbetar innom kognitiv beteendeterapi.

- David Eberhard, I trygghetsnarkomanernas land (2006)

..och följden är att vi lever tryggare ock längre, men mindre och meningslösare

Men innerst inne vet vi alla att vi inte är odödliga. Samhället agerar däremot ständigt som om vi, bare vi undviker allt som kanskje tar kål på oss, faktisk aldrig skal dö. Så är det i Sverige, men också i andre länder. Det är ett i allt väsentligt internationellt fenomen som kan ses i stora delar av västvärlden.

Det finns faktisk fler psykiatriske diagnoser som på andra sätt illustrerar statens patologiska ageranden.  Jag var en gang på en mycket bra föreläsning av en amerikansk psykiater som var specialiserad på hypokondri. Hon liknade den omåttliga rädslan for sjukdomer och död som hypokondrikerna har vid en slags försäkring. Man kan tänka sig att man tar en försäkring som täcker allt. Det finnes ingen finstilt text, den gäller vid kärnvapenkrig, naturkatastrofer av alla slag, angrepp från utomjordingar och allt annat. Problemet med försäkringen är att premien måste bli hutlöst dyr. Annars skulle företaget gå i konkurs vid stora katastrofer. Hypokondrikeren har tagit denne slags försäkring, men har därmed inte råd att leva i vardagen!

Staten Sverige har gjort likadant. Vi förbjuder allt som kanskje är farligt. Vår försäkring lovar oss oändligt liv om vi bara ser till att täcka in varenda liten fara i vartenda litet skrymsle.  Vår försäkring gäller alt, det finns inget finstilt meddelande som säger att vi kanske ska dö i alla fall och följden är att vi lever tryggare ock längre, men mindre och meningslösare.

- David Eberhard, I trygghetsnarkomanernas land (2006)

Book roundup: Per Bauhn & Dilsa Demirbag-Sten, Mikhail Bakunin, William H. Davidow

Per Bauhn, Dilsa Demirbag-Sten - Till frihetens försvar (2010)

Per Bauhn, Dilsa Demirbag-Sten – Till frihetens försvar – en kritik av den normative multikulturalismen (2010)

Multiculturalism is a reality, but normative multiculturalism, a relativistic and collectivist approach to how different cultures should live together, is wrong and dangerous.  A free society must stand on the rights of the individual and on a minimum of shared values.

Read: 30 pages, then skimmed the rest

Recommended: Only if you don’t already agree with the above summary.  I didn’t find their mostly theoretical approach interesting.

Mikhail Bakunin – God and the State (1871/1882)

They weren’t very bright, the anarchists, were they?  I get the impression that their criteria for a plausible social theory was that it could convince their buddies down at the pub.  Fighting for individualism by teaming up with its greatest enemies was also not a proud moment in political strategy.  But their hearts were in the right place.  Except when they were killing people, I mean.  Posterity can be unforgiving that way.

Recommended: Weakly.

William H. Davidow – Overconnected – The Promise and Threat of the Internet (2011)

The kind of book where every chapters opens with an anecdote, and everything is tied together in a single idea.  Rule of thumb: When you have an idea that can be captured completely in a word plus a subtitle, don’t write a book, but a tweet.

Read: 23 pages.

Recommended: No.

1950s movies marathon – part 38

The Conquest of Everest (1953, UK, Lowe)

A new queen for Britain, and the top of Mount Everest, all in one day.  Top of the world, ma!  Top of the world.  This documentary presents Edmund Hillary’s conquest of Everest as the supreme human achievement of his age, a small-scale moonlanding.  The climbers are gentlemen heroes, whose conquest of nature depends equal parts on science and stiff upper lips.   Watched it all.

From Here to Eternity (1953, USA)

America’s pre-war soldiers lounge about at Pearl Harbor and OMG they’ll all be bombed in the end!  Watched it all before, but mostly out of respect for its Oscars, and I don’t see the point this time either.  Might be better if it had a Moroder soundtrack.

Fort Ti (1953, USA)

50s 3D sometimes offers the viewer something vaguely 3D’ish, (if you focus .. just .. right), but more often just a blur and a nagging sense that you’re supposed to be seeing something here.  And you get just as nauseus whether it works or not.  Watched: 7 minutes.

Sins of Jezebel (1953, USA)

Introduced by a brimstone preacher whose background history of the world starts with Genesis and ends with Israel’s descent into idolatry at the hands of that .. that .. that woman Jezebel, I propose this as a candidate for the worst Bible epic of all time.  Watched: 10 minutes.

..hvilken rolle Solsjenitsyn har spilt for reaksjonære krefter i vårt eget land

Selv sentrale folk i Arbeiderpartiet og AUF var på vakt mot “misbruk” av sovjetiske dissidenter, som her ved nåværende finansminister Sigbjørn Johnsen:

“Det som fremdeles blir slått hardt ned på, er såkalt ondsinnet propaganda mot sovjetstaten. I den forbindelse er det forstemmende å notere hvilken rolle Solsjenitsyn har spilt for reaksjonære krefter i vårt eget land når det gjelder ensidig å trekke fram negative sider ved det sovjetiske samfunn. Særlig når en har notert hvilke syn den samme Solsjenitsyn har på visse utenrikspolitiske spørsmål. … Imidlertid virker det som om Solsjenitsyn – som har vært dyktig til å skaffe seg presse i vesten – har meget begrenset støtte i det sovjetiske folk.”

Sitatet er sakset fra Sigbjørn Johsens reisebrev etter at en AUF-delegasjon hadde besøkt Sovjet i 1976. Med på turen var også Anne Lise Bakken. Det kan være på sin plass å lure på hvordan Johnsen kunne være så sikker på at Solzjenitsyn mangler støtte i folket. Kunne han diskutere dette fritt med russiske borgere i Moskvas gater? Uttalelsene vitner om mangel på forståelse for det sovjetiske systemet (eventuelt manglende vilje til å forstå). Og på dette tidspunktet var Johnsen 26 år og ingen uvitende jypling – snarere en ung mann som så det han ville se, guidet av representanter for russiske myndigheter.

- Bård Larsen, Idealistene (2011)

..plakater av Franco på veggen, eller en gipsbyste av Batista i bokhyllen

Medløperi og totalitarismeapologetikk i etterkrigstiden er nesten utelukkende et venstrefenomen. Det siste av naturlige årsaker, siden de aller fleste totalitære stater etter Hitler og Mussolini har vært kommunistiske eller pseudokommunistiske. Høyresiden hadde sine galninger de også, men de var som regel for intellektuelle dverger å regne (blant annet ble to medlemmer av Unge Høyre ekskludert på 1980-tallet fordi de støttet Pinochet). Perifere erkekonservative, og kanskje aller mest i Anders Langes parti, bedrev apologetikk overfor autoritære antikommunistiske regimer, som Sør-Afrika og Franco-Spania. Næringslivsledere snuste på Ceausescu og andre kommunistledere i jakten på nye markeder. Den lemfeldige og umoralske omgangen med diktaturene i Hellas, Spania og Portugal (enkelte sjeler gjorde ett poeng av at det var et riktig anti-kommunistisk forehavende å reise på ferie til disse landen).  Men ingen sentral organisasjon sto bak dem, og de preget ikke en hel generasjon, slik den radikale venstresiden gjorde. Jeg har fremdeles til gode å høre historier om konservative som hadde plakater av Franco på veggen, eller en gipsbyste av Batista i bokhyllen (men man skal aldri si aldri).

Venstresidens medløpere er av en helt annen og normsettende dimensjon. De beste fra flere generasjoner – dyktige, smarte folk – lot seg underkaste en renhetslengsel og politiske utopisme som gjorde dem blinde og religiøse. For ikke å si forbløffende kyniske.

- Bård Larsen, Idealistene (2011)

Book roundup: Amal Aden, Steve Aylett, Guy Sorman

Amal Aden - Det skal merkes at de gråter

Amal Aden – Det skal merkes at de gråter (2011)

There are two ways to be a feminist now: One is to put on a mock-angry expression and repeat the old slogans about hidden power structures and average salary differences, and oh dear what does it really mean to be a feminist these days anyway?, to bored applause from those who remember the glory days.  The other is to stick your nose into questions of violence, rape, mutilation and general douchebaggery in minority cultures, where earlier generations have prepared no answers for you, and where independent thought may have you accused of being, or actually becoming, prejudiced.  And noone will thank you, least of all the women you’re concerned about.  But their daughters might.

Recommended: Yes.

Steve Aylett - The Inflatable Volunteer (1999)

“Though he’d fart like a sailor and stamp on elves when he saw them – and only he did – you couldn’t help but respect the man.”

Recommended: “Stumbling after the lost and damned, a buccaneer to nowhere in deserts of uniform? Alone with the skeleton of a sandwich and his deal with dread?”

Guy Sorman - The Empire of Lies

Guy Sorman – The Empire of Lies (2006)

Sorman talks to Chinese dissidents to show that, however breathtaking New China may be, it is still a dictatorship.  The Party has all power, and uses it to serve its own interests.  The Communists have rediscovered love of money, but they have no time for human dignity and honesty.  The China they’re building is a morally stunted China, a shadow of its potential.

Recommended: Yes.

1950s movies marathon – part 37

Mr. Hulot’s Holiday (1953, France, Tati)

How dry can you make slapstick comedy before it’s not even funny any more?  Jacques Tati balances the edge, like an android experimenting with “this thing you humans call comedy”.  Watched it all.

Titanic (1953, USA, Negulesco)

So the appeal of Titanic movies is, what, that you know it will Sink Tragically in the end, so you’re willing to put up with unremarkable drama while you wait?  Ending a story with “but suddenly there was a disaster and almost everyone died” is usually seen as a cheat.  Titanic movies get a free pass from that.  I object!  Watched: 5 minutes.

Project Moonbase (1953, USA)

I believe I detect the Heinleinian touches here both in the revelation that future America has a female president, and in the scene where the general threatens to give the female colonel a spanking if she doesn’t stop sulking and obey his orders.  He was a funny old man that way.  Watched it all – with MST3K commentary.

The Clown (1953, USA)

Crusty the Clown is all washed up.  He drinks, gets into fights, and it’s only thanks to his young friend Bart that he eventually lands a job in television.  Watched: 12 minutes.

..and that human rights do not apply to the yellow race?

The French media and intelligentsia have an annual petition ritual. It’s the fashionable thing for Paris’s literati to sign a text condemning the death penalty – in the United States. However abhorrent the practice may be, the fact is that the death sentence is not given frequently in America. It exists because of a democratic consensus and an independent judiciary. I, too, belong to the band of signatories. Over the years, I have tried hard to get the text to condemn China as well. So far, I have been unsuccessful.

Why China? they ask me. Perhaps all those who are shot down and dismembered really were guilty, they think; capital punishment, unacceptable in the United States, might be good for the Chinese; the death sentence could act as a deterrent to stem China’s widespread violence. Does this mean that the Chinese government is legitimate in killing its subjects, whereas the Americans are not? Are we suggesting that a Chinese life is not worth an American life and that human rights do not apply to the yellow race? That is not the real issue, say some. We would do better to respect the cultural characteristics of the Chinese than to impose our ideas on them – even though the Chinese constitution does refer to human rights now. Between the sinophiles on the one hand and the America-bashers on the other, good sense has been throw to the winds.

- Guy Sorman, The Empire of Lies (2006)

..reforming the banking system is thus fraught with danger

In 2005, Chinese banks began a series of reforms to bring their practices gradually into line with Western standards. .. The question is whether Chinese banks are reformable. The subject may appear technical, but it lies at the heart of the Communist system.

The central government needs better-managed banks that can finance rational activities, because if the banks went bankrupt and the investors lost their money, the Party would collapse. But if banks functioned rationally, they would no longer be at the beck and call of the local Party bosses to whom no bank can currently refuse a loan. The loans prop up unproductive local firms that provide jobs and perks. Without the loans, the cadres would lose their influence and public-sector jobs would dry up. Students would suffer, too: banks would stop giving them loans, knowing that they would never return the money. As things stand, they dare not ask these future cadres to honor their debts. Reforming the banking system is thus fraught with danger. There could be a student revolt, thousands of loss-making enterprises could close down, and the local bosses could become toothless.

How will the Party reconcile these conflicting pulls and pressures? Will it be able to avoid bankruptcy by adopting more rational policies, and at the same time guarantee social stability by maintaining the local chiefs’ power to grant loans? Who will be hit first: local cadres, students, the new unemployed, or the financial system?  Chinese leaders and foreign investors keep their fingers crossed.

- Guy Sorman, The Empire of Lies (2006)